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Railton Road

My motorhome is lighter than a bus and fractionally thinner, so if a bus can do it hey. But that’s not the point, yes that’s were I entered, but it was too late, I had to proceed. I have learned that London is no longer a city I want to visit, I will stick to my rural life
Fair enough. I think London can manage pretty well without your massive motor home blocking off routes.
Sorry, I never said fines were taxes. All working folk pay taxes and have the equal right to travel throughout the UK. When local authorities start blocking the freedom of passage, then it seems taxes are being aimed at accommodating the capital. All taxes are a collective and London doesn’t have its own tax collective I believe, so the comment, London taxes support the North is a bit out there. If we are going down the route that more tax payers money is going North, then you need to look as to why. All those MP’s & Lords making decisions to cripple the industries up North and resort to imported goods for one. I understand that a massively over budget underground system has been implemented in London and a HS2 project that is vastly overspent (to save 20 minute, but not required) is being spent from tax payers money, I really don’t believe Londoners have solely paid for that. I think you need to wake up and smell the roses my friend

London(ers) paid in £26.5bn more in taxes than got spent in London (in 2016/7, ONS figures). There's plenty of other sources you can check this from if you want to.

On public transport specifically you are right- London gets far more money than any other region does but in general they pay more in taxes than they receive in government spending - and you drew the comparison having been fined which is why I said that.

In terms of the LTN - there have been LTNs built all over the country so it's not just a London thing, and all modern housing estates are built to the kind of design that LTNs seek to replicate - a series of cul-de-sacs with feeder and boundary roads. You can still travel on railton road, you just have to enter/exit at specific points that means you can't use it as a through road anymore. You still have the right to travel on that road, just not enter from specific places/directions in your kind of vehicle. LTNs aren't the only example of this, there are bus gates in plenty of places.

As an aside, the main benefit of HS2 is not the time saving - which does get significant if it gets to Manchester and beyond - but in extra capacity, this has been really badly missold. For instance, in Birmingham itself, once HS2 is running, we'll get 8 more slots per hour at Birmingham New Street for local trains, as the existing fast services stop. We'll also be able to put in more slots per hour on some lines because you can time trains more closely if they are all moving at the same speed. This kind of effect will be replicated in other places that HS2 serves. That will make a huge difference to local journeys in the region and is far more valuable than the time saved on journeys to London.
it's interesting to say that London is making life awful for Northern tourists by restricting travel freedom and also say it's spending too much money on the underground transport infrastructure that tourists use to get around London and on HS2 which will increase the ease of travel to and from London from the north of England.

London(ers) paid in £26.5bn more in taxes than got spent in London (in 2016/7, ONS figures). There's plenty of other sources you can check this from if you want to.

On public transport specifically you are right- London gets far more money than any other region does but in general they pay more in taxes than they receive in government spending - and you drew the comparison having been fined which is why I said that.

In terms of the LTN - there have been LTNs built all over the country so it's not just a London thing, and all modern housing estates are built to the kind of design that LTNs seek to replicate - a series of cul-de-sacs with feeder and boundary roads. You can still travel on railton road, you just have to enter/exit at specific points that means you can't use it as a through road anymore. You still have the right to travel on that road, just not enter from specific places/directions in your kind of vehicle. LTNs aren't the only example of this, there are bus gates in plenty of places.

As an aside, the main benefit of HS2 is not the time saving - which does get significant if it gets to Manchester and beyond - but in extra capacity, this has been really badly missold. For instance, in Birmingham itself, once HS2 is running, we'll get 8 more slots per hour at Birmingham New Street for local trains, as the existing fast services stop. We'll also be able to put in more slots per hour on some lines because you can time trains more closely if they are all moving at the same speed. This kind of effect will be replicated in other places that HS2 serves. That will make a huge difference to local journeys in the region and is far more valuable than the time saved on journeys to London.
That’s 2016 figures, 7 years ago. London transport is built all over the country? HS2 will have a link to Leeds- Manchester & Leeds do not represent the north. Birmingham does not represent the North. If money spent on this worthless project and reflected other countries Rail networks, then it would benefit the real public. You have been sold an idealistic government dream thinking the HS2 project will bring benefits to the midlands (Birmingham midlands, Manchester & Leeds just north of the midlands). Train tickets are very expensive and out of the reach of many northern folk, unless you book months in advance. I for one cannot use the rail network safely as a wheelchair user, well documented in the media with horror stories.
Gone way off track here, accessibility to all, not discriminate and make assumptions. Not everybody has the luxury to hop on bus or train, get on a bike or walk the paths in London. Some people’s journeys are difficult enough without idealism of local authorities to support communities.
it's interesting to say that London is making life awful for Northern tourists by restricting travel freedom and also say it's spending too much money on the underground transport infrastructure that tourists use to get around London and on HS2 which will increase the ease of travel to and from London from the north of England.
You need to define your version of the north, Birmingham, Manchester & Leeds are just north of the midlands with Birmingham being in the midlands. The rest of northern population will have little benefit from this project
You need to define your version of the north, Birmingham, Manchester & Leeds are just north of the midlands with Birmingham being in the midlands. The rest of northern population will have little benefit from this project
It seems you don't really understand what HS2 is for.

If you want to argue about HS2 there's a thread here.

It seems you don't really understand what HS2 is for.

If you want to argue about HS2 there's a thread here.

I fully understand what HS2 is for, it’s going to support those that use the rail network that live in Manchester and Birmingham that use the network for business. The cost of the rail service to use for normal people will be way of reach by completion.
That’s 2016 figures, 7 years ago. London transport is built all over the country? HS2 will have a link to Leeds- Manchester & Leeds do not represent the north. Birmingham does not represent the North. If money spent on this worthless project and reflected other countries Rail networks, then it would benefit the real public. You have been sold an idealistic government dream thinking the HS2 project will bring benefits to the midlands (Birmingham midlands, Manchester & Leeds just north of the midlands). Train tickets are very expensive and out of the reach of many northern folk, unless you book months in advance. I for one cannot use the rail network safely as a wheelchair user, well documented in the media with horror stories.
Gone way off track here, accessibility to all, not discriminate and make assumptions. Not everybody has the luxury to hop on bus or train, get on a bike or walk the paths in London. Some people’s journeys are difficult enough without idealism of local authorities to support communities.

There's no reason to think it's changed since 2016/7.

I didn't say London transport is built all over the country - I said LTNs are - LTN stands for Low Traffic Neighbourhood, apologies I'm sure the scheme and acronym had been mentioned in this thread already. Railton Road having limited access is part of a Low Traffic Neighbourhood scheme. Low Traffic Neighbourhood Schemes have been implemented all over the country, including places more northern than Manchester and Leeds (which are definitely in the North ffs), this is not a London thing as you seem to think.

I also didn't suggest in any way that you might use HS2 for the journey you were making, I have no idea why you're suggesting anything of the sort, all I said was that the main benefit of HS2 was extra capacity for local lines, not the time saved on journeys to/from london.
HS2 will bring plenty of benefits to Birmingham, if you don't live here then you don't know how overcapacity our local services are and how much benefit this is going to bring if it gets built to leeds/manchester. For instance, they are currently re-opening a line local to me, it'll only have two trains per hour, because there's not enough slots at new street - those two trains per hour have been taken off another local line which has gone from 6 trains per hour to 4. Post HS2 both lines will be able to have 6 trains per hour. That means a train every 10 minutes instead of every 30 minutes. This also helps the number 50 bus which is one of the busiest bus routes in europe because the new line runs parallel to that bus route. And that in turn helps people who need to drive because those who don't will be more likely to leave their cars at home and take the train/bus instead.
You need to define your version of the north, Birmingham, Manchester & Leeds are just north of the midlands with Birmingham being in the midlands. The rest of northern population will have little benefit from this project
Yeah what do you know about the north teuchter?
Gone way off track here, accessibility to all, not discriminate and make assumptions. Not everybody has the luxury to hop on bus or train, get on a bike or walk the paths in London. Some people’s journeys are difficult enough without idealism of local authorities to support communities.
We just don’t have the road space for everyone to get in their car and drive around wherever they want, no to mention wrecking the planet.
We just don’t have the road space for everyone to get in their car and drive around wherever they want, no to mention wrecking the planet.
Again, a presumptuous response, you know nothing about me and how I live day to day. I can guarantee that I off set my carbon
Again, a presumptuous response, you know nothing about me and how I live day to day. I can guarantee that I off set my carbon
If you are worried about offsetting carbon then you should be worried about the amount of cars on the road.
If you are worried about offsetting carbon then you should be worried about the amount of cars on the road.
Not my concern, everyone has their reasons to do what they have to do. I do my part, but I still have to enjoy my stay on the planet. My vehicle is a necessity for my medical needs and whether do or don’t agree with it, it’s not going to change anything. Next you’ll be telling me I have too many lights on in my off grid house. Way I see it, you should be concerned with the amount of electricity that is used in the capital, a lot of wasted energy that the rest of the country seems to support.
Not my concern, everyone has their reasons to do what they have to do. I do my part, but I still have to enjoy my stay on the planet. My vehicle is a necessity for my medical needs and whether do or don’t agree with it, it’s not going to change anything. Next you’ll be telling me I have too many lights on in my off grid house. Way I see it, you should be concerned with the amount of electricity that is used in the capital, a lot of wasted energy that the rest of the country seems to support.
The planet is absolutely everyone's concern.
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