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Terrorist attack NZ, 50 dead, many injured

claimed a breivik inspiration to. The now familiar sight of various 'acceptably racist' journos, media mouths and so on doing backflips to distance themselves from this person who has just done what they all think should be done.
claimed a breivik inspiration to. The now familiar sight of various 'acceptably racist' journos, media mouths and so on doing backflips to distance themselves from this person who has just done what they all think should be done.

"Doing a Mad Mel" as its known.
The manifesto for this madness is on Twitter. I won't post it here, to give the cunt a propaganda coup but it's predictable white rebirth, anti-diversity shite with Sadiq Khan getting a mention, for some reason.

I read it. An Australian-born new Zealander wanking on about ''European lands''. He admits he didn't do well at school, so I guess it's understandable that his understanding of geography is fucked.
Put a warning on it then. That's really fucking vile and you're inviting people to click on it.
I'd say almost everyone here knows what 8ch is - they were already referenced in a link earlier on in this thread - and this sure seems like a warning to me: "8chan is the fucking pits."
I didn't. That's the first time I've looked at 8chan. I know the name, nothing else.

Put a fucking warning on it.
"8chan is the fucking pits." That is a clear warning. Stop looking for personal point scoring in this thread. Must say I'm surprised by your sudden sensitivity, by the way. Now let's move on, thanks.
"8chan is the fucking pits." That is a clear warning. Stop looking for personal point scoring in this thread. Must say I'm surprised by your sudden sensitivity, by the way. Now let's move on, thanks.
You fucking what? totally fucking out of line. I would be saying exactly the same to anyone who posted a link to such disgusting filth.

Fuck's sake what is wrong with you. PUT A FUCKING WARNING ON IT
And that's what I did. The FAQ point is about people just posting up a link and nothing else.
i thought it was going to be people cheering yer man on, not yer man saying 'i'm about to do it and here's where you can watch and read about it'

perhaps a 'not for the squeamish' or 'nsfw' as a courtesy

e2a: see you've put a caution up
Quite. Its an interesting contrast to how Shamima Begun was treated a few weeks ago. I remember what people said about her, yet the media is struggling to even call this terrorist a terrorist.
Hard to get any more terrorist than this fucking cunt.
What's remarkable is how many people play violent video games but never go on to do anything like this.

Its not surprising at all.

People are far, far more susceptible to explanations they hear from other people, and how this stuff informs their worldview, especially when their own lives havent lived up to their expectations and they are looking for someone to blame or some grand struggle they can cast themselves in.

Despite ther much greater level of immersion, I dont really place fears about computer games in a different category to fears about the amount of mindless, consequence-free violence in films. Mostly because I dont usually consider these things to be root causes or primary drivers.
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