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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.

Camping and living her best life. For Willow it means as soon as we leave the tent the day has started. We are on a slope so getting way more value out of the ball. She did it till bed last night and has started already. Oh to have 1/10th of the energy of that dog.


Yesterday's walk was nice, but even she needed to cool down.

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Our beloved Wiggle is gone. She came to us at 11 years old when she retired from her job on a shooting estate in Exmoor.

She'd never had a family before or lived in a house, never been to the beach. We didn't really know what we were taking on. But she was lovely and well behaved. Apart from her first morning here when I came downstairs and found her lying on the kitchen table wagging her tail.:cool:

She had 7 years with us but very recently her back legs started to go and yesterday she just couldn't do anything. She was well loved in the village and only once did a poo in the pub.

Sleep well Wiggleton

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I'm so sorry to read. Posted pics before reading the thread. They become so close to us.
We’ve been so sad about Lucy recently, it was the first anniversary a few weeks ago and I think we’re quite surprised about how much it’s still affecting us. I’ve been desperately trying to convince Mr Looby we need another OES to fill the void but he’s staying firm on no which is the right decision.

Humphrey has had another grass seed injury. One in the paw and one in each ear ffs. Paw is healed but one ear is still gunky.

Again he coped well with the cone. Here he is making himself comfy in my office. ❤️IMG_2308.jpegWe were supposed to be away camping with both dogs this week but Humphrey’s adventures delayed us then we realised it would be far too hot for them so we ditched that idea.
We’ve been so sad about Lucy recently, it was the first anniversary a few weeks ago and I think we’re quite surprised about how much it’s still affecting us. I’ve been desperately trying to convince Mr Looby we need another OES to fill the void but he’s staying firm on no which is the right decision.

Humphrey has had another grass seed injury. One in the paw and one in each ear ffs. Paw is healed but one ear is still gunky.

Again he coped well with the cone. Here he is making himself comfy in my office. ❤️View attachment 390757We were supposed to be away camping with both dogs this week but Humphrey’s adventures delayed us then we realised it would be far too hot for them so we ditched that idea.
Oh poor boy; I only learned about grass seed problems from one of my old dog walking friends, her dog was very prone to them in his paws and ears and had a couple of infected ones. Hope Humphrey heals well and and can be cone free asap.
And sorry you’re still missing Lucy. They’re so much the rhythm of our lives and bring their own character to it ❤️
Oh poor boy; I only learned about grass seed problems from one of my old dog walking friends, her dog was very prone to them in his paws and ears and had a couple of infected ones. Hope Humphrey heals well and and can be cone free asap.
And sorry you’re still missing Lucy. They’re so much the rhythm of our lives and bring their own character to it ❤️
Mostly hairy dogs it seems as none of my friend’s dogs have issues.

We’d never checked ears before, just feet and legs so we’ve added that to the nightly inspection and I’ve banned them from going to their beloved park. 😞

Thanks, yeah it’s far more awful than I expected. Albert really misses her too and he has been far more subdued since she died. Plus he’s 13 so feel like I’m gearing up for no2 which I know is silly as he could live for years yet.

Apologies for the self indulgence.
Mostly hairy dogs it seems as none of my friend’s dogs have issues.

We’d never checked ears before, just feet and legs so we’ve added that to the nightly inspection and I’ve banned them from going to their beloved park. 😞

Thanks, yeah it’s far more awful than I expected. Albert really misses her too and he has been far more subdued since she died. Plus he’s 13 so feel like I’m gearing up for no2 which I know is silly as he could live for years yet.

Apologies for the self indulgence.

No please it's completely understandable, I lost my soulmate cat Sonic early 2022 and my mischief Radar early 2020 (Sonic died 1 day after Radar's 2nd anniversary) and being without them regularly dissolves me into messy tears and snot and emotional pain.
My remaining cat Jakey is old (he was born 3 months after Sonic so has now outlived both of the departed cats by a long way) and I utterly dread him dying, I know it's going to hit me not just for losing him but also in end of an era terms will recall the loss of Radar and Sonic too.

Never fucking stops hurting, does it?
I mean I consider the love while they are alive worth the pain of the inevitable loss, but some losses you just never really get over.
Massive scare with Luna today. She's had a dry cough last few days that didn't seem to effect her or be getting any worse until two days ago when she seemed happy but uncomfortable. This morning her gums were blue and she looked like she was having to use her whole body to breathe. Mrs SI rushed her to the vet and they immediately put her on oxygen and medication. Then started reeling off the price of different levels of treatment, I mean ffs, she was crying and they're asking her how much she's intending to spend on the dog she loves.

Anyway, we've had a terrible afternoon not knowing anything much, Mrs SI in bits, me fighting to keep my shit together. But Luna's made it through the afternoon and her breathing has improved. She's had x-rays and a blood test and it seems it's a heart problem which can't be sorted but can be managed with medication for the rest of the time we have her...which the vet estimates at 1-2 years.

Thank fuck the NHS isn't like this. X-rays, a blood test, an overnight stay with medication...about a grand. Fuck knows how we're going to pay for it (the vet's don't do installments) cos we just don't have the money saved, but earlier I'd have paid anything just to have her back.

Provided she has a good night she'll be ok to come home in the morning
Vet bills are awful, and there is something that really grinds my gears about it - they attract VAT.
This is damaging for animal welfare and they should be exempt or zero rated, it is not a luxury to be able to get medication or surgery or hospitalisation for a beloved pet who has such a good effect on our mental and physical wellbeing and is in many cases an important family member.

My cat Radar ran up vet bills of over £10k in the last 2 years of his life, he was insured but because he was a bit older we paid a quarter of those bills ourselves plus an excess for each different event where he needed veterinary treatment.

Steel Icarus - I hope Luna does well tonight and can come home soon and that her condition is manageable.
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