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Terrorist attack NZ, 50 dead, many injured

The problem is that with some semi-auto weapons, it's not beyond the wit of man to engineer a solution, esp. with cnc-controlled milling machines. Shit, you used to be able to buy a drop-in adapter that would allow you to fire a Browning Hi-Power on full auto. Scary as fuck, as with that short a barrel, it's totally uncontrollable.
In the US there were even full-auto converter kits for the Ruger Mini-14, a very popular "ranch rifle". You could buy after-market 30 round mags, new "assault rifle-style" stocks. As this shit is "after-market", there's basically no way to stop conversions, unless you "police" all incoming mail to a country for such parts. Possibly feasible in NZ, but elsewhere?

Conversion from semi to full auto is a bit of a red herring in terms of lethality, it's more of an easy media thing to fixate on imo.

There's a big jump in terms of potential casualties between being armed with a bolt action/limited magazine weapon or being armed with a semi auto/large capacity magazine weapon though.
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Yep. Really don't want to be fumbling with a bolt when Tusker comes at you, to gore your bollocks off!

The traditional method of pig hunting in NZ is with dogs and a knife to finish pig off ( pig sticking ),nowadays it is more your tourist trophy hunters with guides,SLRs and even helicopters.
Your good keen man would carry a .303 quite often a Jungle Carbine , long barrels bit of a hinderance in the bush , in case but knife the most usual method to dispatch pig which then had to be carried out on your back no easy task.Nowadays it's likely a helicopter will pick up the carcass.
GI has a defined media strategy that’s considerably more sophisticated than, say, the Tories, and the BBC can’t even deal with them. Or don’t want to.

Easy solution to this is don't put them on the TV. The BBC habitually ignores far larger and more relevant political groups, I don't know why they're unable to do the same with a handful of basement-dwelling fashy trolls.
Just visited our local mosque with community leaders, at their invite. Prayers, discussion on what can be done to continue to show solidarity and strengthen our relationships as a community and address the underlying racism which creates the environment in which this stuff happens. South Auckland is a hugely diverse community, and has turned up in droves to support our brothers and sisters of the Muslim faith in the last two days. Some of my friends have lost friends or family.

My school is having an early meeting to agree on our strategy with dealing with this - a lot of our kids are Muslim and attend the mosque regularly. This is going to be grim, but we're all resolved to support them through this.
The traditional method of pig hunting in NZ is with dogs and a knife to finish pig off ( pig sticking ),nowadays it is more your tourist trophy hunters with guides,SLRs and even helicopters.
Your good keen man would carry a .303 quite often a Jungle Carbine , long barrels bit of a hinderance in the bush , in case but knife the most usual method to dispatch pig which then had to be carried out on your back no easy task.Nowadays it's likely a helicopter will pick up the carcass.

[pointless gun hunting bollocks deleted]
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Egging is a good thing. I support the egging of all politicians, even those I support, if people feel the need to egg them.

Sometimes it’s actually the punching the egger afterwards that’s more entertaining. I’m thinking of Prescott’s right-hook of that mulleted gimp from the countryside alliance.
Prescott seemed to be the new labour whipping boy as far as that sort of stuff went - didn't someone from chumbawamba empty an ice bucket over him at the brits one time?
It also could have been more deaths, but Abdul Aziz chased the fucker away from the second mosque by himself...

Abdul Aziz: Saved lives by running at gunman in mosque

That man is incredible. He drew the gunman away from the mosque, only caring for the lives of others not himself. He was even a great shot with a gun that had run out of ammunition. I can find no words great enough to describe his actions.

And now the poor bastard can’t even sleep for seeing dead bodies. :(

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