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The Alt-Right

Bunch of social media vids which seem to show the aftermath of some fash hit and running over counter-protestors with a vehicle
Reports (twitter) saying 11 people in hospital some critical. Also someone saying car was without number plates as was a planned attack.
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possibly 3 killed (hope not of course)
was apparently IWW crowd and at least 1 woman killed
The DM has decided to include this in its report, a claim i'd not seen even on the most ardently defensive rightist tweeters.
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After spending the day amusing himself by tweeting about how he was being refused service at lunch counters Richard Spencer got nicked


He was live streaming at the time via Periscope so you can watch the whole thing from his perspective

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After spending the day amusing himself by tweeting about how he was being refused service at lunch counters Richard Spencer got nicked


He was live streaming at the time via Periscope so you can watch the whole thing from his perspective

Them coppers. In a place with a few thousand citizens.
I reckon not making this about trump's reaction or similar would be a good idea.
Thing is, Trump is a major reason this is happening. And his reaction is shocking and predictable at the same time and the neo-Nazis will view it as encouragement.
"We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides,".....He did not mention white nationalists and the alt-right movement in his remarks.
Trump condemns 'hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides' in Charlottesville - CNNPolitics
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What happened today has to change things, i think. Can't imagine that there'll ever again be a rally called by these groups in the US which will be treated (by police at least) as just a bunch of harmless patriots exercising their right to free speech.
What happened today has to change things, i think. Can't imagine that there'll ever again be a rally called by these groups in the US which will be treated (by police at least) as just a bunch of harmless patriots exercising their right to free speech.
That will be the basis of their continuance - they an eee bung states rights in.

Half of them will bottle it and run away deleting accounts right now. The confed types are going to move away. It's our response that matters here - not trumpsor the states.
They were marching today specifically to protest the proposed demolition of a General Lee statue in the town.

I'm going to have to research southern politics, and the meaning to people of the General Lee flag. I can't believe it is entirely a fascist or racist symbol or those darn Duke Boys have some explaining to do.
I suppose Dylan Roof must have put the nail in it's coffin as a flag just for southerners
After being released Spencer posts a video in which he expresses outrage about the atrocity that took place - the fact that he was attacked and prevented from speaking by militarized police. "We had a permit" "No-one in the alt-right aggressed against anyone". Nothing about the death.

He is also disappointed by Trump's comments

Meanwhile over at the Daily Stormer they see it differently. Andrew Anglin hails the victory

ETA : Spencer breaks his silence about the death by tweeting a link to a "gotnews" story which claims to identify the driver
Evidence indicates a left-winger mowed down antifa counter-protestors in Charlottesville, not a right-winger or white nationalist, GotNews can exclusively reveal.
They haven't quite worked out how the young man they proceed to name and post personal details about shape-shifted into the middle aged man seen in the pictures of the arrested driver but I guess this is still work in progress.
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