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The ambiguity of the Ukrainian situation


Hello everyone, I want to talk about a lot of facts that for a long time did not reach both me and many of my friends. I used to believe the point of view that there are no Nazis in Ukraine and that it is a completely innocent state. However, in recent weeks I have been trying to analyze information and receive it from various sources, and everything turned out to be not as simple as I imagined before.
In fact, there are a large number of Nazi radical detachments in Ukraine, all of them are part of the armed forces of Ukraine, and, accordingly, are maintained by the state. However, not only Ukraine sponsors them, the United States is also doing this, I am referring to a recent speech by journalist Lara Logan on Real America's Voice, in which you can read about her investigation.
On the other hand, the civilian population has now fallen into the trap of the nationalist militant groups, they are holding a large number of the population as a human shield, and are not letting them out to the humanitarian corridors for evacuation. The most striking example of this is the city of Mariupol, there is now a humanitarian catastrophe, because the inhabitants are hostages of Ukrainian nationalists.
All these are reported by those few people who managed to leave the city. I hope that this situation will be resolved soon, therefore I am reporting this information, in the hope that it will help in some way. Do not be silent, and try to objectively analyze information from all sources!
I second leaving your job. That's a pretty half hearted and transparent attempt at pushing the rather unconvincing line "everyone in Mariupol are human shields of... checks notes Nazis, don't blame poor Russia for besieging the city, cutting off water and power, preventing food getting in, and damaging 90% of buildings with indiscriminate shelling".

I don't feel like your heart is in this, and nor should it be. It is just sad. Quit.

If this is the line you are being asked to push, you have your work cut out. The Kremlin respects you probably even less than it respects the soldiers they are pushing into the meat grinder without adequate preparation and I doubt the money is good either.
..lara logan of 'fauci is as bad as mengele' fame?

i know you can do better than that, immanuel. how about:

'Even philosophers will praise war as ennobling mankind, forgetting the Greek who said: 'War is bad in that it begets more evil than it kills.'
towards eternal peace​

'By a lie a man throws away and, as it were, annihilates his dignity as a man.'
metaphysics of morals​
The world thinks Russia are the nazis, and Russia's behavior is that of an expansionist nazi state, now seizing civilians and sending them where? to a camp?

Rise up honourable Russians and depose your nazi leader before he ruins you
Hello everyone, I want to talk about a lot of facts that for a long time did not reach both me and many of my friends. I used to believe the point of view that there are no Nazis in Ukraine and that it is a completely innocent state. However, in recent weeks I have been trying to analyze information and receive it from various sources, and everything turned out to be not as simple as I imagined before.
In fact, there are a large number of Nazi radical detachments in Ukraine, all of them are part of the armed forces of Ukraine, and, accordingly, are maintained by the state. However, not only Ukraine sponsors them, the United States is also doing this, I am referring to a recent speech by journalist Lara Logan on Real America's Voice, in which you can read about her investigation.
On the other hand, the civilian population has now fallen into the trap of the nationalist militant groups, they are holding a large number of the population as a human shield, and are not letting them out to the humanitarian corridors for evacuation. The most striking example of this is the city of Mariupol, there is now a humanitarian catastrophe, because the inhabitants are hostages of Ukrainian nationalists.
All these are reported by those few people who managed to leave the city. I hope that this situation will be resolved soon, therefore I am reporting this information, in the hope that it will help in some way. Do not be silent, and try to objectively analyze information from all sources!
Do you like equestrian sports in the buff?
Hello everyone, I want to talk about a lot of facts that for a long time did not reach both me and many of my friends. I used to believe the point of view that there are no Nazis in Ukraine and that it is a completely innocent state. However, in recent weeks I have been trying to analyze information and receive it from various sources, and everything turned out to be not as simple as I imagined before.
In fact, there are a large number of Nazi radical detachments in Ukraine, all of them are part of the armed forces of Ukraine, and, accordingly, are maintained by the state. However, not only Ukraine sponsors them, the United States is also doing this, I am referring to a recent speech by journalist Lara Logan on Real America's Voice, in which you can read about her investigation.
On the other hand, the civilian population has now fallen into the trap of the nationalist militant groups, they are holding a large number of the population as a human shield, and are not letting them out to the humanitarian corridors for evacuation. The most striking example of this is the city of Mariupol, there is now a humanitarian catastrophe, because the inhabitants are hostages of Ukrainian nationalists.
All these are reported by those few people who managed to leave the city. I hope that this situation will be resolved soon, therefore I am reporting this information, in the hope that it will help in some way. Do not be silent, and try to objectively analyze information from all sources!
Fuck off, there's no 'ambiguity' here. So there are nazis in Ukraine ? Big fucking deal, there are nazis everywhere, including in the UK. Including in Russia. Including Putin. Including you. At the moment Russian actions in Ukraine are encouraging nazis, so stop bombing civilians and maybe people will listen when you talk about 'nazis'.

Russian troll, go fuck yourself.
Hello everyone, I want to talk about a lot of facts that for a long time did not reach both me and many of my friends. I used to believe the point of view that there are no Nazis in Ukraine and that it is a completely innocent state. However, in recent weeks I have been trying to analyze information and receive it from various sources, and everything turned out to be not as simple as I imagined before.
In fact, there are a large number of Nazi radical detachments in Ukraine, all of them are part of the armed forces of Ukraine, and, accordingly, are maintained by the state. However, not only Ukraine sponsors them, the United States is also doing this, I am referring to a recent speech by journalist Lara Logan on Real America's Voice, in which you can read about her investigation.
On the other hand, the civilian population has now fallen into the trap of the nationalist militant groups, they are holding a large number of the population as a human shield, and are not letting them out to the humanitarian corridors for evacuation. The most striking example of this is the city of Mariupol, there is now a humanitarian catastrophe, because the inhabitants are hostages of Ukrainian nationalists.
All these are reported by those few people who managed to leave the city. I hope that this situation will be resolved soon, therefore I am reporting this information, in the hope that it will help in some way. Do not be silent, and try to objectively analyze information from all sources!
Fuck off back to Kallingrad.
Fuck off, there's no 'ambiguity' here. So there are nazis in Ukraine ? Big fucking deal, there are nazis everywhere, including in the UK. Including in Russia. Including Putin. Including you. At the moment Russian actions in Ukraine are encouraging nazis, so stop bombing civilians and maybe people will listen when you talk about 'nazis'.

Russian troll, go fuck yourself.
Nobody argues that the Nazis can be found everywhere, but the problem is different. The problem is their level of influence, in Ukraine they are in the government, and there are also military groups that are practically not controlled by the government. In Europe, this is hard to imagine if a given country aspires to the European Union.
Nobody argues that the Nazis can be found everywhere, but the problem is different. The problem is their level of influence, in Ukraine they are in the government, and there are also military groups that are practically not controlled by the government. In Europe, this is hard to imagine if a given country aspires to the European Union.
Course they are, dear. Does your mum know you're using her computer?
Nobody argues that the Nazis can be found everywhere, but the problem is different. The problem is their level of influence, in Ukraine they are in the government, and there are also military groups that are practically not controlled by the government. In Europe, this is hard to imagine if a given country aspires to the European Union.
Hello! How is the special military operation going to denazify Ukraine: when will the mission have been accomplished?
Nobody argues that the Nazis can be found everywhere, but the problem is different. The problem is their level of influence, in Ukraine they are in the government, and there are also military groups that are practically not controlled by the government. In Europe, this is hard to imagine if a given country aspires to the European Union.
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