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Taylor Swift mega-thread

Right, i have done it. I googled 'Taylor Swift acoustic' and there she is doing 'Wildest Dreams' - clearly a talented vocalist and gorgeous and great performer but not my bag. Not unique at all.

She used to be boring teen county disney channel shit

she developed into being some what of an intresting diva artist

stuff like Blank Space

Also Look what you made me do

Portraies an intresting artist who took the drama and used it make performances owning it

I satill think shake it off is inspid shit
Who gives a fuck? Just listen to some tunes and form an opinion. It's not fucking rocket science.

alright! i have checked out both videos 'Blank Space' and 'Look what you made me do' and she was songwriter on both songs. My conclusion is that these melodies are dogshit, to be brutally frank. From a musical point of view I find her songwriting uninspiring and boring, and this is in spite of her talent and charisma. Her vocals are....pretty okay. There is nothing really special about her voice.
alright! i have checked out both videos 'Blank Space' and 'Look what you made me do' and she was songwriter on both songs. My conclusion is that these melodies are dogshit, to be brutally frank. From a musical point of view I find her songwriting uninspiring and boring, and this is in spite of her talent and charisma. Her vocals are....pretty okay. There is nothing really special about her voice.
Wasn't too difficult was it
I listended to her new single last week. It's ok,nice production but not something I would rush into woolworths to purchase.
alright! i have checked out both videos 'Blank Space' and 'Look what you made me do' and she was songwriter on both songs. My conclusion is that these melodies are dogshit, to be brutally frank. From a musical point of view I find her songwriting uninspiring and boring, and this is in spite of her talent and charisma. Her vocals are....pretty okay. There is nothing really special about her voice.

I would say there is an intresting sub text to her look what you made me do video which refrences events such as her doing sued by the guy who sexually asulted her. but i totally understand why people think the end package is lacking.

I actually found this video to be informative
yeh, i didnt find the vid offensive myself, and those commentators tend to be trolls...
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I'm a sucker for catchy tunes and her writers have a habit of churning them out. Really liked the first album. Think style is probably
My favourite track as I can also imagine it as a vocal less prog house tune with a bit of extra work.

I don't tend to follow all the beef. Call me a cynic but to me it's just part of the machine to keep people in focus. Keep the clicks coming and name in the news. How many of us have posted video links myself included on a thread that was about her beef with others. We're all suckers to the machine.

Give it 30 years and she'll be sharing the stage with the same people doing 'back to the 2010s' nights.
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I'm sure we'll all be able to read about it all in her autobiography. And then how she made up with them all in the follow up.
Unfair to say she was 'teen country disney shit' or whatever, some of the stuff she wrote when she was 17/18 (Our Song etc) was good; she can play/sing.

Just think the new single is an unwise route to take, she's better than that, she should have done a Springsteen with Nebraska, stripped out all the production/feuds and gone back to her strengths; they may share the same producer, but she's no Lorde.

I'm 57 :D
I think she's got talent but I vaguely remember reading that she gets a writing credit on all her songs even though she had hardly anything to do with the writing.

Shake it off is the best pop song of the decade so far if you ask me though. Not far off pop perfection.
Admittedly I am not all that familiar with her music, but I did think she was pretty impressive at that recent groping trial.
I love her. The new song is pony, but I get it. The bit with all the Taylors at the end made me lol - she's very good at poking fun at herself which is an attribute and a half in her position imo.

I Knew You Were Trouble is country-pop, leap about in your pants, brilliance. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together is great too. Not mature in any way, don't expect grit, but it's perfect teen pop and the video is great.

I would 100% go and see her live.
I don't really like anything I've heard of hers. Its all weak ass pop drivel with little to nothing original within.

Everything is so generic I literally couldn't tell if the singer is Katy Perry or Taylor Swift.
Ruddy Yurts would never have made up music beef for PR purposes :( His feud with Three Fingers Joe Washington was both deadly serious and kept out of the public eye for over a decade, until Joe called the cops that night in New Orleans when Ruddy and two roadies were trying to break down his hotel door with an alligator. They did make up eventually, and I'd like to say everything was fine after that, but their pseudonymous collaboration on the Last Starfighter concept album in 1984 really is best forgotten.
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