Hawking's Angry Eyebrow
Perhaps, but one might out that this government has, since 1997, not spent that much on the poor anyway.
IMHO the waste, policies and practices that needs to be cut to restore sanity to the public finances isnt associated with the poor or fixing inequalities in any case, so cutting them shouldnt affect the poor and could easily result in more funding for projects that actually do help fix inequalities.
You're labouring under the missapprehension that governments are capable of spending money efficiently. They aren't. You could get rid of PFI, ID cards and actually get some civil servants who knew how to manage IT procurement (and service procurement generally) and you'd still have vast lakes of cash being pissed up the wall - it's what bureaucracies do; suck energy out of any given system to feed themselves. If all of the stuff you've mentioned was fixed there'd be something else that money would be 'wasted' on.