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Terrorist attack NZ, 50 dead, many injured

Hat I don't understand is how he was able to kill so many in one mosque and then drive to a second one without being apprehended by a SWAT team. Reminds me of watching a documentary a while go about Michael Ryan in Hungerford where the police were a bit wrong footed by how quickly he killed people.
Hat I don't understand is how he was able to kill so many in one mosque and then drive to a second one without being apprehended by a SWAT team. Reminds me of watching a documentary a while go about Michael Ryan in Hungerford where the police were a bit wrong footed by how quickly he killed people.

I'll be interested to see what the results of the after action report are - lots of witnesses are talking about it taking 20 minutes for the Police to arrive (of course witnesses are often incorrect because of the stress of the situation), but this is a city about the size of Glasgow, and the largest city in the South Island.

The things that will want looking at are when did the first calls come in, when did the first copper arrive, when did the police command realise that something very bad was happening and how long did it take them to order the specialist units to get there - and how long did it taken them to get there and in what quantity - and did they have useful information, and enough people on the ground to stop him going from one mosque to the next.

The UK police and military support to them went through massive procedural changes before the kind of reaction to the Borough market attack came into effect, and they only happened because of unsatisfactory results in previous attacks exercises. It's a steep learning curve, and unfortunately the effort and money required to put this stuff into place only happens after you've been caught with your pants down.

Countries talk about learning from the experience of others, and in some ways they do, but the big changes and investments often get put in the 'too difficult/expensive' pile and they only do the cheap and easy stuff.

We'll see....
Hat I don't understand is how he was able to kill so many in one mosque and then drive to a second one without being apprehended by a SWAT team. Reminds me of watching a documentary a while go about Michael Ryan in Hungerford where the police were a bit wrong footed by how quickly he killed people.
It takes a while to figure out what's going on, where, and respond effectively. Add to that Kiwi police aren't routinely armed so they'd have needed to call on armed response plod who could have been some distance away, I don't think it's that surprising.
There is plenty of interesting things. His words "Battle of Vienna", "Battle of Tours" were on the gun. However, Turks and Catholics fought with each other in the Battle of Vienna. Arabs and Catholics fought with each other in the Battle of Tours. However, this guy is a Protestant. And his ancestors they rebelled against the Crusaders while they (Catholics) had fought the Turks. And this what makes him a classical and typical fascist scum.

See also:
1- Sack of Constantinople
2- The siege of Constantinople
3- St. Bartholomew's Day massacre - Wikipedia

You know, I am really getting sick of these classical and typical retards. Anyway. As a Turk, I hope peace and love will come to the world.

Inna Lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un.

Not "Turks" at the Battle of Vienna, Ottomans. The other point to make here, is that the Ottoman forces, usually referred to as Muslim, contained Christians and Jews from Ottoman vassals, too.
It takes a while to figure out what's going on, where, and respond effectively. Add to that Kiwi police aren't routinely armed so they'd have needed to call on armed response plod who could have been some distance away, I don't think it's that surprising.

British police generally respond an awful lot more quickly than the reported twenty to thirty minutes. I know the NZ cops won't have experienced anything like this before but they will surely have had training just in case it did happen?

And I know there are rules about sending people into zones where they might just become more casualties, but in previous incidents that's never lead to delays this long.

Hopefully the 20-30 minutes thing turns out to be fallible memory because if not that's shockingly bad emergency services at best.
It takes a while to figure out what's going on, where, and respond effectively. Add to that Kiwi police aren't routinely armed so they'd have needed to call on armed response plod who could have been some distance away, I don't think it's that surprising.
The shootings were within about 500m of the two main police stations for South Island. There may be good reason for them to have been delayed, but it aint cos they came from miles away
British police generally respond an awful lot more quickly than the reported twenty to thirty minutes. I know the NZ cops won't have experienced anything like this before but they will surely have had training just in case it did happen?

And I know there are rules about sending people into zones where they might just become more casualties, but in previous incidents that's never lead to delays this long.

Hopefully the 20-30 minutes thing turns out to be fallible memory because if not that's shockingly bad emergency services at best.
It's probably not fair to compare British police response times, especially in London and larger cities where they're well prepared and on high alert to such incidents. Way too early to know what caused the delays here.
That was the problem in Hungerford - that it was a small town that was ill prepared for a sudden massacre
Hungerford was totally different. It's a small town, he started miles away, before moving onto a second location (from where he was first reported). The police had to come from miles away, with no CCTV surveillance (NZ has comparatively low CCTV usage, iirr, but it's still way more than the UK's 30+ years ago), and were under the impression they were after an armed robber, initially. He kept moving, so the police were always one step behind.

The main thing they did have in common was being totally unprepared for anything like this.
Wouldn't be remotely surprised. I think the chances that it's been brought into NZ for this attack are extremely limited because it's simply too easy to get caught, and I think that the chances of it being an NZDF weapon are the same and for the same reason.

£50 the server fund if it's not a previously legal rifle that disappeared into the grey/black market.

Happened here when Blair brought in the handgun ban post-Dunblane: "Hello officer, I'm afraid my home has been broken into, and my gun cabinet cleared out" became a common refrain, not helped by the govt offering a fixed sum per gun in compensation, when many were worth 3-4 (or more) times the £200 "the man" were offering.
The bit of the loonosphere I peeped at seems to have decided that this actually happened but over here, Gemma O'Doherty, who was nominated to be a presidential candidate by Clare Daly, Mick Wallace and assorted headbangers, has been going on about false flags and globalists all day.
I may have spoken too soon here. Beeleyites are suggesting joo involvement and citing the Breivik 'false flag' as a precedent. From what I've seen, he's more or less one of theirs. O'Doherty held an event on Monday in a small town just outside dublin which was attended by 120-150 people and babbled about the same obsessions as the shooter, replacement and Soros and so on.
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we must go to very different music festivals.

That particular remark was more facetious and I apologise if it caused any offence, but it was meant as a dig as the kind of red-brown ''writers and researchers'' (some noted elsewhere on these very boards) whose online presence is a contributory factor in an apparent resurgence of some extremely nasty ideas. Some of them do speak at music festivals, have been doing so for years, and they need to be held to account for their contributions to a (largely) online world that can spawn fuckers like this, an ''ex-anarchist'' mass murderer who wrote for posterity:

manifesto / self-penned Q+A said:
''From where did you receive/research/develop your beliefs?
The internet, of course. You will not find the truth anywhere else.''
It needs stamping out I think. They are seen to some extent in mainstream currents as honourable, reasonable. That seems to be a creeping danger. They should be met with abuse and contempt, whatever their profile or office. The thing is, how do you reason with or shame people who enjoy, rejoice in perhaps, a video of innocent people being murdered? If this isn't a watershed then when CAN they be opposed? And when will they relent from this shit?

This is all anyone needs to get in their faces, to tell them with conviction and authority that they are drastically wrong. No matter where you live.
I only spent a short time in New Zealand but I think I can safely say that they wouldn't have been remotely expecting anything like this to happen.

Although I note the attacker was Australian, Christchurch has always had a history of fascist skins.

NZ is filled with red neck rascists. Buried well beneath the clean green bullshit.

Christchurch has had a long history of white nationalism, security expert on RNZ said this was the fault of successive governments who were too busy looking at Muslims to see who else was being radicalized.

The fucking fash were talking about weapons training in plain sight. A well known writer/RW political type followed one of the killers on twitter ffs. This was preventable and we did nothing.

It's awful.
I think it's also naïve to imagine that there was no reason not to worry, though.
It does depend who you're looking at, doesn't it?
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The shootings were within about 500m of the two main police stations for South Island. There may be good reason for them to have been delayed, but it aint cos they came from miles away

I'd say because the police were under armed

so did not have a tactical response to the situation

spree shooters are not a massive problem in NZ

gun death where around 37 in new Zealand in 2017 about the same as the UK
British police generally respond an awful lot more quickly than the reported twenty to thirty minutes. I know the NZ cops won't have experienced anything like this before but they will surely have had training just in case it did happen?

NZ has a total population of less than 5 million people, and while large by NZ standards Christchurch is only about the size of Stoke. How quickly do you think a proper armed response unit can be deployed in a generally peaceful place like that? Christchurch emergency civil contingency planning likely tends a tad more towards earthquake than nutter shootings.
Some powerful responses in New Zealand:

Vigil in Auckland


Tributes outside a Wellington mosque


'Mongrel Mob' gang members show support for victims in Christchurch


I'm sure other Mongrel Mob members are looking forward to discussing Tarrant's white supremacist ideology with him while he spends the rest of his life in a New Zealand prison...

It's awful.
I think it's also naïve to imagine that there was no reason not to worry, though.
It does depend who you're looking at, doesn't it?
Undoubtedly I am naiive. I didn't spend enough time there to know much about all the bad stuff. I'm just trying to think why the response might have been slow (if indeed it was).
It needs stamping out I think. They are seen to some extent in mainstream currents as honourable, reasonable. That seems to be a creeping danger. They should be met with abuse and contempt, whatever their profile or office. The thing is, how do you reason with or shame people who enjoy, rejoice in perhaps, a video of innocent people being murdered? If this isn't a watershed then when CAN they be opposed? And when will they relent from this shit?

This is all anyone needs to get in their faces, to tell them with conviction and authority that they are drastically wrong. No matter where you live.

I happened across an Identitarian whilst out in town the other month. I am aware of these pricks, and what they believe in. This prick dropped some comments in order to be over heard. I suspect he wanted to trigger me.
Well he did. In public, i went for the full Phil Spectre wall of sound. In no uncertain terms informed him where and what he could do with his nazi movement. A grown man almost crying as he ran off. "Is that how you debate with people you disagree with, you shout at them?"
I had never experienced anything so angry before from myself. Shook me up as i had no idea what i was channeling. I felt bad for some weeks after that. Even considered admitting myself to hospital.
Would do it again.
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