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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.

We still have Lucy’s ashes here from August last year. Partly laziness I think but also a reluctance to completely let her go maybe? That would be unusual for me as I’m not like that generally.

There’s no significant date or a trip coming up apart from the first anniversary so I want them scattered before that. Maybe we’ll just get up one morning and decide that’s the day.
Nico's been in the front room since June '21 :facepalm:
My daughter is home to visit for a few days. Cassie is so happy all 4 of her humans are together.
Her paw. :D
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I did a rescue run this week to pick up this beautiful girl:

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Sunny Saturday dogs in buttercups 😍

View attachment WhatsApp Video 2023-05-27 at 11.02.42.mp4

Is that Soton common Sweet FA ?

Used to go there with my brother when he lived in Shirley. A marvellous spot.
It is - the absolute best thing about Southampton; a real treasure. So beautiful the whole year and so much history - poss dates back as common land to 500AD; POW camp during both wars; assembly point for D-Day; site of the gallows in the 1700s; location of a terrible zoo (including James the Smoking Chimp) run by the Chipperfields from the 60s up until the mid-80s; Moseley hit by a rock and forced to abandon a speech and run in 1937; loads of ponds, woods, wildlife; a gathering place for the whole city - picnics, parties, family gatherings; not unusual to see big groups of people cooking up curries, bbq, lentils - smells drifting across the fields are awesome. I love it.
Sunny Saturday dogs in buttercups 😍


My big daft lurcher Harry has started whining in the mornings. Usually I'm up at 6 but days when I'm not he starts whining really loudly starting anywhere from 6.30-8. As someone who finds it very difficult to get back to sleep once awake - my brain sometimes takes only seconds to start bombarding me with songs, facts, reminders, worries - this is preventing much-valued lie-ins at weekends and holidays.

Any suggestions?
So the girl is moving and lady will be going. We're camping out on the front veranda atm


I'll have no dog after 36 years of having a dog :( Now no dog :hmm:

Most of my dogs have been family dogs, and migration dogs. All equally loved, but I don't remember ever choosing my own dog. Now, I often travel for work, for a few days to a few weeks. I have an adult man kid who lives with me, who doesn't want the responsibility of committing to a new puppy. But if I got a new puppy he'd change his tune+ a new dog is not short of fam dog sitters.

I do mostly work from home. Or in a space I could take said new dog.

But then there's the fucking rental situation, but still... I have fam safety net if I needed help with as new dog down the track

Do I commit to a retriever puppy... got. to. adult. urgh

My big daft lurcher Harry has started whining in the mornings. Usually I'm up at 6 but days when I'm not he starts whining really loudly starting anywhere from 6.30-8. As someone who finds it very difficult to get back to sleep once awake - my brain sometimes takes only seconds to start bombarding me with songs, facts, reminders, worries - this is preventing much-valued lie-ins at weekends and holidays.

Any suggestions?
What’s he whining for?
For the benefit of the thread, I have found a solution to the lovely Larry going onto my bed all the time, I now put a chair on one side of the bed and it is like Kryptonite .. it just works! Yay for me, and Larry. :) :(

Now I just need a decent Vacuum to vac up all his hairs (which are everywhere, honestly it is amazing he has any left) as my Henry seems after a valiant life to have lost its suck.
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