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Terrorist attack NZ, 50 dead, many injured

I'm glad I'm on a 30 day ban from Facebook. :mad: social media is a fucking cesspit at times. :mad: did you just know as soon as this news broke, that the far right would be tossing themselves off in glee at this tragic event.

Aye, when it's nasty bollocks it's nasty bollocks and isn't good for the head.
yeh cos obvs yer man knew the bangladesh team's movements and had been stalking them :rolleyes: he was so after them he left and went to the other mosque. it's much more likely coincidence than anything else, esp as nowhere in the reports of the live stream i've seen does he make reference to them. but hey doubt it's a coincidence, see links where there aren't any
It probably is coincidental but that said, everyone knew that they were in Christchurch and they've know for months. When the Bangladeshi team is in town there's more than a fair chance that they'll go to Friday prayers at a mosque and both were hit.
yeh cos obvs yer man knew the bangladesh team's movements and had been stalking them :rolleyes: he was so after them he left and went to the other mosque. it's much more likely coincidence than anything else, esp as nowhere in the reports of the live stream i've seen does he make reference to them. but hey doubt it's a coincidence, see links where there aren't any
The team was in town for a test match that starts tomorrow. Doesn't take a genius to work out that they would be going to Friday prayers today.

Tone down the nastiness, pickers. Not on to be a sneery cunt on a thread like this.
The team was in town for a test match that starts tomorrow. Doesn't take a genius to work out that they would be going to Friday prayers today.

Tone down the nastiness, pickers. Not on to be a sneery cunt on a thread like this.
and once again i don't like being addressed by another user's name. if you're going to say 'yer man was after them' do try and introduce some actual evidence if you want to be taken seriously
It probably is coincidental but that said, everyone knew that they were in Christchurch and they've know for months. When the Bangladeshi team is in town there's more than a fair chance that they'll go to Friday prayers at a mosque and both were hit.
if yer man was after them i have no doubt he would have mentioned it in his live stream, even if it was 'i wonder where those cricketers are'

This has probably already been posted, and if not many of you have already seen it I guess. Is it legitimate? Forgive me for not doing my own research.
Dreadful thing to wake up and see this morning.

The thing with these white supremacists, and this plank (the shooter) is a stereotypical example, is the ignorance. A thicko at school and then a thicko/bully as an adult. Unable to see and accept that the world is a continually changing place. Unable to see the irony of his own immigrant background and its implications.

I guess that our dumb leaders and would be leaders in politics and the media give them some form of credence today.

Those poor people...
The name Paul Buchanan is a new one on me, but he has some to-the-point comments here:

Mosque shootings: Offender ‘a very clear white supremacist’

I heard him on Radio 5 about 9.30 this morning - I don't know about his credentials in terms of the far right, buy I can tell you that his stuff relating to Weapons Intelligence was utter bollocks.

It's probably that he was asked about something outside of his specialism and instead of say 'sorry, I don't know' he tried to bluff it out.

He tried to pin the weapon - what looks like an AR-15 type hunting rifle, modified illegally - on the NZDF by saying that that's the most likely source of the expertise required to modify the weapon (he even suggest that it was an NZDF weapon that had been stolen by NZDF personnel acting for the murderer), buying fact it's the exact opposite - the NZDF would have no need to have that knowledge because they have armouries full of automatic and semi-automatic weapons, and probably don't actually have any single shot weapons.

It is, of course, possible that this is an NZDF rifle (they are moving from the Steyr rifle used by the Irish Army to an AR-15 derivative, so they are around in NZ) but the blokes reasoning is batshit.

If it's a civilian, but converted weapon, it's much more likely it was done with online help from US or AU's gun nuts. 5 minutes on Google will show you how to do it and where to get the bits.
I heard him on Radio 5 about 9.30 this morning - I don't know about his credentials in terms of the far right, buy I can tell you that his stuff relating to Weapons Intelligence was utter bollocks.

It's probably that he was asked about something outside of his specialism and instead of say 'sorry, I don't know' he tried to bluff it out.

He tried to pin the weapon - what looks like an AR-15 type hunting rifle, modified illegally - on the NZDF by saying that that's the most likely source of the expertise required to modify the weapon (he even suggest that it was an NZDF weapon that had been stolen by NZDF personnel acting for the murderer), buying fact it's the exact opposite - the NZDF would have no need to have that knowledge because they have armouries full of automatic and semi-automatic weapons, and probably don't actually have any single shot weapons.

It is, of course, possible that this is an NZDF rifle (they are moving from the Steyr rifle used by the Irish Army to an AR-15 derivative, so they are around in NZ) but the blokes reasoning is batshit.

If it's a civilian, but converted weapon, it's much more likely it was done with online help from US or AU's gun nuts. 5 minutes on Google will show you how to do it and where to get the bits.
Thanks for this (genuinely). What do you make of this pair of comments by a "Rik", from the thread on NZ's Standard blog?

"the weapons i supect were sold pre1992 those high capacity magazines were easy to get in the 1980s i remember you pick up ak copy semi auto for around 350 dollars it came with 2x 30 round mags at sportsways guns from that era a lot went underground when the 10 year fire arms licensees came in even the NZ army sold there surplus slr s on to the civilian market if i remember right about 12000 the guns hes using are not recent imports the horse bolted a long time ago there was never any need for semi auto fire arms in nz

15 March 2019 at 9:42 pm
i think the biggest fuck up was allowing fire arms to be sold literally on trade and exchange far to many vanished they should have restricted the second hand market to the gun shops"

Christchurch Mosque Shooting « The Standard
screen shot of uk facebook users celebrating -

These cunts feel comfortable writing this shit on their Facebook pages. Where the fuck are we when this is normal.

On a positive they are happy to identify themselves.
Prayer-goer returned fire at one of the mosques, apparently. Gun laws must have liberalised in NZ of late.

He grabbed the gun from the shooter but couldn't fire it, according to this report.

A man from inside the mosque then tried to tackle the gunman.

"The young guy who usually takes care of the mosque ... he saw an opportunity and pounced on [the gunman] and took his gun," Mazharuddin said.

"The hero tried to chase and he couldn't find the trigger in the gun ... he ran behind him but there were people waiting for him in the car and he fled."

Christchurch mosque shooting: Linwood mosque 'hero' tackled gunman, grabbed weapon
Thanks for this (genuinely). What do you make of this pair of comments by a "Rik", from the thread on NZ's Standard blog?

"the weapons i supect were sold pre1992 those high capacity magazines were easy to get in the 1980s i remember you pick up ak copy semi auto for around 350 dollars it came with 2x 30 round mags at sportsways guns from that era a lot went underground when the 10 year fire arms licensees came in even the NZ army sold there surplus slr s on to the civilian market if i remember right about 12000 the guns hes using are not recent imports the horse bolted a long time ago there was never any need for semi auto fire arms in nz

15 March 2019 at 9:42 pm
i think the biggest fuck up was allowing fire arms to be sold literally on trade and exchange far to many vanished they should have restricted the second hand market to the gun shops"

Christchurch Mosque Shooting « The Standard

Wouldn't be remotely surprised. I think the chances that it's been brought into NZ for this attack are extremely limited because it's simply too easy to get caught, and I think that the chances of it being an NZDF weapon are the same and for the same reason.

£50 the server fund if it's not a previously legal rifle that disappeared into the grey/black market.
very likely - and may well happen. But in the meantime publicly exposing them - contacting their school, colleges etc, notifying local anti-fash groups are all things that can be done. Expose them to their family, neighbours etc. Took me 60 seconds to find out that Lee Nailor is a DJ and mechanic in bristol. A screen shot of his comments on his business page or on the fb page of any event he is DJing at - and contacting the promoters - might make him think twice before coming out with this shit.

:hmm: Before you break out the pitchforks.......

You’ll be doxing pediatric surgeons next
Wouldn't be remotely surprised. I think the chances that it's been brought into NZ for this attack are extremely limited because it's simply too easy to get caught, and I think that the chances of it being an NZDF weapon are the same and for the same reason.

£50 the server fund if it's not a previously legal rifle that disappeared into the grey/black market.
Thanks again. I also wouldn't be remotely surprised if the "house cleaning" this will inspire will turn up some unpleasant characters in NZ army and police uniforms, even if they weren't the direct weapon source.

From what I recall of my six months in NZ - the trials of those lifted in the 2007 arrest of Maori and Pakeha radicals were still going through the system - the security organs are still run by old school Cold Warriors, who I wouldn't be suprised would not be primed to take far right threats seriously.
Thanks again. I also wouldn't be remotely surprised if the "house cleaning" this will inspire will turn up some unpleasant characters in NZ army and police uniforms, even if they weren't the direct weapon source.

From what I recall of my six months in NZ - the trials of those lifted in the 2007 arrest of Maori and Pakeha radicals were still going through the system - the security organs are still run by old school Cold Warriors, who I wouldn't be suprised would not be primed to take far right threats seriously.

Just the usual racist, sexist, violent, rapey bunch we have here.
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