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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.

We have dogs again! MrsW did a stall next to a rescue organisation and we agreed we'd take a young female dog they had though we waited a bit as they had just got her spayed. Then she arrived with her sister too as flaky bloke who said he'd take her let centre down. Looks like both siblings will stay.

Naicha and Nainiu lying down.
How are all your dogs coping in the heat? Out early for our walk today, hopefully that'll be Cassie happy and peaceful until this evening.
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Mid to high thirties in the day here so we go early mornings and in the evenings. We're up against the mountains so it does usually get pleasantly cool still, though there's usually a really grim week or two in July or August when it's humid and muggy with it and that'll be some hard going. They're flopped on the floor in the corridor just outside my room as I type, the floor's a bit cooler.
ETA Just looked at forecast and we're expecting 38 Friday! Ulp.
Whereas this tit ate a bowl of mint humbugs during the week. Then threw them all up in one large minty pukey lump about 10 minutes later.

Then crapped out the wrappers over the course of the next day :facepalm:

Currently sleeping next to his bed.

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Haha couldn’t really decide which reaction emoji was the most appropriate response to all that
He is one gorgeous hound though
All of those are appropriate :D

Though I was more :mad::rolleyes: at the person who when questioned as to how a bowl of mints had been left at schnozz level in the front room, answered "well I didn't think he'd like mints" :facepalm:

Like he was going to think "yeh, you know what, I'll leave them; tea in 15 minutes, don't want to spoil my appetite"
For a while I’ve been baffled about the massive holes appearing in my underwear. I suspected the washing machine but wasn’t sure.

Anyway last night I got up for a wee and Mr Looby’s pants has missed the washing basket. They were found on a dog bed with bits chewed off.

Fucking Humphrey, the dirty little bastard. 🤢😄
Seen that ^ before but it never gets old :D

My departed cat Sonic used to make such a fuss about having his claws trimmed - full on Siamese/OSH style operatic aria with breaks only for kitty-swearing.
The idea of trimming the dog's claws makes my nails itch :eek:

I think the only time I've ever come out of a vet's and thought "bloody hell that was cheap" was after having the dog's nails clipped for £11 I think it was.
The idea of trimming the dog's claws makes my nails itch :eek:

I think the only time I've ever come out of a vet's and thought "bloody hell that was cheap" was after having the dog's nails clipped for £11 I think it was.

Honestly if you've got an animal that kicks up a fuss (or you just can't manage it due to the thickness of their claws) it is well worth the price and lack of hassle having it done at the vets (usually by one of the nurses IME) - when I used to get Sonic's done the cost of it was £7 and well worth it.
She has such a characterful face, gorgeous little dog

She certainly made friends on the campsite later. It's was a nice site, obviously lots of people go there often and the kids knew each other and we're playing in the stream. Willow firmly joined the pack and had a great evening whilst we just sipped a beer and BBQ'd meat.
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