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Terrorist attack NZ, 50 dead, many injured

1. Anning clearly looked before punching, and threw multiple punches.

2. The people who restrained the kid were not attacked themselves and so were not acting in self defence.

3. If the kid lost consciousness, that's considerably more serious than getting egg in your face.

OK I didn't see the footage. Having said that, one of the reasons I've never splatted an egg on a stranger's head is because I don't fancy a punch in the face.

Having said that, I fully support egging, pie-facing or flouring etc politicians and celebrities. Especially if the person doing it is ready for the potential reaction they could elicit (duck/retreat, no need to get hurt)
I'm remarkably easy going on political assassinations tbh.

As far as I can tell in my admitedly limited personal experience of politicians, they are the only people not broadly in favour of political assassinations when and where necessary. How much war and misery down the ages could have been avoided, had the rich and powerful not shied away from killing each other to achieve their aims, in case someone did it back to them? Better to send ten thousand peasants out to kill each other instead.


Unless they were pushing hard on, this is your guy, not letting go till interwiewee breaks down or storms off. That and only that could have justified the interview at this time. I agree, a new low.
Unless they were pushing hard on, this is your guy, not letting go till interwiewee breaks down or storms off. That and only that could have justified the interview at this time. I agree, a new low.

Some people are suggesting that the GI bloke was given a moderately hard time, but still the very fact of giving them a platform lends them some kind of legitimacy.

If the BBC want to bring UK fascist groups into the equation why not simply name the groups and individuals who share the ideology that caused this and many other atrocities. Then if you have to interview someone, get the fucking home secretary in and ask him what he's doing about nazis operating openly in the UK, and why the police protect them instead of treating them like the existential threat they are.
It's not that odd that with an active shooter who was mobile, an unprecedented situation in CCH and NZ, that ambulances didn't arrive on the scene until they were sure the shooter was not still in the area.

The first call was made after he started shooting - but he spent 6 minutes at the first mosque and was gone, taking another 6 minutes to get to the second mosque, spending less time there before hooning off elsewhere.

Given that there had been two attacks within 15 minutes, cops genuinely didn't know if it was one shooter or two. Establishing that the first mosque was safe before calling the ambulances in was probably a good idea, aye.
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Twitter have suspended his (EGG boy's @willConnolly_ ) account. I surmise the fash have made complaints.
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NZ has fairly relaxed gun laws and it's possible to buy semi-automatic weapons with the correct license, and in this case all the reports I've seen say the weapons used were legally held.

The problem is that with some semi-auto weapons, it's not beyond the wit of man to engineer a solution, esp. with cnc-controlled milling machines. Shit, you used to be able to buy a drop-in adapter that would allow you to fire a Browning Hi-Power on full auto. Scary as fuck, as with that short a barrel, it's totally uncontrollable.
In the US there were even full-auto converter kits for the Ruger Mini-14, a very popular "ranch rifle". You could buy after-market 30 round mags, new "assault rifle-style" stocks. As this shit is "after-market", there's basically no way to stop conversions, unless you "police" all incoming mail to a country for such parts. Possibly feasible in NZ, but elsewhere?
Even still...who would be using semi automatic weapons to cull pigs or hunt anything?

It is crazy that ANYONE should be able to just go and buy semi automatic weapons.

Semi-auto - have to pull the trigger for each shot. Actually useful on farms and ranches where you might have a vermin problem, at least over a conventional single-shot bolt-action Browning rifle or similar.
It's not that odd that with an active shooter who was mobile, an unprecedented situation in CCH and NZ, that ambulances didn't arrive on the scene until they were sure the shooter was not still in the area.

The first call was made after he started shooting - but he spent 6 minutes at the first mosque and was gone, taking another 6 minutes to get to the second mosque, spending less time there before hooning off elsewhere.

Given that there had been two attacks within 15 minutes, cops genuinely didn't know if it was one shooter or two. Establishing that the first mosque was safe before calling the ambulances in was probably a good idea, aye.

I can't respond to this without being accused of point scoring. You're probably fine though.

If he'd just swung the one, he'd have got away with it, but he took a 2nd shot, and made himself look like a vindictive cunt larruping someone about half his size.

Yup. Probably difficult to prosecute him though. And though the security team went too far they weren't wrong to grab him in the first place, heightened security levels and all that. But the bloke who kicked the boy when he was on the ground really had no justification at all. Bet he won't get charged though.

I hope the mosques there are being provided with police protection at the moment, staffing permitting (don't know how many mosques there are in Christchurch). I know it's unlikely there'll be any follow-up attacks but I know if I were them it'd make me feel safer and also like I was deemed worthy of protection.
Some people are suggesting that the GI bloke was given a moderately hard time, but still the very fact of giving them a platform lends them some kind of legitimacy.

If the "platform" was basically a single-minded demand for apology and atonement it might be worth giving. I'll have to look up the interview, but I don't expect it could be described that way.
Assuming that the wild pigs in NZ are anything like wild boar in the UK, a semi-automatic would be a very good idea.

Yep. Really don't want to be fumbling with a bolt when Tusker comes at you, to gore your bollocks off!

Obsessing about the weapon massively misses the point - while limiting legal access to this or that firearm might have had some impact on the numbers, it has little impact on the availability of illegally held firearms - and far importantly ignores the much bigger issues around internet surveillance and analysis, police structure and procedures, resources, and free speech/hate speech legislation.

As you say, little impact. Sadly, lots of smuggled-in handguns out there (not least by members of Her Maj's armed forces, and her dad's armed forces before that), plus a lot of re-activated hardware from the days when deactivating meant removing the firing pin, and plugging the barrel with lead.

Look how many arrests of far-rightists have led to discoveries of firearms and explosives, including 3 major ones, in the last 5 years.

Then you've also got every twat with an internet connection, hate in their heart and some chemistry knowledge, to deal with too.

Gun control legislation? easy, cheap, quick.

How this person was missed and why wasn't he interdicted at any stage from posting shit on the net, moving to NZ, buying a firearm and ammunition, posting more shit on the net to walking into a second Mosque? Expensive, difficult, long-winded.

Guess which one will get done and which one will be kicked off into the long grass, never to seen again?

GI has a defined media strategy that’s considerably more sophisticated than, say, the Tories, and the BBC can’t even deal with them. Or don’t want to.
attempted assassinations often result in more than a smack in the mouth

even though they shouldn't

I'm going to have to dig out my egg-a-pult plans, which I first started work on when detective_boy told a jackanory about "acid-filled billiard balls" being chucked at coppers during the student riots. Obviously "egg-a-pult" because it's easier to say that "acid-filled billiard ball-a-pult".
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