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The Alt-Right

Internet publicity stunt that was never going to do anything anyway, just feed the far right Twitter circle jerk. I wouldn't be worried about this specifically, the real stuff is bad enough.
Internet publicity stunt that was never going to do anything anyway, just feed the far right Twitter circle jerk. I wouldn't be worried about this specifically, the real stuff is bad enough.
They're all about the internet publicity stunts. It's their thing, and it does affect the real world, and the real stuff.
Hold on, haven't they already been active and attack volunteer boats before?
They hired a boat recently as a "trial run" and got slightly in the way of an NGO boat until the coastguard intervened.

Don't get me wrong, it's not harmless at all, but it is publicity rather than direct action. They get people like Lauren Southern and Katie Hopkins on board and make a big noise about how they're being blocked by the state from defending the white race—they will have known that there'd be practically no chance they'd be allowed to get anywhere near a boat actively picking up refugees.

The idea is to boost the concept that NGOs are aiding people smugglers with the collusion of the state (as well as boost the careers of the pundits concerned of course) and that's multi pronged. It doesn't just come from these antics, it's in assorted articles and hot takes.
They hired a boat recently as a "trial run" and got slightly in the way of an NGO boat until the coastguard intervened.

Don't get me wrong, it's not harmless at all, but it is publicity rather than direct action. They get people like Lauren Southern and Katie Hopkins on board and make a big noise about how they're being blocked by the state from defending the white race—they will have known that there'd be practically no chance they'd be allowed to get anywhere near a boat actively picking up refugees.

The idea is to boost the concept that NGOs are aiding people smugglers with the collusion of the state (as well as boost the careers of the pundits concerned of course) and that's multi pronged. It doesn't just come from these antics, it's in assorted articles and hot takes.

They don't seem to be making much progress....

Defend Europe Ship C-Star Detained And Crew Arrested In Cyprus Says Local Media | HuffPost UK
Yeah, they've been pretty useless. The thing is though that as much as an observer might think "what a bunch of fucking clowns", it'll just reinforce the beliefs of the people they always wanted to impress in the first place. It was always going to fail and they were always going to present it as the (((liberal elite))) conspiring and shutting them down. While that sector is impressed by pretty much anything, it may spark copycats who see the publicity and want to imitate it.
One idiot has started a group (on google+) and called it The 300, and they post memes of with knights, flags, and lions, they like lions (it had 26 members last time I looked)

Oh and they are ready to rise up (all 26 of them) if they don't get the brexit they want .

I was amazed how racist the film 300 is, the first time I saw it in the cinema and thought it was a great film in terms of the art of it, but a bit sort of... you know... fascist. The second time I watched it an realized it was way way more fascist and in fact racist (if there's a difference) than I'd first realized. If you're not a racist person yourself (or are just blissfully white) you might not notice, then you might wonder if you're some sort of idiot as it's so blatant, very loud dog-whistle.


Right wing activist's warning to avoid "immigrant city" Coventry

Like Milo he can fucking stay in the US.

lol, typical nonsense

Talking about the level of immigration in the UK, Mr McInnes said: “Britain’s been through a lot worse than this. World War II, brutal famines, the fog.”

What is he referencing here? He knows this was a film, right?

Proud Boys are people like this

Frat truly is a feminist issue.

One might be tempted to call them wankers but Head Boy Gavin McInnes is here to set you straight about that

I'm seeing little politics and a lot of frat boy antics.

BTW, Gavin McInnes was one of the founders of shitty hipster magazine Vice. I suspect the former ties in with the latter.
They say that they "refuse to apologize for creating the modern world". I see multiple problems with that statement. Firstly, they didn't create the modern world, or rather they've only created the tiniest fraction of it. You can't say you had a hand in creating something just because you share a culture or skin colour with those who did. Second, nobody except whacko primitivists and a tiny bunch of gobby kids on Tumblr wants anyone to apologize for the modern world in totality. There are plenty of people who'd like there to be more acknowledgement that getting from the old world to the modern world involved a lot of nasty shit, such as the Transatlantic slave trade. But I guess it's easier to attack a straw man.
My impression is that they believe that the modern world was created by white (probably protestant) men and that no-one else was involved at all (except as a historical footnote). The typical delusional, myopic worldview as expressed by white-priders the world over...
The thing is, it's not a defensible view, and t's not designed to be - it's designed to draw lines. So whilst it's utterly destroyable in real terms that in itself doesn't really do any political work.
The thing is, it's not a defensible view, and t's not designed to be - it's designed to draw lines. So whilst it's utterly destroyable in real terms that in itself doesn't really do any political work.
Drawing lines in this case seems to amount to penciling oneself into a tiny little corner. I think you might be crediting these idiots with more political nous than they actually have.
I think you're confusing intellectual coherence with political effectiveness.
You really think that these "Proud Boys" are an effective political force? As opposed to being a tiny group of macho frat boys whose presence has been artificially inflated on the internet by their own self-publicism and useful idiot liberals?
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