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Terrorist attack NZ, 50 dead, many injured

NZ fash have long been seen as a joke in some quarters. There's a grim irony in a country founded in colonialism and white supremacy finding the idea of neo-nazis to be a bit of a laugh but there you go.

Matt Nippert is one of our best investigative journalists (broke the Peter Thiel citizenship story among others). Says he's getting six tips a minute off the back of this.


I'm not going to debate NZ gun laws with folk but mind that some of us actually live here, so don't show yourselves up by talking like you know shit when you still think kia ora is an orange juice.
NZ fash have long been seen as a joke in some quarters. There's a grim irony in a country founded in colonialism and white supremacy finding the idea of neo-nazis to be a bit of a laugh but there you go.

Matt Nippert is one of our best investigative journalists (broke the Peter Thiel citizenship story among others). Says he's getting six tips a minute off the back of this.

View attachment 164678

I'm not going to debate NZ gun laws with folk but mind that some of us actually live here, so don't show yourselves up by talking like you know shit when you still think kia ora is an orange juice.
i think we all know shit
Nazi's aren't really taken seriously because 9 times out 10 they are a joke wouldn't want to meet them outside a pub but as a mass movement, they are a joke less filling a beer cellar more a bedsit with room to spare.
but you don't need a mass movement to commit an atrocity.
catching the wanker before they put their plan into action UK police have been pretty good at locking inadequates up but you only have to miss one.
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:confused: Has someone said something that's wrong?
Well it does feel like the thread is descending into the usual points scoring bullshit around who thinks they know the most about guns or about police rapid response times or how gun laws should be amended when the fact is, very few people here actually live in New Zealand or know the first thing about it.
Well it does feel like the thread is descending into the usual points scoring bullshit around who thinks they know the most about guns or about police rapid response times or how gun laws should be amended when the fact is, very few people here actually live in New Zealand or know the first thing about it.
49 people have just been shot to death by a bloke with a legally held weapon. How can that not be a topic of discussion?
The police have always taken more of an interest in the left than the right because they're more worried about attacks on the state and on capital than they are about immigrants being beaten up or killed.

Perhaps, though its also probably the case that movements of the left are easier to deal with as well - there are more people involved, there is an identifiable and predictable programme and they usually invite strangers to meetings for a start - plus they are unlikely to have any kind of money or influence behind them.

This fringe (this bloke, Breivik, Copeland, Mair and their ilk) on the other hand are already paranoid, has no need to gather support or money and often consists of one person who, by the time they are planning an attack, may well have been shunned by other groups on the far right - so is much less likely to come to notice by turning up to meetings, shouting extremist demands or rowing with the cops. To stop them then requires luck or a system that can notice beforehand the red flags that are invariably identified after the event (when there are vast resources deployed to find what went wrong).
It's a bizarre interview. They probably imagined it was some kind of gotcha, exposing GI to sunlight or something, when in reality they just allowed prime time news space more or less unchallenged for a fascist. During a piece about a fascist mass-murder.
NZ has a total population of less than 5 million people, and while large by NZ standards Christchurch is only about the size of Stoke. How quickly do you think a proper armed response unit can be deployed in a generally peaceful place like that? Christchurch emergency civil contingency planning likely tends a tad more towards earthquake than nutter shootings.

Probably ten minutes right in the centre of the city. Not twenty or thirty. You can be sympathetic to the difficulties the police faced and also acknowledge that that's a really long time.

There were three other armed people arrested at the scene, one of whom has been released as having nothing to do with the attack. 250,000 people from that population of 5 million have gun licences, so let's not pretend that the police there are completely unfamiliar with them.
Well it does feel like the thread is descending into the usual points scoring bullshit around who thinks they know the most about guns or about police rapid response times or how gun laws should be amended when the fact is, very few people here actually live in New Zealand or know the first thing about it.

Nice. I think it's odd that it apparently took thirty minutes for an ambulance to arrive. That's not points scoring.

Ah, fuck urban. You can't wonder about police response times without being accused of points scoring even though making such an accusation is pretty much points scoring, isn't it? I give up.
struck first from behind -vs- reacted to an attack from behind without looking. even a crap lawyer couldn't miss that one tbh.

1. Anning clearly looked before punching, and threw multiple punches.

2. The people who restrained the kid were not attacked themselves and so were not acting in self defence.

3. If the kid lost consciousness, that's considerably more serious than getting egg in your face.
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