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The 7/7 Report

Prole said:
Nice one squeegee good to know someone is capable of actually thinking through the implications of blindly believing ...
Tell you what. Why don't you just stop breathing for a few minutes.

You have been told that breathing is good for you, yeah. By lots of people. But - and it is a big but - have they ever proved that to you? I bet they fucking haven't. It's probably a global conspiracy by oxygen manufacturers to get you to use their product ...

So why don't you try stopping to see what happens? Just for, say, five minutes or so. Do pop back and let us know how it goes. :rolleyes:
squeegee said:
The truth does not emerge. It is revealed. And someone has to do the revealing.

The questions are based on reasonable doubt and nothing here has lessened that doubt, in fact, in some cases, it has confirmed it, since it has confirmed how some people are so easily tricked into denying what is staring right in front of them

Prole said:
Nice one squeegee good to know someone is capable of actually thinking through the implications of blindly believing ...

Prole only posts on 7/7 threads, BTW, to promote her ''July Seventh truth'' conspiraloon site. She does nt contribute anything anywhere else on u75 as far as I know.

urban FAQ& rules said:
2. No advertising of any kind. We are not interested in hearing about your company/website/club/product/new song/gig/glowing rave underpants. This is a non-profit, community discussion forum, not a free advertising resource and offenders will be given a spanked botty...
10. Nutters 'Sheeple'-accusing, bigoted gun nuts, ranting xenophobes, cut'n'pasters, God-squad, disruptive 'comical' alter-egos, conspiraloons, fruitloops and small minded bigots are not welcome.

Although all this conspiraloonery does arguably add to the gaiety of the nation...

But it also makes sensible discussion of London's worst terror attack rather difficult, and heated.
detective-boy said:
Tell you what. Why don't you just stop breathing for a few minutes.

You have been told that breathing is good for you, yeah. By lots of people. But - and it is a big but - have they ever proved that to you? I bet they fucking haven't. It's probably a global conspiracy by oxygen manufacturers to get you to use their product ...

So why don't you try stopping to see what happens? Just for, say, five minutes or so. Do pop back and let us know how it goes. :rolleyes:

Oxygen is actually a very dangerous substance, and can be toxic at high levels. In fact, at low levels there is research to suggest oxygen it is carciogenic. It can also be a fire hazard...!

Personally, its not that a good idea to breathe it...!
Badger Kitten said:
Some of us are campaigning for an independent inquiry. If you want to help with that, stop trying to hi-jack it with stupid conspiraloonery nonsense.


BK Whatever a person's politicial or religious views, beliefs in conspiracies, mistrust of official narrative etc does not exclude them from demanding to know the truth. Hijack? Are the 'conspiraloons' really that powereful, I'm suprised. If you mean 'shut up' then No BK.

We are all (every single person) equally entitled to know what actually happened that day.
And ask whether your twisted ideaologies are actually part of the problem, not the solution. Do you know how many stupid conspiracy theories are flying around, and the damage they do
Who decides whose idealogies are twisted? You?

A call for Truth and Justice goes way beyond anything you've said BK.

Those of us who remember when young Irish men and women were picked off the streets of our communities have some sympathy for the Muslim community. The sense of 'collective guilt' they are all supposed to share. We now live in a society (since 7/7) where armed police can mount totally outrageous non-intellegence led raids which lead to the near murder of a young Muslim man. The demonisation of a 'religious group' - near 'persecution' with raids on homes not unsimilar to the sorts of raids carried out against the Jews in Nazi Germany BK. Where's the outrage? Or do we accept all this now? All on the basis of 7/7? The 'New Now' as Peter Power advised on Newsnight 'where we all must live in fear of another 7/7'? 'The rules of the game changed on 7/7' said Blair, changed by and for whom? Is this the society you want to bring kids up in, I don't.

I don't accept it BK, nor do many others, 7/7 was bigger than the event, it has masssive implications, for all of us. On that basis I personally, as does everyone else on this planet, am entiltled to hold my own views and campaign for full disclosure and the release of the evidence.

BTW Thanks for letting me know just how much impact the campaign is having, and I just thought it was a couple of people sitting on forums and building websites, we are obviously far more effective and powerful, given the lack of main stream media coverage, than we ever hoped to be.

We are all on the same side, if we are on the side of Truth and Justice.
Prole said:
BK Whatever a person's politicial or religious views, beliefs in conspiracies, mistrust of official narrative etc does not exclude them from demanding to know the truth. Hijack? Are the 'conspiraloons' really that powereful, I'm suprised. If you mean 'shut up' then No BK.

We are all (every single person) equally entitled to know what actually happened that day.

Who decides whose idealogies are twisted? You?

A call for Truth and Justice goes way beyond anything you've said BK.

Those of us who remember when young Irish men and women were picked off the streets of our communities have some sympathy for the Muslim community. The sense of 'collective guilt' they are all supposed to share. We now live in a society (since 7/7) where armed police can mount totally outrageous non-intellegence led raids which lead to the near murder of a young Muslim man. The demonisation of a 'religious group' - near 'persecution' with raids on homes not unsimilar to the sorts of raids carried out against the Jews in Nazi Germany BK. Where's the outrage? Or do we accept all this now? All on the basis of 7/7? The 'New Now' as Peter Power advised on Newsnight 'where we all must live in fear of another 7/7'? 'The rules of the game changed on 7/7' said Blair, changed by and for whom? Is this the society you want to bring kids up in, I don't.

I don't accept it BK, nor do many others, 7/7 was bigger than the event, it has masssive implications, for all of us. On that basis I personally, as does everyone else on this planet, am entiltled to hold my own views and campaign for full disclosure and the release of the evidence.

BTW Thanks for letting me know just how much impact the campaign is having, and I just thought it was a couple of people sitting on forums and building websites, we are obviously far more effective and powerful, given the lack of main stream media coverage, than we ever hoped to be.

Um... I think BK was being polite... The only person who takes this remotely serious is a do-lally, fruitlooped, frumpy fuckwit of a woman who is sad enough to spend a lovely summers morning spouting spiteful nonsense. And, Prole, if you want to learn identity look in the mirror. It's you...!

(Once I finish my coffee I will be out to enjoy this lovely morning...!)
Prole said:
We are all on the same side, if we are on the side of Truth and Justice.
The only 'truth' you're interested in the one that suits your twisted, distorted conspiraloop agenda.
Prole said:
Thanks for letting me know just how much impact the campaign is having, and I just thought it was a couple of people sitting on forums and building websites, we are obviously far more effective and powerful, given the lack of main stream media coverage, than we ever hoped to be..
Get a fucking grip. You're a deluded irrelevance, like a pissed up pub bore going on about pixies.
editor said:
The only 'truth' you're interested in the one that suits your twisted, distorted conspiraloop agenda.Get a fucking grip. You're a deluded irrelevance, like a pissed up pub bore going on about pixies.
Could you explain this to BK who claims I am hijacking the campaign for an Inquiry. She was the one implying the effect our campaign was having. Why not tell her?
Prole said:
Describe how they could be confused with actual news please.
Oh for fuck's sake. The media was desperate for news, confusion was everywhere and all sorts of conflicting reports were being sent out. That's what happens when major atrocities like this happen, you see.

But in the cold light of day, it's it's all been explained in full by the people concerned, with subsequent comments here by people like detective-boy who actually knows what he's talking about because he makes the fucking things.

How many corporate exercises have you been involved with, prole?
Will you list the companies involved too?

And why are you ignoring the words of someone who is clearly far, far, far more experienced on the subject than you?
Prole said:
Could you explain this to BK who claims I am hijacking the campaign for an Inquiry.
I'm telling you because you're on my site and I'm reacting to the bullshit that you post here.

Personally, think you're a tragically obsessed irrelevance with a deeply over-inflated idea of your own importance and an inability to understand why people find your clueless - and highly selective - trawling for 'facts' an embarrassment.

You've had ample chance to state your case here, so how come you've ended up as a laughing stock?

Why is that do you think? urban75 posters cover a wide range of opinions with a a broad sweep of the political spectrum, so how come you've failed to make a mark with your 'truth' campaign?

Any idea?
editor said:
Oh for fuck's sake. The media was desperate for news, confusion was everywhere and all sorts of conflicting reports were being sent out. That's what happens when major atrocities like this happen, you see.

But in the cold light of day, it's it's all been explained in full by the people concerned, with subsequent comments here by people like detective-boy who actually knows what he's talking about because he makes the fucking things.

How many corporate exercises have you been involved with, prole?
Will you list the companies involved too?

And why are you ignoring the words of someone who is clearly far, far, far more experienced on the subject than you?
Which is precisely why I asked him to explain how the broadcasts were confused with real news. It just seemed that the mock broadcasts must have been very realistic, which is why I asked what they were like.

When the news bulletins started coming on, people began to say how realistic our exercise was – not realising that there really was an attack. We then became involved in a real crisis which we had to manage for the company.”
Mr Power added:”
editor said:
I'm telling you because you're on my site and I'm reacting to the bullshit that you post here.

Personally, think you're a tragically obsessed irrelevance with a deeply over-inflated idea of your own importance and an inability to understand why people find your clueless - and highly selective - trawling for 'facts' an embarrassment.

You've had ample chance to state your case here, so how come you've ended up as a laughing stock?

Why is that do you think? urban75 posters cover a wide range of opinions with a a broad sweep of the political spectrum, so how come you've failed to make a mark with your 'truth' campaign?

Any idea?

I didn't exactly come here to make friends, I expect to be attacked, although I hadn't realised the low level of debate that would occur amongst some people.

It is interesting for me to know what & how views about 7/7 are expressed amongst mainly white liberal professionals.

i've said it before ed, you could always ban me. Until then you can choose to ignore what I post or at least let me answer some of the wild accusations that are posted about/against me.
Dear Prole,

Thanks for the patronising lecture, which surpises me not one jot.

Perhaps you would care to answer this,
How come not one single survivor or bereaved family has ever welcomed, joined, expressed interest in your laughable website and mendacious little ''campaign''?

Surely, all the people whose lives were directly affected by 7/7 might be expected to welcome your ''support'' and your efforts, which clearly take up a great deal of your time.

Yet, they have no time for you.( And that is being polite)

Why could this be, do you think?

Since you seem to have zero self-awareness, I will throw that one open to the board...
Prole said:
I didn't exactly come here to make friends, I expect to be attacked, although I hadn't realised the low level of debate that would occur amongst some people.
And there you go again, blaming others for your own inability to offer a credible argument.
Prole said:
Which is precisely why I asked him to explain how the broadcasts were confused with real news. It just seemed that the mock broadcasts must have been very realistic, which is why I asked what they were like.
You really haven't a fucking clue have you?

You're in a room doing a terrorist exercise. You are being fed information from "outside" and the exercise is entirely based on that (despite what some clueless morons keep on insisting).

Of course it's going to get confusing when people start telling you that something similar is actually happening.

Why is this so hard for your simple brain to understand? And what point are you actually trying to make here? You've been told how these exercises work.

Oh, and I'm still waiting for information about who "verified" these emails, what the process involved and the details of their technical qualifications.

Can you do that or am I just supposed to trust you and that fucking idiot with the talking dog and the fake charity?
Badger Kitten said:
Dear Prole,

Thanks for the patronising lecture, which surpises me not one jot.

Perhaps you would care to answer this,
How come not one single survivor or bereaved family has ever welcomed, joined, expressed interest in your laughable website and mendacious little ''campaign''?

Surely, all the people whose lives were directly affected by 7/7 might be expected to welcome your ''support'' and your efforts, which clearly take up a great deal of your time.

Yet, they have no time for you.( And that is being polite)

Why could this be, do you think?

Since you seem to have zero self-awareness, I will throw that one open to the board...
We are all directly effected by that day, we are all living under a state governed by the principle that 'the rules of the game have changed'.

At one time, different opposing and conflicting views were acceptable in our society. It was called Free Speech. Now anyone who dares to hold a banner with a George Orwell quote is arrested under new Anti-terror laws.

As for survivors and bereaved, some have been in touch. Although I expect the majority of them will have no idea we exist. Why would they? We get no MSM coverage do we?

What are your view on holding an inquiry under the Inquiries Act 2005 btw?
editor said:
You really haven't a fucking clue have you?

You're in a room doing a terrorist exercise. You are being fed information from "outside" and the exercise is entirely based on that (despite what some clueless morons keep on insisting).

Of course it's going to get confusing when people start telling you that something similar is actually happening.

Why is this so hard for your simple brain to understand? And what point are you actually trying to make here? You've been told how these exercises work.

Oh, and I'm still waiting for information about who "verified" these emails, what the process involved and the details of their technical qualifications.

Can you do that or am I just supposed to trust you and that fucking idiot with the talking dog and the fake charity?
I still don't get it, why would real news be confused with mock broadcasts to the point where those involved in the exercise are not aware that that the real attacks have happened?
Prole said:
I still don't get it, why would real news be confused with mock broadcasts to the point where those involved in the exercise are not aware that that the real attacks have happened?
I give up.

But what's your point here? What does it matter what a bunch of unrelated corporate bods taking part in an office exercise somewhere thought?

And how about the specific details of how these emails were supposedly 'verified'?
Have you got them yet?
Prole said:
I still don't get it, why would real news be confused with mock broadcasts to the point where those involved in the exercise are not aware that that the real attacks have happened?
Example, you're in the pre excersise brief. You're sat down being given a talk on how the process is going to work and the basic plot.

Then somene runs in and yells "you've got to turn on the radio!". The conclusion being that the company running the simulation has rewired the radio to make it seem more realistic and they are trying to simulate the confusion and panic of the real event, throwing the staf in at the deep end by putting them under more pressure.

It's a theoretical situation but it's also one that makes complete sense, as opposed to some wild paranoid confusion over what this drill accomplished.
Prole said:
We are all (every single person) equally entitled to know what actually happened that day....blah blah, with failure to pick up on any of the points I made

Yes, which is why many sane people, including me are campaigning for an independent, proper inquiry you silly woman. :rolleyes:

Does it help to have the campaign for a public inquiry, the petition particularly in anyway linked in the public's mind with loons banging on? No. Especially when all they bang on about is nonsensical irrelevancies like Peter Power interview. As has been explained to you about a hundred times, his job comprises giving talks and running training sessions on disaster management for large companies that have lots of staff and need to be trained and have policies on such things. It's his own company. It needs PR. So, when asked by a journo, he does a bit of self-publicising.

He was very clearly talking about his doing his day job, which is, we all repeat again, training people to cope with disasters. On 7/7, he was therefore doing his job. A practice drill comprising a bunch of managers doing a training exercise to determine their company's reponse to, amongst other things, a terror attack, on the morning that there was a terror attack. With me so far?

What happens in these exercises? Detective Boy, who actually runs them, has told you.

As he does the job every weekday, and covers those sorts of drills every time, the chances are that if it is a working day, somewhere someone will have hired Power to run a training exercise. Or possibly Detective Boy. Or any number of consultants with a background in, say, the police, or the anti-terrorism services. It's a sensible career path to choose, after all, bringing your previous job experience to the private market. Yes? Still keeping up?

Now, as to the spooky coincidence of him having looked at an attack on the Underground as one of the simulated situations for all these people, sat in a room, thinking, practising what to do, using training tools like emails, pretend news reports, baby alrms instead of the company intercom and so on, to get versimiltude and make this a useful learning exercise, mimicking what might be expected in real life. Is this so incredibly spooky? No, not really, not after Madrid, Tokyo and 9/11, and the IRA.

And after all, we only have his own word for just how coincidental it was - remember, he's grabbing PR. It's less of a story if he says '' we practised for the Thames barrier bursting, a major fire at the place where they have the company server, and a terrorist attack.'' INstead he fouses on the terrorist attacks.

If you were running a practice session, I'd suggest simultaneous bombs ( like Madrid) on key stations ( like Liverpool St and Kings Cross). Chuck in a few other stations. And we're off.

Okay, and now the news starts breaking. There really is a terror attack. What does the company do? They abandon the exercise, and move to ''real time'' thinking. In other words, they do what everyone else in London does. Switch on the news, inform staff, take decisions about whether to leave work or stay in the building.

Now can you see why this is a total non-story and of no interest at all?

Probably not. But the more you loon on and on and on and on, asking stupid bloody pointless questions and obsessing over trivia, with a barely concelaed agenda visible through your tattered figleaf of ''truth-seeking'', the more fucking annoying it is, because some of us DO want public answers to important questions.

Like what radicalised the bombers, ( including the prevalence of conspiracy theories), how they built the bombs, what they learned in Pakistan, why the security services seemed taken aback by 7/7 despite warnings, despite having the bombers in their sights and bugging the main one, what connections there are between the bombers and other terrorist plots including an Old Bailey trial now on, whether M15, M16, Special branch and the police are actually sharing info properly, the nature and extent of the terror threat, the numbers of radicalised Muslims and the whole wider debate about civil liberties, freedom and fear. Plus issues of tube safety, communication, compensation and victim aftercare.

All of this you know sonce you have infested my blog and followed every word I have spoken in the MSM for months.

And as to your contact with survivors and bereaved, you've tried to contacvt them and they have not been interested. ''Been in touch?'' . Don't make me laugh.
Bob_the_lost said:
Example, you're in the pre excersise brief. You're sat down being given a talk on how the process is going to work and the basic plot.

Then somene runs in and yells "you've got to turn on the radio!". The conclusion being that the company running the simulation has rewired the radio to make it seem more realistic and they are trying to simulate the confusion and panic of the real event, throwing the staf in at the deep end by putting them under more pressure.

It's a theoretical situation but it's also one that makes complete sense, as opposed to some wild paranoid confusion over what this drill accomplished.

Radio? Not TV broadcasts? Or internet?
Prole said:
Radio? Not TV broadcasts? Or internet?
What difference does that make? Someone comes running in and yells: "you've got to check out the BBC site!" Or "you've got to turn on the TV" Either way the news source will be assumed to be controlled by the DS, because that's what the DS will have told them in the briefing.

I still don't get it, why would real news be confused with mock broadcasts to the point where those involved in the exercise are not aware that that the real attacks have happened?

Either way that should clear up your confusion.
I really think Prole is incapable of reading posts, or anything else, without filtering it all through a prism of conspiraloonery.

Which is why we can explain as much as we want and it just will not ever sink in.

She only sees what she wants to see.

She has made up her mind, and she is incapable of letting go of her ideas.

''Something shifted in me'' according to Prole in the Guardian. Yes, it clearly did. Even when you read that article, you couldn't see how you were being sent up, could you? You genuinely think he was ''trying to get 7/7 truth out.'' You sad person.

Everyone was laughing at you. They still are.

Get help.
Badger Kitten said:
Yes, which is why many sane people, including me are campaigning for an independent, proper inquiry you silly woman. :rolleyes:

Does it help to have the campaign for a public inquiry, the petition particularly in anyway linked in the public's mind with loons banging on? No. Especially when all they bang on about is nonsensical irrelevancies like Peter Power interview. As has been explained to you about a hundred times, his job comprises giving talks and running training sessions on disaster management for large companies that have lots of staff and need to be trained and have policies on such things. It's his own company. It needs PR. So, when asked by a journo, he does a bit of self-publicising.

He was very clearly talking about his doing his day job, which is, we all repeat again, training people to cope with disasters. On 7/7, he was therefore doing his job. A practice drill comprising a bunch of managers doing a training exercise to determine their company's reponse to, amongst other things, a terror attack, on the morning that there was a terror attack. With me so far?

What happens in these exercises? Detective Boy, who actually runs them, has told you.

As he does the job every weekday, and covers those sorts of drills every time, the chances are that if it is a working day, somewhere someone will have hired Power to run a training exercise. Or possibly Detective Boy. Or any number of consultants with a background in, say, the police, or the anti-terrorism services. It's a sensible career path to choose, after all, bringing your previous job experience to the private market. Yes? Still keeping up?

Now, as to the spooky coincidence of him having looked at an attack on the Underground as one of the simulated situations for all these people, sat in a room, thinking, practising what to do, using training tools like emails, pretend news reports, baby alrms instead of the company intercom and so on, to get versimiltude and make this a useful learning exercise, mimicking what might be expected in real life. Is this so incredibly spooky? No, not really, not after Madrid, Tokyo and 9/11, and the IRA.

And after all, we only have his own word for just how coincidental it was - remember, he's grabbing PR. It's less of a story if he says '' we practised for the Thames barrier bursting, a major fire at the place where they have the company server, and a terrorist attack.'' INstead he fouses on the terrorist attacks.

If you were running a practice session, I'd suggest simultaneous bombs ( like Madrid) on key stations ( like Liverpool St and Kings Cross). Chuck in a few other stations. And we're off.

Okay, and now the news starts breaking. There really is a terror attack. What does the company do? They abandon the exercise, and move to ''real time'' thinking. In other words, they do what everyone else in London does. Switch on the news, inform staff, take decisions about whether to leave work or stay in the building.

Now can you see why this is a total non-story and of no interest at all?

Probably not. But the more you loon on and on and on and on, asking stupid bloody pointless questions and obsessing over trivia, with a barely concelaed agenda visible through your tattered figleaf of ''truth-seeking'', the more fucking annoying it is, because some of us DO want public answers to important questions.

Like what radicalised the bombers, ( including the prevalence of conspiracy theories), how they built the bombs, what they learned in Pakistan, why the security services seemed taken aback by 7/7 despite warnings, despite having the bombers in their sights and bugging the main one, what connections there are between the bombers and other terrorist plots including an Old Bailey trial now on, whether M15, M16, Special branch and the police are actually sharing info properly, the nature and extent of the terror threat, the numbers of radicalised Muslims and the whole wider debate about civil liberties, freedom and fear. Plus issues of tube safety, communication, compensation and victim aftercare.

All of this you know sonce you have infested my blog and followed every word I have spoken in the MSM for months.

And as to your contact with survivors and bereaved, you've tried to contacvt them and they have not been interested. ''Been in touch?'' . Don't make me laugh.

BK : Peter Power also has a role in what has happened since 7/7. He is used as an expert in news programmes. He called for 90 day lock-up shortly after 7/7 and recently on Newsnight defended the outrageous raid on a Muslim home where a young man was first terrified and then shot. He calls it the New Now, how we must all learn to live with the fear of another 7/7.

A PR exercise, don't make me laugh.
Bob_the_lost said:
What difference does that make? Someone comes running in and yells: "you've got to check out the BBC site!" Or "you've got to turn on the TV" Either way the news source will be assumed to be controlled by the DS, because that's what the DS will have told them in the briefing.

Either way that should clear up your confusion.
So the participants turn on the BBC and they still think this is an exercise? Are 'mock broadcasts' that realistic? And any news on the internet, do people assume that is coming in via the exercise as well?
Prole said:
BK : Peter Power also has a role in what has happened since 7/7. He is used as an expert in news programmes. He called for 90 day lock-up shortly after 7/7 and recently on Newsnight defended the outrageous raid on a Muslim home where a young man was first terrified and then shot. He calls it the New Now, how we must all learn to live with the fear of another 7/7.

A PR exercise, don't make me laugh.
yes, dur, that is why he was asked to talk to the media about 7/7, because he has relevant opinions, doing the job he does. He is quite right wing. he supports the official police line of demands for 90 day internment. And your point?

And you still haven't answered my question.

Third time: why do you think the people directly affected by the attacks are not interested in your campaign, want nothing to do with you, and find your conspiracy theories offensive?

Does that not tell you anything?
Prole said:
So the participants turn on the BBC and they still think this is an exercise? Are 'mock broadcasts' that realistic? And any news on the internet, do people assume that is coming in via the exercise as well?

Who knows Prole? Who cares what a bunch of managers in suits on a training day thought at the time?

Here's an idea. Why don't you hire Mr Power for an hour and ask him what his exercises involve? Someone in your crappy group must have a senior enough job to be able to pose as someone who might concievably be interested in his services.
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