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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.


Frankie is doing well, although he’s still not keen on anyone who’s a bit unsure of dogs. He stands back and barks at them, particularly if they stare at him. I’ve always kept him on the lead on the road and on paths but he seemed to be calming down so I was letting him off the lead in the valley at the back of my place. A couple of months ago we met a woman who stopped and stared at him as he trotted towards her. I could tell he wasn’t happy and tried to get to him but the woman ran off and Frankie ran after her and bit her. :(

It scared the shit out of me and I didn’t go out with him for a couple of weeks. So now he’s on the lead whenever he’s out, and I’ve been building up the dead hedge to try to stop him getting out of the garden (photos to come). He keeps either going up and over the hedge or burrowing through.

Days since last breakout: 1 :(

This week I again met the woman who Frankie bit. We had a good talk and I filled her in on Frankie's mistreatment as a recalcitrant gun dog. She was really good about it (even apologized for her reaction at the time which I have to say was very mild). Which is all in all a real relief.

It’s a shame because he’s really affectionate with people he likes, and very sweet in the morning – he comes to wake me up for his early morning treat and lies down with his legs in the air for a good tummy stroking.
I don't know a lot about dog behaviour but I really feel for you - I'd keep him on the lead when he is out though and definitely make sure he can't get out of your garden - if he bites someone and they make a complaint it doesn't matter whether he did it cos he thought they were looking at him funny and it made him nervous cos he's previously been mistreated - and I am sure I don't need to tell you what the potential worst case scenario for him could end up being :(

I think you need to be really responsible about making sure he doesn't get to interact with anyone in a potentially negative way.

He's a lovely looking dog, you need to really make sure he doesn't get himself into a pickle bless him.
Yes he's always on the lead now. I remarked to the woman how grateful I was that she'd taken it well and she said she'd never report him. Others might not be so forgiving though.

The hedge he goes over leads to a couple of fields with nobody near. I'm concerned about the hedge on the other side because that's to a garden and a couple of people moving in soon. He doesn't seem to be getting out that side though and I'm planning on getting them to come round to a neighbour's garden. Frankie loves them and their dog so it'd be a really good place to introduce them.
Ah he looks so snoozy and relaxed in that photo.

Very sorry to hear about the bite thing though; that must have felt very worrying and continue to be quite a challenge
If it’s any consolation, I’ve known and met quite a few dogs who find runners and cyclists a chase trigger. And I’ve known even more dogs that nip when they’re stimulated.
This isn’t to say that either of those behaviours is ok, they’re not.
Glad you’re getting your fence sorted, so he can get plenty of sniffing and running around at home.
Days since last breakout 2 0

This is where he's been getting out. It's above head height with a good 3 ft of branches laid across, he just runs straight up and through/over :mad:


I went down there tonight and he's broken the trellis and there's branches all over the place. I've ordered some picket fencing and I'll pull the branches out and redo it.
If he was a gundog, that will pose no threat at all. He will have been trained to jump that or find a way under. Best bet is wire fencing that’s dug into the ground a bit and stands 6’ tall
Indeed, one suggestion was the six-foot solid fence panels but I couldn't stand that all round the garden. Even with wire fencing (dug in as you say) I think it'll give him footholds and he'll just run up it and over.

I've deterred him elsewhere with the dead hedge though - he sometimes takes a run at them and can't get through so tries somewhere else. I'm just hoping that if I can stop him getting out for a while he'll stop trying (yes I know :rolleyes: ). I need to stop him getting purchase on the hedge.

This bit I'm particularly pleased with, I've tried to weave any living branches into the dead hedge, about 5 ft high and so far he doesn't even try to get over it:

I’m puppy sitting a litter of 10 that shield’s older sister has had. I can firmly say we are not having a litter! Our pup also isn’t coming from this litter, these are all off to be workers

all I’m saying is shit. All the shit, right there. As soon as you clean it, there is more :facepalm:

they are cute though
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I’m puppy sitting a litter of 10 that shield’s older sister has had. I can firmly say we are not having a litter! Our pup also isn’t coming from this litter, these are all off to be workers
View attachment 382805
all I’m saying is shit. All the shit, right there. as soon as you clean it, there is more :facepalm:

they are cute though
They’ve obviously got the hang of the litter tray 😄
He's an English Bull Terrier x something. I was wondering if it was dingo cos of his shape and the red/brown colours.

But maybe a whippit, a ridgeback or a red Kelpie?

Anyway, I love him already ❤️ he's super sweet, loving, clever and funny.

He's one, and it's weird to think he will be my friend until I'm 75. His name's Axel, but I reckon that'll change to Lex over a few weeks
I reckon Axle might be a Bull Greyhound! This describes him to a tee..

Ive owned an english bull terrier, a lurcher, and a whippit before, but never owned a Greyhound.

When he stands up he can put his paws on my shoulders, but he's got a fair bit of growing to do still. And he's been in the pound for a while & needs some decent food & exercise.

He started out in Bundaberg at the council pound, who only keep dogs for a certain length of time (3 months I think) then pts.But the local animal refuge went and saved him. He got a new home about a month later, but the families toddler is unfortunately terrified of dogs, so they had to take him back.
:hmm: My daughter sent me this, she hasn't met axle yet, just seen a picture. This is a type of Spanish Greyhound.

It's really odd because i have noticed he doesn't bark, and is very light footed. I'd wondered if he was dingo/ primative pack dog. He has a lovely temperament ( I know it's only the first day)

Reading about this breed, I saw that for some bizarre reason, a law was changed in spain a few months ago, which meant it was no longer against the law to have sex with one of these dogs. Unless they needed vet treatment afterwards! wtaf.

Obviously not a dog you'd find in Australia, but for the lol I might tell people my dogs a Podenco ;)
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