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The dog thread is better than the cat thread, because it features dogs.

Cotton (neighbour's beardie) used to escape daily and wander off round the valley .... visiting ... other dogs. She had a broad variety of puppies including one beardie/jack russell cross which was the sweetest natured dog I've met. He and my cosmo loved each other dearly. He used to escape to come and come across the valley to visit her and they chased each other round whenever they were given chance. His top half was collie bottom half jack russell. You'd see him racing majestically through the long grass and when he emerged you realized the grass wasn't actually very long and his little legs were going furiously. :D
I'm so very sorry mate. :(
Thanks Tony & every one who's commented. Brucie bear dog had a good life. We feel we made the right decision, and that he went to sleep not too late and not too soon. A peaceful ending for a 16 year old good boy.

One last day in the sun ❤️


And tomorrow we're taking his ashes to my sons property, to place him under the big tree, where all the good boys are laid to rest.

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Owning greyhounds, ridiculous fact #234:

"I am too bony to lie on floors that aren't smooth and comfy therefore I require your top to lie next to otherwise I shall whine under my breath quietly yet constantly while you don't enjoy your pint"



"I shall place my bum on it before you wear it home"

Love at first sight.
I was in Meanwood Park, sitting on a bench, enjoying the sunshine, when this pooch shows up and chucks a ball at my feet with her mouth and then does the ‘let’s play’ bow.
She didn’t appear to have an owner at first and was very insistent that I throw the ball for her. I resisted for a while but gave in eventually. An hour later her human appeared but it was too late. I’m in love with a border collie and I now want a dog of my own.
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Collies are brilliant but can be hard work as they have a lot of energy. My old Border collie, Molly the Collie, saved my life when the squat I was in caught fire. She woke me up before the smoke did for me and we managed to escape through a first floor window.
The crematorium brought Bruce back. I haven't been missing him at all really :hmm: I can be a bit weird like that though. I'll probably grieve out of the blue in a few years time.

I've realised that he'd actually been a shell of a dog for some time now. A shadow of his former self :( I think if I'm ever in the same situation I'd think about it sooner tbh, although all situations are unique. If I'm missing him , then I'm missing the Bruce who wasn't a shell.

I'm supposed to take him to a family property today, to be put under the ground, scattered.. with a few other family dogs. But now I'm not so sure about
that. His best friend Ben is buried under the front veranda, that I sit on every day, his favourite spot in the summer. I don't own this house but it's been my dogs home. I'll have to move some day, but I think I may keep Bruce here until then.


Living with the ghosts of these two


And guess what! I have little lady dog living at mine at the moment!Screenshot_20230527-090506.png

She's cold this morning :)

You don't need to make a decision about what to do with his ashes right now, keep them for a bit and think about it if you need to take some time.

I think it's something that is very personal and everyone has different views on it - I have my deceased cats' cremains in decorative cat shaped caskets on my shelf with some photos of them, I place a very strong importance on wanting their cremains near me. Others are not so bothered about it.
Previous pets are buried in my parents garden, but it's a council house and once my parents are gone I won't be able to go there any more, it hit home really when Radar died and I didn't want him buried there and lose him again when that council house went back to the council.
I accept I am a bit odd about this though, I remember when I was young and first heard that one day the dying sun will expand and might burn up the earth, my thought wasn't that will be a long time in the future, it was well what about my buried pets (yeah I am not normal)
You don't need to make a decision about what to do with his ashes right now, keep them for a bit and think about it if you need to take some time.

I think it's something that is very personal and everyone has different views on it - I have my deceased cats' cremains in decorative cat shaped caskets on my shelf with some photos of them, I place a very strong importance on wanting their cremains near me. Others are not so bothered about it.
Previous pets are buried in my parents garden, but it's a council house and once my parents are gone I won't be able to go there any more, it hit home really when Radar died and I didn't want him buried there and lose him again when that council house went back to the council.
I accept I am a bit odd about this though, I remember when I was young and first heard that one day the dying sun will expand and might burn up the earth, my thought wasn't that will be a long time in the future, it was well what about my buried pets (yeah I am not normal)

When I was 7, I got home from brownies to find my dad in the garden holding the dustbin lid over a hole he'd been digging.

It turned out to be an unexploded bomb. The bomb squad came and evacuated us, all I could think about was my pet gerbils in their cage in the kitchen, as the bomb squad carried this bomb through the house to take it away .
We still have Lucy’s ashes here from August last year. Partly laziness I think but also a reluctance to completely let her go maybe? That would be unusual for me as I’m not like that generally.

There’s no significant date or a trip coming up apart from the first anniversary so I want them scattered before that. Maybe we’ll just get up one morning and decide that’s the day.
Cotton (neighbour's beardie) used to escape daily and wander off round the valley .... visiting ... other dogs. She had a broad variety of puppies including one beardie/jack russell cross which was the sweetest natured dog I've met. He and my cosmo loved each other dearly. He used to escape to come and come across the valley to visit her and they chased each other round whenever they were given chance. His top half was collie bottom half jack russell. You'd see him racing majestically through the long grass and when he emerged you realized the grass wasn't actually very long and his little legs were going furiously. :D
I can’t remember if I’ve shared before but my childhood beardie was a wanderer.

She would get out of ours if someone left the gate open or she jumped it (6ft) and would go to three places to look for me and my mum.
She’d try the Co-op, my mum’s work and my grandparents house. She’d sit outside and wait for us so we’d often come out of the shop to find her there.
She was exceptionally obedient but was still a beardie and they like to wander.

Unfortunately she got out Christmas Eve and was run over and killed.

Both my boys have this strong instinct too so aren’t off lead a lot and definitely not in our local park as it’s between two busy roads.
I've had lots of dogs about town/ beach, but it seems to be frowned on these days.

Anyway, Ive spent the day with the last puppy from this litter. She's being flown to far north Queensland, to her forever home next week.

She's soooo cute, I'm thinking about a Labrador from the next litter. But I've never owned a soft mouthed dog before. I must admit to liking a dog that is a dog that'd protect me, especially as I plan on going traveling about in a few years time.

But these labs are soooo cute !
I can’t remember if I’ve shared before but my childhood beardie was a wanderer.

She would get out of ours if someone left the gate open or she jumped it (6ft) and would go to three places to look for me and my mum.
She’d try the Co-op, my mum’s work and my grandparents house. She’d sit outside and wait for us so we’d often come out of the shop to find her there.
She was exceptionally obedient but was still a beardie and they like to wander.

Unfortunately she got out Christmas Eve and was run over and killed.

Both my boys have this strong instinct too so aren’t off lead a lot and definitely not in our local park as it’s between two busy roads.
liked because she sounds like she had a lovely life, sorry she got run over :(
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