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Tesla road hate

ska invita

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Wondering if anyone has experienced that sense of disgust/anger/road rage at seeing at Tesla that used to be saved for the likes of chelsea tractors/audi twats/etc

I cant lie, I have.
Nothing to do with Musk, nothing to do with it being electric and me loving petrol lol, I think theres just something ostentatious about the way they look and possibly seemingly drive....I think people do drive them too fast that bit more than other cars.

I blame the car designers. All car design is very consciously designed to place the car within a social pecking order,which people understanding subconsciously if not always consciously. On one level Tesla dont look anywhere near as aggressive as lots of other expensive cars....but there is still something annoying about them. I guess that appeals to people who like to flaunt their money.

I had a ride in one recently as it came as a taxi - not that nice inside considering how expensive they are.
I seem to remember people got annoyed about Prius when they came out. Now they are just humdrum cabs.
There's a psychiatrist who works in my building, in the poorest bit of my city, who drives to work in either a white Tesla or a white Range Rover. Always has a large designer bag with her. Imagine she's overflowing with empathy and understanding for the people she meets at work (she's not in my team, thank Christ).

Yes, I do judge people by their cars :D
It is annoying being able to afford expensive cars with all the features and specifications you want - you're left with little choice but to appear like a massive wanker who likes to flaunt their twat-mobile e.g. Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Land Rover etc, when all you really want is something comfortable for your ageing frame or whatever.

Teslas do tend to have the best range, so if you travel lots of long distances and don't want to use a diesel then you just have to put up with their image. Otherwise you'd be deliberately choosing something more polluting or with worse running costs just to avoid being perceived as a twat, which would be silly.
Teslas do tend to have the best range, so if you travel lots of long distances and don't want to use a diesel then you just have to put up with their image.
Do they really have that image or am I just projecting onto it?
I've just looked up some pictures of them and they're nowhere near as bad as other cars in that price range

There's something of the uncanny valley about them. There's something different about them to other cars but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Do they really have that image or am I just projecting onto it?
I've just looked up some pictures of them and they're nowhere near as bad as other cars in that price range

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Perhaps I should have said "you just have to put up with other people projecting an image on to you".

I dont think its unfair to do that - cars are deliberately designed to signal social standing and so actively position themselves in the judgement stakes

Following this logic you'd want people to choose cars based entirely on the car's perceived image, so you can judge them fairly.
About 4-5 years ago, while working for a taxi company, we had a driver who had his own Tesla. God he was a boring cunt. Customers used to ask for the Tesla cause they'd heard about it, then they used to phone back after and say don't send that boring fucking twat again; they just wanted a ride in an electric car, not a fucking lecture on them. Him and his fellow boring cunts with Teslas used to drive round the M25 in formation at the weekends.
Could it be not having a radiator grill?

Yes, designed from the start to be electric so no need for a grill, whereas lots of other electric car around right now are based on a previous combustion engine model, so have a blanked off radiator grill.

However the cheaper Chinese electric cars have just arrived so this feature should become more commonplace. Here's Great Wall Motors' "Ora Funky Cat":

It is annoying being able to afford expensive cars with all the features and specifications you want - you're left with little choice but to appear like a massive wanker who likes to flaunt their twat-mobile e.g. Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Land Rover etc, when all you really want is something comfortable for your ageing frame or whatever.
See, this is total bullshit. These people could quite easily buy a top spec Mondeo and have all the comfort, toys and performance anyone actually needs. But that’s not what they’re buying. The brand image is everything. Which is why they’re cunts.
See, this is total bullshit. These people could quite easily buy a top spec Mondeo and have all the comfort, toys and performance anyone actually needs. But that’s not what they’re buying. The brand image is everything. Which is why they’re cunts.

The Mondeo is no longer produced. You could buy a used one but it would either be a polluting diesel or a petrol with poor mpg. Plus it would be expensive compared to similar cars. Basically you'd be over-paying for something of poor value and economy just to cultivate a certain image.
See, this is total bullshit. These people could quite easily buy a top spec Mondeo and have all the comfort, toys and performance anyone actually needs. But that’s not what they’re buying. The brand image is everything. Which is why they’re cunts.

You complain about twats buying cars based on image, but you're the one making the image-based judgement, so who's the twat?
There's loads of them around here, there are at least four on the estate where I live and I have seen one on the car park at the gym and on the car park on my occasional visit to the office. They're not the only electric car I see around but probably the most common. They're more common than things like Jags. I personally think they are a very stylish looking machine.
I have a mate who had one for a weekend and he reckoned they are an incredible car to drive but the range is overstated. You can only get the promised range if you drive it like your grandma and don't use stuff like the aircon and the stereo.
He ran out of juice and the hire company sent a pickup truck with a mobile generator on the back to charge him up again.
No idea if its a Tesla but I particularly don't like one particular electric car on our road. Only because it is entirely silent somehow while also being badly driven. Got a combination of pensioners and kids that have to cross over a lot for schools/post office and this thing is like a ninja. People complained about the loud motorbikes but at least its obvious they are coming, saw it slowly following some pensioners up the road right behind them and they didn't even notice.
I wouldn’t recognise a Tesla if I saw one. I haven’t ever spotted one around.
Edinburgh is fair rammed with them. Tbf see quite a few in Fife as well.

And agree with beesonthewhatnow - Tesla's start at £48k, people are buying the image.

I would very much like a Funky Cat - go on sale this week in the UK I believe but I've been forbidden :(.
My brother has one as a company car, not gonna lie, it’s amazing, totally sold on it once we went out in it, was like, wow! The accelaration in particular is something else. It’s a good car for someone with ADHD because it’ll tell you if you’re not paying attention. He’s had it 3 years now and is really happy with it. Elon tho - what a bellend.
No idea if its a Tesla but I particularly don't like one particular electric car on our road. Only because it is entirely silent somehow while also being badly driven. Got a combination of pensioners and kids that have to cross over a lot for schools/post office and this thing is like a ninja. People complained about the loud motorbikes but at least its obvious they are coming, saw it slowly following some pensioners up the road right behind them and they didn't even notice.

Came across London in an Uber one a couple of months back and it was really cool, only got to experience the acceleration a couple of times but it was mighty impressive.

Totally unrelated, but I had the feeling of being in The Matrix as I looked out of the tinted windows from my cacooned, silent, electric world looking at what was going on outside. Possibly my favourite ever Uber trip.

Couldn't work out how to get in or out of it though, with those odd door handles. :D
I think it's the lights.

The way indicators work on premium cars seems aggresive somehow. In fact, cars in general just look more agressive. But it seems especially pronounced on modern, premium cars.

Remember the Audi adverts where the car was coming at you head on. Looked like some monster or animal approaching you.


So, back to the lights. On a Tesla, I think they have a "baddie" vibe to them. Light a Decepticon in Transformers or something


Compare this to cheaper cars which almost always have softer curves and look 'friendlier' somehow. Also, I can't find equivalent pictures to the above ones for say, a Citroen, even in the official photos. This is as close as I can find. Same angle, but brightly lit without the threatening vibe.

Silent cars on motorways would be great, especially for people who live near motorways!

That would be great as a feature, motorway silent running mode. Running noise turned on in any 20mph zones.
Unfortunately, I think a lot of the noise of motorway driving is from the tyres, rather than the engine. Sure, I read that somewhere...

off to check my facts
they don't really exist around here so I've not seen very many about - those I have seen give me a similar lip-curl that all the muscle cars and 4 wheel drives do though I suppose
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