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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.

I've had to go shopping for a muzzle for Kail. Not because he's vicious, ffs the most dangerous thing about him is his farts. No, same utter shitcunt locally has been putting out rat poison inside sausages and chicken and dogs have been snaffling them. A mates 12 week old JRT puppy died, other dogs have been rushed to vets. I can't trust Kail not to eat a treat left on floor so the muzzle it is. People are going to avoid him like the plague now aren't they?
Hopefully you'll be fine with other dog walkers and people you stop and talk to - a useful conversation opener.

Perhaps get a sign "I eat unknown sausages :("
Oh gosh ice-is-forming what a rollercoaster
How wise of your son to recognise the needs, and effort and investment required, in a young strong active dog, and how honest and selfless of you to let Axel go to your daughters place where he can run, and work through his adolescence with space and impunity. I think I’ve met your daughter’s old lady dog on these pages before, she looks lovely there with the glowing ears. It reads to me from your posts that you’re a family that have dogs running through you, in some way or another, and I hope this new arrangement works out for you. ❤️
Kails favourite thing is to make a new friend. Honestly he goes batshit happy if a new person fusses on him. He won't get much of that any more now which upsets me
I used to meet a couple of corgis, one of whom wore a muzzle as she was a dreadful scavenger and had had to be taken to the vets with stuck chicken bones and assorted tummy upsets. The owners used to say in advance, ‘She’s not vicious, just a dreadful scavenger’ and would stop and let the dogs all sniff each other. Lovely dog. And very obvious from her behaviour around both people and other dogs that she wasn’t threatening. From everything you’ve said about Kail and photos of him, he’s obviously a softy; I hope the muzzle doesn’t ruin your walks out together. And how fucking disgusting to be putting out poison for dogs, what kind of person does that
Bit of a first world problem but yesterday I took him to get his AHC to travel to France. 230 fucking quid!

I don't even know what I've paid for. A load of signed papers that took 10 minutes to do. Absolute pisstake.
wow that's pricey :-(
paid £140 each for mine and got them EU passports while in france

sorry for your loss albionism.
I used to meet a couple of corgis, one of whom wore a muzzle as she was a dreadful scavenger and had had to be taken to the vets with stuck chicken bones and assorted tummy upsets. The owners used to say in advance, ‘She’s not vicious, just a dreadful scavenger’ and would stop and let the dogs all sniff each other. Lovely dog. And very obvious from her behaviour around both people and other dogs that she wasn’t threatening. From everything you’ve said about Kail and photos of him, he’s obviously a softy; I hope the muzzle doesn’t ruin your walks out together. And how fucking disgusting to be putting out poison for dogs, what kind of person does that
The problem is that other dogs can actually react to a dog in a muzzle (and on a lead) by being more aggressive. So it might become a self-fulfilling prophesy that you need to keep Kali from other dogs as a result of this.

I do hope they catch whoever is doing this as quickly as possible, but I sadly suspect that it isn’t seen as a priority
The problem is that other dogs can actually react to a dog in a muzzle (and on a lead) by being more aggressive. So it might become a self-fulfilling prophesy that you need to keep Kali from other dogs as a result of this.

I do hope they catch whoever is doing this as quickly as possible, but I sadly suspect that it isn’t seen as a priority
I agree, although I also think that it’s often the owners who react to the other dog being muzzled, and then the dog senses their alarm and reacts accordingly
Which I why I was so reassured by the muzzled dog I met’s owners who dealt with it all very calmly and cheerfully, as though it wasn’t a big deal at all, just a minor nuisance and no reason why we can’t all walk past each other and communicate in a friendly manner while we do so
I agree, although I also think that it’s often the owners who react to the other dog being muzzled, and then the dog senses their alarm and reacts accordingly

yes - think there's a lot to that.

former friend (both she and doggy are no longer with us) had a dog that was staffy-ish in looks, although probably part black labrador and part miscelleneous - dog in question was never aggressive, and didn't wear a muzzle, but other dogs were often aggressive towards her.

Cara is a nightmare around muzzled dogs, because she takes their muzzles off :rolleyes: She used to have a beagle friend who wore one for scavenging reasons (a greedy dustbin beagle, shocking I know :D) and every time they played she'd have his muzzle off in seconds much to his delight. Same with a vizla puppy who wore one for nippy play reasons. Tbf I think taking his off to play and learn 'that's too much' dog cues was a good thing. I've considered one for Cara because people freak out at her rough play, and the prey drive isn't so well understood here in central London either (more and more people walk their CATS in one of the big dog parks here - lots of 'there's a cat on a lead up ahead' warnings. Utterly mad imo - edit: and irresponsible). But in the end I always decide to use a lead and be selective about who she plays with. Dogs love her but they need to have sensible people.
Cara is a nightmare around muzzled dogs, because she takes their muzzles off :rolleyes: She used to have a beagle friend who wore one for scavenging reasons (a greedy dustbin beagle, shocking I know :D) and every time they played she'd have his muzzle off in seconds much to his delight. Same with a vizla puppy who wore one for nippy play reasons. Tbf I think taking his off to play and learn 'that's too much' dog cues was a good thing. I've considered one for Cara because people freak out at her rough play, and the prey drive isn't so well understood here in central London either (more and more people walk their CATS in one of the big dog parks here - lots of 'there's a cat on a lead up ahead' warnings. Utterly mad imo - edit: and irresponsible). But in the end I always decide to use a lead and be selective about who she plays with. Dogs love her but they need to have sensible people.

I used to think it was quite charming how Willow wanted to play with every dog she met (even ones many times her size) and I often got to chat with their owners as they charged around.

However she's become far more aloof with other dogs as she's got older and I'm not that upset. She now really doesn't like other dogs charging up to her and will run to me if they do. She will most certainly snap at them if they don't back of though which is a bit embarrassing. If they walk up tails wagging though she's totally fine.
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My daughter, who has Axel now, started work in a local animal refuge today. Turns out that Axel.. the goodest boy ever... Was born in that refuge, and lived there for a year. Then he was moved to another one, but didn't pass the ' chance of being remhomed' test and was about to be pts. He got rescued by another refuge, and then I made my adhd decision ( sung to the tune of Zappa's cocaine decisions) and here we are.

Absolutely gobsmacked to find out he's never had a family or lived in a home before. He's like a dog who's had one good owner, and regular servicing.

Anyway, she now has a puppy picture of him , and knows his date of birth ( may 22 )
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