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The Alt-Right

Probably says a bit about my small-mindedness, but I would chop my thumbs off with blunt secateurs rather than refer to Yiannopoulis as 'Milo' It always incensed me that Clinton was routinely referred to as 'Hillary' - a familiarity which was simultaneously condescending and sanitising.
It's easier for me to type "Milo" than it is to type "Yanooeappleaovuyez-expialidocius"
One noticeable thing about Milo is his performance of narcissism. That may be part of the appeal. The piece on the alt-right of silicon valley seemed to me to imply that a lot of these eejits arrive in that godforsaken spot thinking they're going to be the next Bill Gates, only to discover that they're LARPing a Dilbert cartoon. Hence the emphasis on technology as proof of the "superiority of the white race" - by claiming membership of same they can satisfy their compulsion to gaze lovingly at themselves in the nearest mirror.
The dilbert bloke is one of them isn't he?
White supremacists have gone through a couple of rebrandings. The first being to white nationalism, which happened from the late 1970s and early ’80s and also involved a move away from Klan robes and to suits. The interesting thing about the alt-right rebranding is that this isn’t new. It has been running around in white nationalist circles since 2008, 2009, 2010. The use of the term “alternative right” was clever because it drops white from the title.

And secondly, it puts “right wing” in there, right? Alternative right. It makes reference directly to what most people think [is] part of legitimate politics. But the problem with “alt-right” isn’t so much that the white supremacists wanted to rebrand themselves; it’s that the media accepted it and in many ways uncritically.

Trump’s election has created “safe spaces” for racists: Southern Poverty Law Center’s Heidi Beirich on the wave of hate crimes
BLM is a bit like occupy its decentralised so who shouts the loudest gets to run their group and if that turns out to be a loonspud.

Claiming the canadian PM is a white power terrorist is loonspudery:D.

Blacks in america make up 12% of the population
Canada less than 3% similar to the Uk actually so politics around colour are going to be varstly diffrent
BLM is a bit like occupy its decentralised so who shouts the loudest gets to run their group and if that turns out to be a loonspud.

Claiming the canadian PM is a white power terrorist is loonspudery:D.

Blacks in america make up 12% of the population
Canada less than 3% similar to the Uk actually so politics around colour are going to be varstly diffrent
Poor Canada - so far from God, so close to the United States (or was that Mexico? I can never remember).
which bits. that Islam is an ideology. if that is what you are askin about, that is all it is.

Not quite. While ideology does incorporate belief - a belief in a particular set of socio-political precepts, for example - ideologies rarely have the structure, the superstructure or the infrastructure that a religion does. Most ideologies don't include inherent threats to non-believers, either, where as many religions do.
Black Lives Matter Toronto Co-Founder Needs To Resign
Black Lives Matter Toronto Called Justin Trudeau A ‘White Supremacist Terrorist’ - VICE

I would like to lead you to really decent MANY black people who refute and are disgusted by this stupid movement. I have many links and i'll send them, but spare you for now

i dont support the alt right in any shape or form

Cheesy, you're fucking well whitesplaining to someone. :facepalm: What a fucking rotter you are.

(Waits for whine about how the Irish are the negros of Europe)
Not quite. While ideology does incorporate belief - a belief in a particular set of socio-political precepts, for example - ideologies rarely have the structure, the superstructure or the infrastructure that a religion does. Most ideologies don't include inherent threats to non-believers, either, where as many religions do.

Is the higher incidence of those extras within religion just a historical accident though - there have been state ideologies (with structure and threat of force), as well as religions without structure or violence.

Not that it makes much difference wrt Cheesypoof 's/PJW's stating of the obvious
Are you okay with Koghali's claims about Trudeau being a 'white supremacist terrorist???'

or did you forget that part???

In the scheme of things, do the comments of a single gobshite really matter, unless they hold enough power to do something about actualising their comment? I don't think so.
Is the higher incidence of those extras within religion just a historical accident though - there have been state ideologies (with structure and threat of force), as well as religions without structure or violence.

Not that it makes much difference wrt Cheesypoof 's/PJW's stating the obvious

Most religious structures are much more concretised and codified, though. Ideology tends to at least be flexible in shifting to incorporate new ideas and new challenges - even Tories have modified their core precepts over time - whereas religion...well, it gives up very little, because the status quo of the organisation is what matters, not the user-base.
Most religious structures are much more concretised and codified, though. Ideology tends to at least be flexible in shifting to incorporate new ideas and new challenges - even Tories have modified their core precepts over time - whereas religion...well, it gives up very little, because the status quo of the organisation is what matters, not the user-base.

Suggested reading?
thats exactly the kind of stupidness that Khogali preaches. Its really bad for kids to listen to her hateful bullshit.

to claim that Justin Trudeau for example - who factually, must be the most immigrant friendly president in history and Canada an example to all nations -a 'white supremacist terrorist' just speaks of the poisonous bullshit that i am not surprised, intelligent black people want to get away from.

and lets not mention the stupid tweet she did praying to Allah that she would not kill white people....'Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here today. Plz plz plz."
which she then deleted.:facepalm:
Black Lives Matter Toronto speaks out on controversy over 'cuss/kill' tweet

As a broad claim, the fact that Justin Trudeau, just like his dad and many other Canadian presidents, has done little to help the lot of First Nations people, although it's in his power to do so, makes him arguably a "white supremacist", and the fact that he holds the reins of power of a state that has a legitimated monopoly on the use of violence against "the people" makes him, like other state officials, a terrorist to this anarchist.
Probably says a bit about my small-mindedness, but I would chop my thumbs off with blunt secateurs rather than refer to Yiannopoulis as 'Milo' It always incensed me that Clinton was routinely referred to as 'Hillary' - a familiarity which was simultaneously condescending and sanitising.
Yeh. But try spelling yiannopoulis when you're pissed.
Good article on the scum's intellectual pretensions:

Aliens, Antisemitism, and Academia | Jacobin

Heidegger meets Von Daniken - really!
Idris2002 The authors like the Radical Enlightenment by Jonathan Israel
Been seeing counter-enlightment stuff in the weirdest places recently

Kanth: A 400-Year Program of Modernist Thinking is Exploding
Mar 9, 2017
The Eurocentric modernist program, according to Kanth, has four planks: a blind faith in science; a self-serving belief in progress; rampant materialism; and a penchant for using state violence to achieve its ends. In a nutshell, it’s a habit of placing individual self-interest above the welfare of community and society.
Utopian dreamers have often longed for a more hospitable way of living. But Kanth believes that when they look to politics, economics or philosophy for answers, they are missing the best inspiration: human anthropology.
Funnily enough, a google search for 'Nazi Dilbert' brings up this:

The Dilbert guy promises to assassinate Trump if he acts even slightly Hitlerish

Does describe him as a big-time Trumper, mind.

(that appears to be a conservative anti-Trump site, at first glance)

I just had a look at his blog, it's unbelievable how full of shit the man is on every single subject that he addresses. Here he is attempting to explain how Trump is solving income inequality:

As I have often said, economies run on psychology, and Trump is a master of psychology. He proved that already by injecting enough optimism into the system that it goosed the stock market, and business confidence in general. That should translate into more investments and a better economy.

The Trump administration also recently tightened their connection to historically black colleges to see how they can help. The best way to reduce income inequality is to address the hardest cases first, to get the most bang for the buck. And the African-American community is coming from the deepest hole. We see no results there yet, but the move makes sense from the perspective of addressing income inequality.

The Trump administration remains skeptical of climate change alarmism for now. Aggressive remediation would cost jobs, which would make income inequality worse. So Trump is on the right side of climate change when it comes to income inequality. But what if climate change is the disaster that most scientists believe it will be? What does that do to income inequality?

Well, my best guess is that the disruption from warming would force the top 1% to hire lots of people to fix all the problems caused by the climate. We might need that sort of global challenge to create enough human jobs as the robots start taking all of the manufacturing work and more.
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