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Terrorist attack NZ, 50 dead, many injured

The terrible thing about the video in the mundane casualness of it, no screaming no panic, Humans become just moving masses to engage and kill and no one shoots back, risk free, systematic killing. I thought call of duty in cheat mode when I saw it

No doubt the fuckers involved are all insignificant, no mark, losers in life

It did look remarkably like Call of Duty. I wonder if any sick fuck is thinking of making a Mosque Attack game. Reminds me of the brouhaha over KZ Manager game in the early 1990s where you had to play as the head of a concentration camp.
Absolutely don't know what to say. 49 people dead and numerous others injured for what?

He explicitly seeks to foment civil discord and drive a wedge between communities, make ''invaders'' afraid to stay where they live and depart (he's explicit about not caring where they go), and he said by using a firearm he hoped to add to the pressure in the USA for more gun control. He said this was his desired outcome because it would further divide (he says ''balkanize'') an already divided USA which would take away its international power.

That's some of it, and I'm not his apologist - but you asked, and i thought it was worth expressing his stated reasons, at least partly.

tl;dr -Eco-fascist white supremacism, seeking global race wars to create an apartheid world.
He explicitly seeks to foment civil discord and drive a wedge between communities, make ''invaders'' afraid to stay where they live and depart (he's explicit about not caring where they go), and he said by using a firearm he hoped to add to the pressure in the USA for more gun control. He said this was his desired outcome because it would further divide (he says ''balkanize'') an already divided USA which would take away its international power.

That's some of it, and I'm not his apologist - but you asked, and i thought it was worth expressing his stated reasons, at least partly.

tl;dr -Eco-fascist white supremacism, seeking global race wars to create an apartheid world.

It was more of a rhetorical question, but thanks for the reply. I got a late start this morning so I'm still unpacking it.
It was more of a rhetorical question, but thanks for the reply. I got a late start this morning so I'm still unpacking it.

I thought so, and I don't want to come across as facetious. He explicitly wants more war, and I think at times like this I feel like it's important to recall that again and again. He claims to be acting on my behalf (since I'm an ethnic European living in Europe) and I can't just brush that aside, I don't think any of us should.
So what? We're talking to each other, not trying to increase our online profile by firing zingers at bellends. Twitter callouts are not a conversation.

Check your own cynicism man or go post what DMs and t-shirt you're wearing today.

Nobody is saying Twitter criticism is the be all and end all of something. Or anything. But you just appear to be doing some mightier-than-thou sanctimonious shit about what counts on the internet (in your view) because you, surprisingly, don't have a book to sell or a comedy to write.
Check your own cynicism man or go post what DMs you're wearing today.
It isn't cynicism, I think politics by twitter callout is poison - either a symptom of something broken in modern political discourse, or one of the ways it's being broken - I'm not sure which. Maybe a bit of both

I only have one pair of DMs fwiw. Am I only allowed to post about serious stuff to be taken seriously here or something? That would be pretty dull.
always feel like the way people respond to this stuff pushes muslim kids away from radical politics. reminds me of the thing you get from some (albeit a very small minority) posters on here talking about how their relatives are agreeing with some things tommy says. strange how that dynamic doesn't apply to us, we're all somehow goldsmiths latte sipping liberals who would never be swayed by conservative islamists for reasons other than *gags* 'teenage brainwashing' but when everything is funnelled into parliamentarism...
It isn't cynicism, I think politics by twitter callout is poison - either a symptom of something broken in modern political discourse, or one of the ways it's being broken - I'm not sure which. Maybe a bit of both

I only have one pair of DMs fwiw. Am I only allowed to post about serious stuff to be taken seriously here or something? That would be pretty dull.
Fair enough. You do have a point.
it's just the two-minute hate. worthless.

Don't you think that silence would imply acceptance? It's not like the people cheering this attack are going to stay silent.

I've read a lot of stuff from people who were attacked online for something or other and it was always a real comfort to them that, along with the hate they received, there were also lots of people arguing against the hate. I know that when I've been the target of low-level internet abuse the lack of people coming to defend me hurt me almost as much as the criticism.

Posting stuff online is no substitute for real activism but it's not nothing, either. As this arsehole terrorist is proof of.
This thing that I find interesting is that people are shocked (shocked I tell you), that this was livestreamed on Facebook. Even Facebook management was supposedly shocked by this "unexpected" turn of events, which has to be the most disengenuous statement I've seen in a while. They've known for a while that this is not only possible, but likely.

In August, a shooting at a Madden 19 video-game tournament in Jacksonville, Florida, was captured on live video. Earlier last year, YouTube star Logan Paul posted a clip of a dead body hanging from a tree in Japan, prompting the Google-owned video portal to remove his channels from a preferred advertising program.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Before that a group of teens in Chicago live streamed the torture of a special needs teenager. And then there's Logan Paul, showing the dead body of a suicide victim and acting like an ass in Japan. So this was all foreseeable. But, Facebook will do what they always do. They'll apologize, swear they'll do better, and change nothing.
Before that a group of teens in Chicago live streamed the torture of a special needs teenager. And then there's Logan Paul, showing the dead body of a suicide victim. So this was all foreseeable. But, Facebook will do what they always do. They'll apologize, swear they'll do better, and change nothing.

Not to nitpick, on this thread of all threads, but its wrong to say that they will change nothing. Look at Breivik, Pulse and more than a few other mass killings - if their past conduct is any guide, they will probably make it easier to do this kind of sickness.
This thing that I find interesting is that people are shocked (shocked I tell you), that this was livestreamed on Facebook. Even Facebook management was supposedly shocked by this "unexpected" turn of events, which has to be the most disengenuous statement I've seen in a while. They've known for a while that this is not only possible, but likely.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Before that a group of teens in Chicago live streamed the torture of a special needs teenager. And then there's Logan Paul, showing the dead body of a suicide victim and acting like an ass in Japan. So this was all foreseeable. But, Facebook will do what they always do. They'll apologize, swear they'll do better, and change nothing.
Nationalise the bastards.
watching the news on youtube and saw a fucking post with the actual shooting.
fucking reported it.

disgusted on why people are reposting this shit.

It took me about eight seconds searching through Twitter to find a copy of the video. I can't unwatch it now.
I didn't search for it Spy, I just looked at tweets featuring New Zealand and clicked a link without really thinking about what I was doing.
apparently the daily mail has the shooters full rant or his justification to download load because his reasons are going to make loads of sense
I think there are thousands of eg. Mail readers who will agree with a lot of what he says. If he hadn't done a mass-murder he could probably have got away with a speaking tour at music festivals.
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