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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.

Well she's scheduled to have the lump taken off next week. Vet said it looks nasty and like it's an aggressive type of skin cancer but they'll test it when it's been removed. They're going to remove a couple of lipomas which have grown on her chest at the same time. I'm hoping it's been caught early and it hasn't spread. :(
Well she's scheduled to have the lump taken off next week. Vet said it looks nasty and like it's an aggressive type of skin cancer but they'll test it when it's been removed. They're going to remove a couple of lipomas which have grown on her chest at the same time. I'm hoping it's been caught early and it hasn't spread. :(
Fingers crossed for her X
Baby sitting for son 1 today, the one with the puppies. He's still got 4 waiting to be collected tomorrow.. would you believe for fathers day! Things got hectic! bare in mind the toddler had also escaped in the chaos, and was trying to hot wire the ride on mower at the same time!

I'm just glad it didn't turn into anything worse tbh. At least dolly dog was out the front so not involved
Had an 'incident' last week. My fault really; bad decision...Every Friday at the park down the road, the Greyhound Lifeline (where I adopted both Nico and Blue), have a thing - all the unadopted greyhounds and greys that have been rehomed in the local area, come down for a meet. I've never been able to go as it's Fridays at 10 but I know most of the people involved. Anyway Friday before last, I took him down there and it was excellent - ex-racer greyhounds are pretty stand offish with most breeds unless they look like them; they're not arsed about dogs which aren't skinny long legs. Blue loved it; all over-excited and immediately involved in a big bundle of other greys.

After a while, I took him to the other end of the park where there's a wide open space that Blue knows and runs in. I check it all out; no other dogs off lead, field clear etc and let him off. He did a few circuits then came back and I put the lead back on. As I was walking away, a bloke I'd noticed who had a skinny dog (not a grey, more a small lurcher - something x whippet maybe), came over for a chat and asked if Blue liked to run with other dogs. He does but only other greyhounds really. We introduced the dogs on lead and they seemed OK; sniffed about, wagging tails.

The moment we left them off the lead, the other dog attacked Blue. Just went straight for him. Obviously Blue, being a runner not a fighter, took off with the other dog chasing him, nipping at him every time he got close. Then they disappeared out of the park. I then had to engage in the most pointless sport ever - chasing greyhounds. Also had the not-at-all-humiliating pleasure of running sweatily past all the other greyhounds + owners all shouting 'they went that way'. The park's got a busy road running down one side and I was waiting for the sound of horns and an accident.

As it turned out, he ran home (about 500m) and all was good - though he must have crossed the main road twice to get back which scares the shit out of me. I haven't been back to the park since and didn't go back on the day as I was too pissed off with the other bloke. My fault too though - lovely sunny day, Blue was on his best behaviour etc etc and I made a decision too quickly - he'd already had a run and didn't need another. Live and learn I guess.
Our beloved Wiggle is gone. She came to us at 11 years old when she retired from her job on a shooting estate in Exmoor.

She'd never had a family before or lived in a house, never been to the beach. We didn't really know what we were taking on. But she was lovely and well behaved. Apart from her first morning here when I came downstairs and found her lying on the kitchen table wagging her tail.:cool:

She had 7 years with us but very recently her back legs started to go and yesterday she just couldn't do anything. She was well loved in the village and only once did a poo in the pub.

Sleep well Wiggleton

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