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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.

She's doing better with her breathing and can come home :)

£853 though, Jesus. That'll take me within £100 of my overdraft limit with ten days until Mrs SI gets paid. Can't believe if you don't have the means to pay your pet gets kept.

I'm calling my bank. I might cry down the phone at them! Obviously all that matters is getting her home but this is very stressful.
Managed to extend my overdraft online so that's a bit more wiggle room.
Pet insurance very much on the cards in the near future; Luna is the youngest, then there's Dax at 12 and Harry is 13
Apparently she believes her tablets are treats, which bodes well. Here she is this morning, asking for more and looking SO much brighter

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Check on line for the best prices and find out how much your vet charges for a prescription

You are entitled to this and the prescription can be for up to six months supply, so there could be a potential for a saving

I know with our cats meds the saving more than pays for the prescription cost

Eg cat insulin from our vet over £200
The exact same insulin £70 + £15 prescription charge and that actually gets us over 6 months of drugs
Yes when I asked my previous vet for a prescription for online I apologized to the receptionist and asked to pass on to their practice manager that I felt their prices were a bit high. She was quite understanding. Prices for antibiotics were about half.
Third the recommendation to see if you can get online cheaper - make sure wherever you choose to order from has a VMD registration number (ie. they have a resident veterinarian and a license to dispense veterinary medicines! I use pet drugs online, you place your order and upload a photo or pdf of the prescription from your vet).

Vets are required to charge for prescriptions, mine are £20 and that is for just over 3 months worth (100 tablets) for my cat which cost me about £65 to buy online. When the vet tried to sell me that same amount they wanted over £135, so it's a considerable saving even with the prescription charge.
We had a dog visit our main office today, sadly I wasn’t in though but some of my colleagues went for cuddles.

I have been sent a photo of her via Teams and she looks adorable 😍
Hm, I got back from our evening walk a while ago and he’s only just now shown his nose into the porch and then back out again, so I’m suspecting fox shit neck. I’m going to run a quiet bath and have leftover sausages and chicken from the weekend to entice him in with
Hoping it’s all quite swift and painless
Interesting discussion with a local dog walker (lovely woman, really friendly with a gathering of 8 or 9 friendly dogs that flow in and out of her van). I said that Frankie was permanently on the lead because he bit a woman but I thought it might have been that she and Frankie had stopped and looked at each other. She said “I know” and said she’d met the woman who had stopped and stared at her dogs, too, and emulated a slightly-sat-down-and-leaning-forward motion. “And I think she may have run off when Frankie bit her”. She said “I know”, and that the woman had run off from her dogs, too. She also said that the woman seems to walk in circles around the valley, and that she’d seen her that morning, too.

A couple of weeks ago Frankie started barking immediately he saw the woman again even though she was a good 30 yards away. He clearly knew she’s a wrongun because he’d bitten her before.

Getting visitors to ignore him does seem to be working, and knowing that about the woman makes me a bit more hopeful. He does still bark at neighbours, although somewhat less so. One neighbour keeps coming round and looking at Frankie who keeps barking. I keep telling him to just ignore Frankie but he doesn’t seem to take any notice and Frankie keeps barking.
Been away for a week and mr dovy has been looking after the hounds. The puppy, Kopis has been off his food a bit and has been sick. He is also in peak teething mode. Mr dovy has started soaking his kibble and he is now eating it no bother. Can’t wait for that first cuddle with them
As it turned out there was no fox shit but I put him in the bath anyway. He kind of doesn’t mind it but also does need half an hour or so of licking all the bath water off afterwards
The sofa conveniently hiding all the boxes of unopened crap just behind it 😁
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Oh that room seems delightful. A comfy couch, myriad books and a sleeping dog. :)
Nice - I know someone who went for a run one night on a just finished stretch of the M25 before it was officially opened to cars in the 80s.

There’s something special about having a space like that to yourself before it’s intended users take over and change the landscape forever
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