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Taylor Swift mega-thread

Why does she wear outfits, and can she play an instrument?

If you're going to charge into this thread, why not spend a few seconds on Google before asking fucking stupid questions?

Yes, she can play several instruments and yes, she wears stage outfits, just like the Beatles, Queen, Bowie and a million other bands and performers have done. What point are you even trying to make here?
Especially in the North West

We're back in Brum, its 16 degrees but the sun is out and it feels amazing compared to the winter weather of Liverpool yesterday. The singer in Paramore literally said wtf? about the weather :D

Of course Taylor was very gracious and thanked everyone for coming out in the rain to see her.
What are the volume levels like? I read something that the audience noise was actually louder than the PA at times.
What are the volume levels like? I read something that the audience noise was actually louder than the PA at times.
People can be very loud, large numbers of them insanely so.

Probably the loudest thing I’ve ever heard was the crowd at Donnington when AC/DC walked out on stage. I was stood close to the monitor desk and the roar hit like a physical wave, and comfortably drowned out their backline, which wasn’t exactly turned down :D

So yeah, I can well believe a stadium of passionate fans all singing along could quite easily overpower the best any PA company has to offer :cool:
People can be very loud, large numbers of them insanely so.

Probably the loudest thing I’ve ever heard was the crowd at Donnington when AC/DC walked out on stage. I was stood close to the monitor desk and the roar hit like a physical wave, and comfortably drowned out their backline, which wasn’t exactly turned down :D

So yeah, I can well believe a stadium of passionate fans all singing along could quite easily overpower the best any PA company has to offer :cool:


Yeah my dad sent me this, (he's an ex H&S consultant...) as he was worried about Mini Fire's ears.

Last time i saw AC/DC they were LOUD for a stadium show. Had a bit of a riiiiing on the way home.

She's not great with loud noises but she can bring her ear defenders, we tried the kids earplugs a while back but they just got lost in about 10 minutes.

If I had to guess her show will be be mixed somewhere between 95 - 98dB averaged over 5 mins, as that will help keep off site levels somewhere sensible. Not painfully loud but certainly enough and potentially a bit much for anyone with any sensitivities. And yes, the crowd could quite easily blow that out the water…
If I had to guess her show will be be mixed somewhere between 95 - 98dB averaged over 5 mins, as that will help keep off site levels somewhere sensible. Not painfully loud but certainly enough and potentially a bit much for anyone with any sensitivities. And yes, the crowd could quite easily blow that out the water…

Also for 3 hours so extended exposure...
My daughter wore her Loops (Quiet) and kept them in, she said it sounded better with them in, I think they dampened the crowd noise down. I took mine and should've worn them as a sensible protection for my middle aged ear drums, but didn't because I started out without them so didn't like it with them in and I didn't want to hear myself sing. My ears are ringing a bit today.

Everyone was singing but it didn't overpower the PA.
Ok, here we go:

Woke up in the morning like AAAAHHHHH IT'S TODAY. M had left her dress at home so we went into town and luckily found a sparkly orange dress that was perfectly Fearless-era. We went to the St James Quarter and did some bracelet-making and M got filmed by BBC Scotland. We got our eyes done all sparkly by the free Boots make up lady. There were Swifties everywhere, looking very excited. So many sparkly outfits. We went back to our friend's flat to get changed and ready.

We had VIP tickets, so we we showed up at the stadium at 3pm. We managed to get on the special TTPD tram out there, so that was fun. The atmosphere was great - brilliant costumes, everyone's excited, trading bracelets. It was busy but not crowded, if that makes sense. About 20 mins before the gates opened at 4, the marshalls got us to stand up and queue properly, and we were right at the front. When the doors opened, we were straight in and straight to the merch stand, and bloody good job we did because while we waited 15 minutes, once we got our stuff the queues were SO LONG. Like, clearly well over an hour's wait worth of queueing. M got a hoodie. It was busy and crowded but not scary. We checked out the food options and got some mac and cheese and sat on the grass and talked to people and traded bracelets. A woman from South Africa complimented me on my dress :) There were people who had travelled from all over - we met people from Denmark, Australia, South Africa, America. I saw so many brilliant outfits. People put a LOT of effort in.

We went into the stadium proper at about 5pm and WOW. We were both like HOLY SHIT WE'RE HERE. It was so big, but also we had amazing seats and while in the photos and videos it looks like the stage was far away, it actually felt really close! M was so excited she was shaking. Here's what it looked like:

Paramore came on about 6.15 and they were great! So hard for a support band to do well but they really did. The lead singer properly rocked out. The stadium gradually filled up.

At about 7.10pm the clock came on for the 2-minute countdown and we were so excited, and when it started we got a bit overwhelmed and M and I both just burst into sobbing tears! I couldn't stop crying, I was just so happy to be there. For the first 10 minutes I was genuinely a bit worried M was going to pass out - she was crying, shaking, hyperventilating. But it was ok, she had some water, remembered to breathe, and was ok. The Man and You Need To Calm Down are two of my absolutely favourites and they're in the first set, so I was yelling, screaming, singing, dancing, it was BRILLIANT. The whole stadium yelling SHADE NEVER MADE ANYBODY LESS GAY made me start crying again :D We cried a lot :D I'm crying again thinking about it! You can see how emotional M was during Cruel Summer:

Taylor was RIGHT THERE! She was amazing.

Every song was brilliant, but I particularly loved the Red era. The girl who got picked for the hat in 22 was SO EXCITED, it was adorable. During We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together, Kam's special bit was "Nae chance!" :D I yelled along to Trouble.

The highlight of the whole show for me was All Too Well. Taylor just put everything into it, it was so emotional.

The Rep set was awesome, especially Look What You Made Me Do.

Then, we got an extended into chat for Folklore/Evermore! She talked about how it was inspired by videos she'd seen online about Scotland. Everyone was just super excited to get extra chat!

During Cardigan, someone got proposed to, and at the end Taylor talked about how cool it was that it was still light because she can see the audience and she doesn't usually get to see them and how cool it was that she saw the proposal.

And then Betty was on and I LOVE Betty! I yelled along. And Champagne Problems <3

I'm not going to go through every song, but it was SO GOOD. Blank Space and Shake It Off :cool: M reminded me every time an audience participation bit was coming up. I especially loved "1, 2, 3.. LET'S GO BITCH!".

TTPD and Who's Afraid:

And then the surprise songs! And not only did we get surprise songs, we get extra bits! We got four songs: Could've Would've Should've, I Know Places, and on piano, 'Tis the Damn Season and Daylight. During I know places,. she spotted someone in audience in trouble (she did this several times throughout the night, and directed the staff towards them), and she did this cute bit where she played the guitar and just kept chatting until the person got help. And then when she went back to playing, she got cramp in her hand and had to stop playing and she made a joke about it and we got an ERRORS TOUR moment! Crowd loved it.

And then Midnights, especially Anti-hero and Vigilante Shit, were awesome. And TOO SOON it was all over! The 3.5hrs flew by.

It was WORTH THE MONEY. Daughter says it was the best night of her life. It was one of my best too. It was incredible. Taylor Swift is incredible.

Just showed this to Mini Fire, she loved it. Thanks! :)
If you're going to charge into this thread, why not spend a few seconds on Google before asking fucking stupid questions?

Yes, she can play several instruments and yes, she wears stage outfits, just like the Beatles, Queen, Bowie and a million other bands and performers have done. What point are you even trying to make here?

We're back in Brum, its 16 degrees but the sun is out and it feels amazing compared to the winter weather of Liverpool yesterday. The singer in Paramore literally said wtf? about the weather :D

Of course Taylor was very gracious and thanked everyone for coming out in the rain to see her.

I saw Blondie on Sunday at the Piece Hall. It was pissing down. Debbie Harry thanked everybody for coming and staying, despite the weather. She said ‘if it was me I’d have gone home’ :D
I saw Blondie on Sunday at the Piece Hall. It was pissing down. Debbie Harry thanked everybody for coming and staying, despite the weather. She said ‘if it was me I’d have gone home’ :D
Tbf she has probably seen the set a million times
So horrible! I was sad for, like, 4 days.

Mini Fire is BMX Racing Saturday and Sunday in Manchester.


/pushy parent. :D

I’m picking them up after Wembley and driving up through the night. 😬😭

I’ll be fucking sad.
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