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Terrorist attack NZ, 50 dead, many injured

The fash have always had visibility though. This was a February 3rd protest against the UN Migration Compact. He's got a fucking swastika on his head.

The organisers said they did not condone him, and argued that nobody could prove he was there to protest. Yeah.
Not "Turks" at the Battle of Vienna, Ottomans. The other point to make here, is that the Ottoman forces, usually referred to as Muslim, contained Christians and Jews from Ottoman vassals, too.

I suppose that make absolutely no rational sense. You might be right about the Christians and Jews from Ottoman vassals. However, Ottomans were Turk. Just have a look at the London Gazette and textual descriptions of the contents of the images:

Page 1 | Issue 1846, 26 July 1683 | London Gazette | The Gazette
Page 3 | Issue 1846, 26 July 1683 | London Gazette | The Gazette

English map made by British:

French map made by Françis:

Deutch map made by Germans:

As you can see, the Holy Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Habsburg, France, Italy, Hungarians, Poles, etc., they used to call Ottomans 'Turks', or 'Turk Empire'. On the other hand, you can call them Ottomans of course. It does not matter. Because it will not change the reality. And yet despite this, in the literature, various terms might be used. So I mean, the term "Turks" might be used to replace "Ottomans", "Ottoman Forces", or "Muslims". Anyways we need to end that and I believe we should leave the topic as it stands.


taken to pms

Yeah thank you I received your message and I'll talk to you later if you don't mind.


Now I have a question. Because I'm wondering where he found these guns. So, where did he get that gun? And who sells those guns to those retard? So is that legal to do that? I've never been to NZ and I don't know it's legal to sell it. Therefore I am asking. If not, how could he ever find the gun?
Now I have a question. Because I'm wondering where he found these guns. So, where did he get that gun? And who sells those guns to those retard? So is that legal to do that? I've never been to NZ and I don't know it's legal to sell it. Therefore I am asking. If not, how could he ever find the gun?

NZ has fairly relaxed gun laws and it's possible to buy semi-automatic weapons with the correct license, and in this case all the reports I've seen say the weapons used were legally held.
Pig hunting is encouraged feral pigs are a problem.
I doubt the police had any sort of armed team ready to go or even magazines loaded.
Pig hunting is encouraged feral pigs are a problem.
I doubt the police had any sort of armed team ready to go or even magazines loaded.

Even still...who would be using semi automatic weapons to cull pigs or hunt anything?

It is crazy that ANYONE should be able to just go and buy semi automatic weapons.
I'll be interested to see what the results of the after action report are - lots of witnesses are talking about it taking 20 minutes for the Police to arrive (of course witnesses are often incorrect because of the stress of the situation), but this is a city about the size of Glasgow, and the largest city in the South Island.

The things that will want looking at are when did the first calls come in, when did the first copper arrive, when did the police command realise that something very bad was happening and how long did it take them to order the specialist units to get there - and how long did it taken them to get there and in what quantity - and did they have useful information, and enough people on the ground to stop him going from one mosque to the next.

The UK police and military support to them went through massive procedural changes before the kind of reaction to the Borough market attack came into effect, and they only happened because of unsatisfactory results in previous attacks exercises. It's a steep learning curve, and unfortunately the effort and money required to put this stuff into place only happens after you've been caught with your pants down.

Countries talk about learning from the experience of others, and in some ways they do, but the big changes and investments often get put in the 'too difficult/expensive' pile and they only do the cheap and easy stuff.

We'll see....
Reading about Kiwi gun laws and some of the stats are staggering. They estimate about 1.5 million firearms to be in private hands though they can't be sure because not all individual weapons are registered. With a population of something under 5 million people and about 20% of New Zealand households holding guns perhaps it's surprising that something like this hasn't happened before. They had a spree shooting (Aramoana) in 1990 with 13 dead but nothing of any scale since. They've got quite a vocal and successful gun lobby so I'd expect there to be a lot of resistance to meaningful change in firearms legislation there and it makes you wonder how many lives have been saved in the UK by British gun laws. From my reading it seems that it's about the same process in NZ to obtain a FAC as it is in the UK to get a shotgun certificate and no types are completely banned except full autos.

It's going to be interesting to see the legislative response to this.
Even still...who would be using semi automatic weapons to cull pigs or hunt anything?

It is crazy that ANYONE should be able to just go and buy semi automatic weapons.

Assuming that the wild pigs in NZ are anything like wild boar in the UK, a semi-automatic would be a very good idea.

Obsessing about the weapon massively misses the point - while limiting legal access to this or that firearm might have had some impact on the numbers, it has little impact on the availability of illegally held firearms - and far importantly ignores the much bigger issues around internet surveillance and analysis, police structure and procedures, resources, and free speech/hate speech legislation.

Gun control legislation? easy, cheap, quick.

How this person was missed and why wasn't he interdicted at any stage from posting shit on the net, moving to NZ, buying a firearm and ammunition, posting more shit on the net to walking into a second Mosque? Expensive, difficult, long-winded.

Guess which one will get done and which one will be kicked off into the long grass, never to seen again?
NZ has fairly relaxed gun laws and it's possible to buy semi-automatic weapons with the correct license, and in this case all the reports I've seen say the weapons used were legally held.

Oh, I see and I would like to thank you for the information that you have given me. Well then, I'll tell you my thoughts on the second paragraph.

Yup. We tend to forget how lax our gun laws are. Government have announced a ban on semi-automatic weapons today.

The governments needs to have clear vision and policies to meet this objective. Because there remains an unacceptable level of violence and use of weapons. The fact that all types of weapons, causing death and misery to millions of innocent people. These adverse effects make it clear why need to ban the production and use of guns, semi-automatic weapons as well as illegal weapons all over the world. However, I guess this will not be possible. Because these kinds of weapons means make money, and as much money as possible. Shit!

Government have announced a ban on semi-automatic weapons today.

Perhaps, that is another item of today's good news but that's not enough.
I suppose that make absolutely no rational sense. You might be right about the Christians and Jews from Ottoman vassals. However, Ottomans were Turk. Just have a look at the London Gazette and textual descriptions of the contents of the images:

Page 1 | Issue 1846, 26 July 1683 | London Gazette | The Gazette
Page 3 | Issue 1846, 26 July 1683 | London Gazette | The Gazette

English map made by British:
View attachment 164652

French map made by Françis:
View attachment 164653

Deutch map made by Germans:
View attachment 164654

As you can see, the Holy Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Habsburg, France, Italy, Hungarians, Poles, etc., they used to call Ottomans 'Turks', or 'Turk Empire'. On the other hand, you can call them Ottomans of course. It does not matter. Because it will not change the reality. And yet despite this, in the literature, various terms might be used. So I mean, the term "Turks" might be used to replace "Ottomans", "Ottoman Forces", or "Muslims". Anyways we need to end that and I believe we should leave the topic as it stands.
Stop posting this fucking wank.
Semi hunting pigs in the bush is fucking stupid. 303 is fine

A bolt action. 303 is easily capable of 20 aimed shots a minute.

The parkland massacre was done using 10 round magazines.

It's not the type of gun it's the type of person UK gun clubs have got very strict on vetting people who they let Finish introductory courses no membership no guns for you.
A bolt action. 303 is easily capable of 20 aimed shots a minute.

The parkland massacre was done using 10 round magazines.

It's not the type of gun it's the type of person UK gun clubs have got very strict on vetting people who they let Finish introductory courses no membership no guns for you.

I really hope nobody ever trusted you with more than a potato peeler.
Well possibly 30 assualt rifle rounds fired fast as you can a lot of those are going to miss or injure people.
10 rounds large calibre rounds fired from a concealed supported firing position is ten kills you then you move and do it again and again.
Personally I'd rather have Mr neo nazi only allowed airsoft guns no deaths:hmm:
this is all a bit bollocks isn't it? Loads of reports of NZ anarchists/radicals talking about how they have been under intense surveillance from the police and people are saying the cops were ill prepared?

No, that can't possibly be it. they wanted it.
Well that's just not true is it? You can shoot at least 5 rounds from a semi in the time it takes you to operate a bolt. If the same person had both weapons he'd do far more damage with the gun with the higher rate of fire.

While this is is true, it's something of a rabbit hole to go down - we've all seen what can be done with a lorry in Nice, or a car and some kitchen knives on Borough market.
I suppose that make absolutely no rational sense. You might be right about the Christians and Jews from Ottoman vassals. However, Ottomans were Turk. Just have a look at the London Gazette and textual descriptions of the contents of the images:

Page 1 | Issue 1846, 26 July 1683 | London Gazette | The Gazette
Page 3 | Issue 1846, 26 July 1683 | London Gazette | The Gazette

English map made by British:
View attachment 164652

French map made by Françis:
View attachment 164653

Deutch map made by Germans:
View attachment 164654

As you can see, the Holy Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Habsburg, France, Italy, Hungarians, Poles, etc., they used to call Ottomans 'Turks', or 'Turk Empire'. On the other hand, you can call them Ottomans of course. It does not matter. Because it will not change the reality. And yet despite this, in the literature, various terms might be used. So I mean, the term "Turks" might be used to replace "Ottomans", "Ottoman Forces", or "Muslims". Anyways we need to end that and I believe we should leave the topic as it stands.


Yeah thank you I received your message and I'll talk to you later if you don't mind.


Now I have a question. Because I'm wondering where he found these guns. So, where did he get that gun? And who sells those guns to those retard? So is that legal to do that? I've never been to NZ and I don't know it's legal to sell it. Therefore I am asking. If not, how could he ever find the gun?

ama yani osmanliler türkmen, tatar, çerkez etc etc etc. değildi. bu önemli bır hassas nokta.
this is all a bit bollocks isn't it? Loads of reports of NZ anarchists/radicals talking about how they have been under intense surveillance from the police and people are saying the cops were ill prepared?

No, that can't possibly be it. they wanted it.
It's either cock-up or connivance, looking at this:

Misguided Spying and the New Zealand Massacre

By connivance, I don't mean the deep state planned this or anything like that, just that the Kiwi equivalent of special branch were indifferent at best to the threat presented by the shirt-wearers.
While this is is true, it's something of a rabbit hole to go down - we've all seen what can be done with a lorry in Nice, or a car and some kitchen knives on Borough market.
Sure, but the comparison was between two types of firearms in shooting circumstances, and the fact that most of the mass shootings have been with legally held weapons (except maybe Bataclan?) The main point being that semi-automatic weapons should be banned from civilian use, imo.
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