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Tesla road hate

I think it's the lights.

The way indicators work on premium cars seems aggresive somehow. In fact, cars in general just look more agressive. But it seems especially pronounced on modern, premium cars.

Remember the Audi adverts where the car was coming at you head on. Looked like some monster or animal approaching you.

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So, back to the lights. On a Tesla, I think they have a "baddie" vibe to them. Light a Decepticon in Transformers or something

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Compare this to cheaper cars which almost always have softer curves and look 'friendlier' somehow. Also, I can't find equivalent pictures to the above ones for say, a Citroen, even in the official photos. This is as close as I can find. Same angle, but brightly lit without the threatening vibe.

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I love a black cabs face

All cars should have to have round headlights.

Unfortunately, I think a lot of the noise of motorway driving is from the tyres, rather than the engine. Sure, I read that somewhere...

off to check my facts
Roadway noise is a compound of:
  • Tyres rotating on the tarmac (tyre noise)
  • Air being deflected around the car (aerodynamic noise)
  • The engine producing power for the wheels (engine noise)
  • The car’s transmission and other mechanical noises (transmission noise)
  • The brakes on the brake discs (brake noise)
When a car is stationary, there is no tyre, aerodynamic, transmission or brake noise in a car with an internal combustion engine (ICE – i.e. petrol- or diesel-powered). In an electric car, or EV, there’s no engine noise either, although there may be a faint background hum of some kind of motor working, such as an air conditioning fan.

Score 1 to the EV: when traffic is stationary, the EV will be all but silent (unless the manufacturers have programmed a synthetic sound to alert pedestrians).

Once traffic starts moving, the noise characteristics change. Acceleration in a fuel-powered engine is noisy, depending on how hard the vehicle accelerates. Tyre noise will increase – it’s the noise created by the treads of the tyre deforming as they come into contact with the rough road surface. There will be minimal aerodynamic noise while the speeds are low – under 15mph. There will be some transmission noise, too.

Electric vehicle motors make very little sound regardless of whether the acceleration is abrupt or slow. They also have much more simplified transmission systems – no gearbox, for example. But, the EV still has to roll on tyres, so noise will increase. The EV is still ahead, though.

Once the EV and the ICE reach 50mph, the majority of the noise is tyre noise. Here, the type of tyre makes much more of a difference than any other factor. Some tyres can be 10dB louder (that’s twice as loud) as others. Aerodynamic noise is also significant, especially at low frequencies. Engine and transmission noise is now a minor component in the car’s overall noise.

This levels the playing field between the two types of car: at motorway and open road speeds, an EV will be only slightly quieter than an ICE car (less than 3dB, which is the threshold for human perception of a change in volume). Where they will make a difference is at busy urban intersections where idling and accelerating engines create much more noise than an electric vehicle.

My bold.
See I'd like to moan on this one but it would just be jealously. I'd certainly have one if I could afford it (although they don't do an estate) Appeals far more then some horrible range rover or similar.
Let's be honest in most cities if peoples' priority was the environment they wouldn't be in a Tesla they'd be on a bike. Teslas are a status symbol (the woman I know also owns a Range Rover, I don't think it's the green credentials that made her buy the car).
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I notice Teslas ..

Slightly different, sleek, no grill, Tesla brand - thats a Tesla

There are about 5 around here, one house is on their second, I see it charging ..

Bloody expensive though and it is an ordinary house.
I've been in a few Teslas and if I'm honest they felt a bit cheap. Looked nice inside and out but didn't feel as solid as a true 'premium' motor like an Audi or a Merc.
I haven't been in a Tesla so I can't comment on them but I have been in a couple of BMW and Mecedes and I found them a bit plastically chromy and somehow fake. The Mercedes in particular had plastic chrome? What is that all about?
I was never that arsed about them until a few months ago I was selling something on Facebook marketplace...£160 but the fella knocked me down to £150, then turned up in a Tesla and was going on about it only costing him £4 to drive back to London, and that he was 'in banking'...My hateomoter was peaking and I should've told him I don't do online banking and to go and get cash.

I checked and based on what he told me he was talking shit anyway, they cost more than that to run.
Wondering if anyone has experienced that sense of disgust/anger/road rage at seeing at Tesla that used to be saved for the likes of chelsea tractors/audi twats/etc

I cant lie, I have.
Nothing to do with Musk, nothing to do with it being electric and me loving petrol lol, I think theres just something ostentatious about the way they look and possibly seemingly drive....I think people do drive them too fast that bit more than other cars.

I blame the car designers. All car design is very consciously designed to place the car within a social pecking order,which people understanding subconsciously if not always consciously. On one level Tesla dont look anywhere near as aggressive as lots of other expensive cars....but there is still something annoying about them. I guess that appeals to people who like to flaunt their money.

I had a ride in one recently as it came as a taxi - not that nice inside considering how expensive they are.
I seem to remember people got annoyed about Prius when they came out. Now they are just humdrum cabs.
I can't believe people are taking against Tesla's because of Musk just because he has taken over/messed up twitter.
"It never happens when he drives his two other cars, a vintage 1948 Chevy" of course he would never get cut up when he is in an old classic, people appreciate and respect it.
Tesla's, like many electric cars have good performance. Hit the accelerator in one of our electric Nissans and the wheels spin and you get thrown back in to your seats.
Seeing the picture of the Beatle above, they have never had grills and electric cars don't need them, this is not unique to a Tesla.
Tesla's are 10 a penny in SW London and it's not just people who live near motorways who suffer from road noise, it is 24/7 here and I don't think electric cars make that much difference.
Yes, some cars do suffer an image stigma. It was BMW's then Audi's became the new BMW. It moved to Chelsea tractors and now Tesla's I guess.
Take heart in the knowledge that if you have a small prang in one it could take an age to get repaired. Have a larger prang and it could easily be a write off.

danny la rouge hope this helps, the tesla badge is on front and back of their cars....
I can't believe people are taking against Tesla's because of Musk just because he has taken over/messed up twitter.
"It never happens when he drives his two other cars, a vintage 1948 Chevy" of course he would never get cut up when he is in an old classic, people appreciate and respect it.
Tesla's, like many electric cars have good performance. Hit the accelerator in one of our electric Nissans and the wheels spin and you get thrown back in to your seats.
Seeing the picture of the Beatle above, they have never had grills and electric cars don't need them, this is not unique to a Tesla.
Tesla's are 10 a penny in SW London and it's not just people who live near motorways who suffer from road noise, it is 24/7 here and I don't think electric cars make that much difference.
Yes, some cars do suffer an image stigma. It was BMW's then Audi's became the new BMW. It moved to Chelsea tractors and now Tesla's I guess.
Take heart in the knowledge that if you have a small prang in one it could take an age to get repaired. Have a larger prang and it could easily be a write off.

danny la rouge hope this helps, the tesla badge is on front and back of their cars....
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Thank you. I didn’t know the badge. It’s not actually a thing I’m particularly up on. And car design has converged enough that I no longer recognise makes just by looking at them. I’ll report back if it notice that T while out and about.
About 4-5 years ago, while working for a taxi company, we had a driver who had his own Tesla. God he was a boring cunt. Customers used to ask for the Tesla cause they'd heard about it, then they used to phone back after and say don't send that boring fucking twat again; they just wanted a ride in an electric car, not a fucking lecture on them. Him and his fellow boring cunts with Teslas used to drive round the M25 in formation at the weekends.
If there's anything less twattish than a Tesla, it's definitely phoning up a taxi company to complain that the driver was boring.
If there's anything less twattish than a Tesla, it's definitely phoning up a taxi company to complain that the driver was boring.
In this case it would have been PAs ringing up on behalf of self-important scumbags from banks and the like. It made a change from the barely-concealed racism behind most such calls.
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