Ah, but then you would say that, wouldn't you?Brown was a disgrace, even more so than usual. He answered no questions beyond those he had planted himself.
Ah, but then you would say that, wouldn't you?Brown was a disgrace, even more so than usual. He answered no questions beyond those he had planted himself.
No, I don't know where you get that idea from. I didn't write anything remotely resembling that.
kyzer_soze said:Aside from the deficit being everso slightly higher in relation to the G8-G12, the UK isn't in so much shit it can't pull itself out via higher taxes...it'll take a while, but some of the hyperbole on this thread is tedious repetition of tory spin.
Not really. It is not "Tory Spin" to suggest that, actually, the state is spending our money on a lot of things that it really should not be spending money on.
Aside from the deficit being everso slightly higher in relation to the G8-G12, the UK isn't in so much shit it can't pull itself out via higher taxes...it'll take a while, but some of the hyperbole on this thread is tedious repetition of tory spin.
Example 50% top rate tax YET tax loopholes for the the rich remain unchanged
You really suck at reading comprehension don't ya?
(This is a rhetorical question, you do suck at reading comprehension.)
brasicritique said:Example 50% top rate tax YET tax loopholes for the the rich remain unchanged I am sick of the media hyperbole which ignores the reality that the budget , and the politicians are useless.
I was looking on the sunny side of life until that budget. Even things that don't affect me like the 50% tax worry me. If a Government needs to take over half of what people earn we're fucked.
Example 50% top rate tax YET tax loopholes for the the rich remain unchanged
50% tax band is not taking half of people's earnings.
When add National Insurance and all the other taxes it pushes the tax burden well over a reasonable level.
Reasonable level for who?
More than 50% of anyones income taken away by the state is probably too much, at least morally IMHO.
Reasonable level for who?
But we get paid less - or summat...I wouldn't mind paying more tax on my pension if they reform the public sector pension schemes which present a massive burden on all of us.
Well for me. I don't earn £150k pa I'm about half that but as someone else has said taking half of what someone earns is morally dubious.
More than 50% of anyones income taken away by the state is probably too much, at least morally IMHO.
That is just a very ignorant narrow minded comment and the worst example of the 'relativist' mentality sweeping away those who are insulated against this crisis. Still no suprise there given posters history
The budget was the biggest political non event since the G20. It is so full of holes and economic variables that its little more than a joke. Think positive indeed
Example 50% top rate tax YET tax loopholes for the the rich remain unchanged I am sick of the media hyperbole which ignores the reality that the budget , and the politicians are useless. IMO there is no party or politician or think tank with the ideas and polices needed to save the economy. This is because think tanks are only interested in the
'un-intellectual' oxbridge mafia. If we are lucky then the economy and society as a whole may recover in ten years time. If we assume that the politcal elite and th eupper middle classes actually want to live in a real society, as opposed to a neo-con utopia. All the polices on offer and all the facts point towards a neo-victorian society.
i am being hard on the victorians given the views on poverty held by social reformers compared to the wadical welativist wallys of today
Even if it were true that they are taking half their earnings (which it isn't even with NI), so what? What's so special about the figure 1/2? Do you have any complaints about the budget apart from the fact a small rich minority will pay slightly more tax (unless their accountants get them off the hook).
Imoral earnings matched with an immoral tax. I'm relatively happy with that.
The total tax burden on most of us is huge.
This is correct. So the hype about the "rich being hit hard" doesn't even approach being true.Yes, and disprportionatly heavy on the poorest in society. The richest decile pay something like 35% of their incomes in tax, the lowest decile 55%.
So there's your immoral tax burden.
No, you just wrote a "hahhahahaha" after my suggesting that actually, cutting some parts of the state would probably be a good thing, as opposed to cutting jobs and wages at the lower end of things.
This might suggest to someone reading it that you disagreed.
No, if you look carefully at the bit I quoted, I was laughing at the idea (put forward by you) that the Tories might cut public spending by slashing SPADS, consultants, PFI, ID cards etc. They began most of those themselves before 1997, though New Labour have obviously taken it to new levels.
They will cut services like they always do, by aiming at the poorest and the frontline services. The idea that they are suddenly going to change their spots after a few hundred years is pretty damn funny.