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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.

Dax has, now she has the run of the house, rediscovered the concept of fetching. Here she is enjoying her new ball. Look at her tongue! :D

(The lump on her gum shriveled up, turned black and fell off btw, looking much better now!)

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Glad that she’s finding her sole dog groove, she looks pretty perky there, and also that her gum lump did that (mungo has a wart on his eyelid that I’m hoping will eventually drop off; vet not concerned)
And hope that you’re all finding your way with the sole dog groove; such a loss for you all over the last few months
Big ❤️🐶 to you, Dax and fam x
Glad that she’s finding her sole dog groove, she looks pretty perky there, and also that her gum lump did that (mungo has a wart on his eyelid that I’m hoping will eventually drop off; vet not concerned)
And hope that you’re all finding your way with the sole dog groove; such a loss for you all over the last few months
Big ❤️🐶 to you, Dax and fam x
Thank you so much :)
Amusingly she's been taking herself off to bed nightly at 9.30, with no other dogs to get settled I've been going up about 10 and Mrs SI has been locking up and coming to bed about 11
Had a dog as a kid, and look after my friends one for the day sometimes (walking and feeding). It’s the initial procurement I find most bewildering.
Rescue or buying a puppy?

If rescue they guide you through it. You’ll need a secure garden and they’ll want to know someone is home for the dog. A good rescue will vet you well but will also help find the right dog for you.

If you want a puppy that isn’t rescued, just be careful.

Don’t use gumtree/facebook/Pets4Homes or anything like that. Loads of scams, loads of dodgy breeders and puppy farms who will sell you expensive and possibly sick dogs. If you want a specific breed you can join groups, research breeders and get on lists.
I’m really struggling still since Lucy died. It’s been nearly 18 months and I still feel like there’s a huge hole in our lives despite us having 2 other dogs still.
We sensibly agreed that for lots of reasons, 2 is plenty and we can’t afford a 3rd but it makes me really sad and I want to try and fill the hole rather than accepting the pain if that makes sense.
Rescue or buying a puppy?

If rescue they guide you through it. You’ll need a secure garden and they’ll want to know someone is home for the dog. A good rescue will vet you well but will also help find the right dog for you.

If you want a puppy that isn’t rescued, just be careful.

Don’t use gumtree/facebook/Pets4Homes or anything like that. Loads of scams, loads of dodgy breeders and puppy farms who will sell you expensive and possibly sick dogs. If you want a specific breed you can join groups, research breeders and get on lists.
Thanks, that’s really helpful :)

Edit. Having a look at rescue places locally, a few options locally. So many large dogs seems to be in rescue :( Not sure I want a large one myself.

I think I’ll ask my colleague who fosters spaniels too, she will probably have some tips
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Thanks, that’s really helpful :)

Edit. Having a look at rescue places locally, a few options locally. So many large dogs seems to be in rescue :( Not sure I want a large one myself.

I think I’ll ask my colleague who fosters spaniels too, she will probably have some tips
Think about the type of dog you think will fit you and your lifestyle. If you haven’t owned a dog before then don’t go for one with behavioural issues or a breed that’s hard to train. Labs need work but are pretty trainable.

Big doesn’t always mean more work and more exercise and lots of big dogs are much calmer than little ones.
I am biased though and want a house full of massive, hairy dogs.
Elpenor I've only had experience of having Cassie but we got her in November and it wasn't great. The dark afternoons meant lots of trying walk/socialise in the twilight/dark and if they're a nervous dog then it makes it twice as hard. Obviously if you're working from home a lot, then this wouldn't matter so much.
Thanks Saffy that’s worth bearing in mind. I am taking two weeks off work at some point in September, so thought that would be a good time to do it.

Looby you remind me of another of my colleagues as she has several big dogs in her house :) I am perhaps conditioned by having only had small dogs as a child, and the dog I look after sometimes is fairly small too. Much to think about over the next few months.
It's worth taking a dog for walks for a while to get to know them before taking them on if that's possible. I took my collie out for a month or so and even then didn't realize how aggressive she was with other dogs because it was winter and I hardly met anyone out walking. I was warned about my present cocker spaniel and I have to keep him on the lead all the time when he's out. I'd love to let him roam around but (a) can't risk it in case there's someone he takes exception to because he was cruelly treated when a puppy and (b) it isn't as bad as I'd thought it would be because i'm now with him all the time so am getting to know him better when out.

There are supposed to be loads of dogs up for adoption at the moment from people going back to work still after covid.

Good luck :)
Thinking about when to get a dog.
Big doesn’t always mean more work and more exercise and lots of big dogs are much calmer than little ones.
I've narrowed it down to greyhounds for you Elpenor HTH etc :thumbs:

Already house trained, walk beautifully on the lead; no hair everywhere; calm; sleep a lot; perfect pub dog - yours for around 200 quid.

Yoyo is ready to go 😍


So is Bandit - he's also very young - c.18 months; you could train him for recall!

I've narrowed it down to greyhounds for you Elpenor HTH etc :thumbs:

Already house trained, walk beautifully on the lead; no hair everywhere; calm; sleep a lot; perfect pub dog - yours for around 200 quid.

Yoyo is ready to go 😍

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So is Bandit - he's also very young - c.18 months; you could train him for recall!

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Where are these dogs? I see a greyhound when out walking sometimes, he’s very calm and friendly :)
I wonder if we should think about greyhounds or some other calm dog.

Max FMI de Robespierre, who instigated this thread with his howling prowess, died in September 2022. He was a working cocker and wanted mammoth walks when he was a young adult, ideally with rabbits to chase.

It’s sad not having a dog, and Mrs L has always had a fondness for golden retrievers, but now that she’s the only person who walks (and is the main breadwinner, plus principal carer to the rest of us) a gun dog would probably not get as much exercise and attention as it deserved. So maybe it is time to think about sighthounds. At least they are proper dog size, and they have very appealing faces.
I’m really struggling still since Lucy died. It’s been nearly 18 months and I still feel like there’s a huge hole in our lives despite us having 2 other dogs still.
We sensibly agreed that for lots of reasons, 2 is plenty and we can’t afford a 3rd but it makes me really sad and I want to try and fill the hole rather than accepting the pain if that makes sense.
I understand that - my cat Sonic died 2 years ago and he was my special boy, it still feels like part of my soul went with him (and I am fucking crying now while typing this).
I love my remaining one so much, but there's that hole you speak of, and I think always will be.

Love to you and yours
I had a bit of a shock on Christmas Eve, Frankie was out at night and didn't come in after half an hour. Wasn't too concerned because he's done that before and disappears off into the field(s) along from me but it's safe enough. I went out and looked for him in the garden but didn't see anything. Came in for quarter of an hour and thought I heard a bit of whimpering so I tried again with my headtorch - saw two small luminous things at the bottom of the garden and he was looking at me from just the other side of the hedge.

He'd got caught into some barbed wire :eek: that I'd not previously spotted. He couldn't move but it just seemed to have caught his fur so I said possibly the least useful thing I've said to him so far: "stay there" :facepalm: and came in and got the scissors and cut him free.

But what I really meant to say was that I noticed while I was cutting him free that he was wagging his tail the whole time. First thought was that it was sweet that he was happy that I was looking after him. Second thought was to wonder whether he also wags his tail when stressed because he was abused when a puppy and whether it's sometimes a "I'm not a threat" type wagging of the tail. Does make sense because he wags his tail ... all ... the ... time ... so sometimes it might be stress rather than your actual happiness.
I have a feeling that spaniels are almost entirely tail powered. There's so much energy in them that they couldn't stop wagging if they wanted to!
Confused the hell out of me when I first got him I'd regularly hear thump thump thump behind me and wondered wtf it was.

Someone remarked how intelligent he is but I think I got a duff one. He won't do the smallest thing like move a bit closer so it's easier to stroke him and I don't think he even understands the concept of 'ball'. I say 'where's the ball?' or 'get the ball' and he runs off in any direction at top speed as he does even when he's stood on top of the thing.

I went out with a bloke for a while who had eyes just like that, are we sure there aren't pixels involved?
Lot of white showing around the iris for a dog anyway isn't it?

Might explain why I was interested in aforementioned bloke, if he pretty much did have puppy dog eyes :D
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