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Taylor Swift mega-thread

Oh my god, it was just incredible. Our seats were amazing.

The acoustic section was incredible and I had 3 of the songs on my wish list. Hits Different, DBATC and The Black Dog. It was very emotional.

I also had the best night of my life. ❤️

However, my loops wouldn’t stay in and it was hard to get to water so I have ringing ears and a sore throat from all the singing (and a bit of screaming). 😄 It was so loud, much louder than anything else I’ve ever been to.

I mean, 700 quid to watch autotuned nonsense. She's laughing all the way to the bank, so is her management.

I don't care about Taylor Swift either but I come on this thread sometimes to read it and enjoy the love and shared joy. Why do you take such pleasure in shitting on it? Who cares if people want to sacrifice holidays or whatever to go and see her? What's it got to do with you? You sound like a bitter old fart.
I don't care about Taylor Swift either but I come on this thread sometimes to read it and enjoy the love and shared joy. Why do you take such pleasure in shitting on it? Who cares if people want to sacrifice holidays or whatever to go and see her? What's it got to do with you? You sound like a bitter old fart.
This is my view too.

I spent a lot more than the Swift fans would have spent on their gig ticket to go to the Rugby World Cup in France for a few days last year. Why? Because rugby is a huge passion of mine and attending one with some of my dearest friends was a real bucket list thing to do.

I had a wonderful time as I’m sure everyone who’s been to Taylor Swift has had too, evidenced by the posts here. It’s particularly lovely as many of these posts are the mother and daughter going together, and having a great time together. Perhaps the best night of their lives for the youngsters and a shared memory to cherish forever

And yet too much of this thread is just people having a pop at them for enjoying themselves or grumpy as its a woman pop star who’s the biggest star in the world and not some skinny blokes with haircuts and guitars

I mean, 700 quid to watch autotuned nonsense. She's laughing all the way to the bank, so is her management.
I think you will find that watching your children discover music they love and going with them to gigs before they get too old to want to go without you, is an absolute highlight of raising young people.
When your turn comes, don't fuck it up by judging their music and denying you both that joy
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