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Taylor Swift mega-thread

I paid £112... Wonder what kind of view I'll get!!! :oops:
You can look it up. Especially now the first Wembley shows have happened.

Google your block and row for Eras.

On the usual Wembley map my seat isn’t even on there. Plus it doesn’t show light rigs and tents etc

The floor plan changed as they moved the stage further back. I was worried and my view was incredible.
the charity bit is nice but she's on track to becoming the richest musician in history, she's literally a billionaire.... and this tour:
I mean remember this? First against the wall?
the charity bit is nice but she's on track to becoming the richest musician in history, she's literally a billionaire.... and this tour:
I mean remember this? First against the wall?
If all billionaires made their money from creating music that spreads love and happiness and they pay for a year's supply to all the food banks and community pantries of the places they visit, I'd have a very different outlook.

There's no shortage of incredibly rich musicians but very, very few give anything meaningful back.

Her visit to the UK has literally improved the lives of millions of people here. She's improved my life too through some of her albums.
the charity bit is nice but she's on track to becoming the richest musician in history, she's literally a billionaire.... and this tour:
I mean remember this? First against the wall?
Not all billionaires…:)
If all billionaires made their money from creating music that spreads love and happiness and they pay for a year's supply to all the food banks and community pantries of the places they visit, I'd have a very different outlook.

There's no shortage of incredibly rich musicians but very, very few give anything meaningful back.

Her visit to the UK has literally improved the lives of millions of people here. She's improved my life too through some of her albums.
I tend to agree but I wouldn't be surprised if i pay more tax than her as a percentage... every billionaire gives to charity not least because the team of accountants make sure of it for tax reasons. My only point is let's not get excited when a billionaire throws a few coins out
So... she's supposed not to tour in case she earns too much money? I am confused about the point being made here...

I hear she pays her crew very generously - she's basically giving a lot of people very good jobs, rather than exploitative ones (i.e. see Amazon warehouse workers)

I do get the point of donating to charity though & throwing a few coins out. There's a bit of good PR involved as well as lightening the conscience of said billionaires. But hey, if somehow life gave me that sort of fortune and the responsibility that comes with it, I'd like to think I'd be generous too and would try to give something back. LOTS of people don't.

I made same point about Taylor donating to charities earlier in the thread (i.e. I pointed out she makes donations to food banks) but that was largely ignored. Interesting that when a man makes the same point it gets picked up... :D:D:hmm: Interesting, indeed...
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Well you’re conveniently ignoring all the ways she has become a billionaire, such as huge ticket prices and multiple copies of the same album, to name a couple.
So... she's supposed not to tour in case she earns too much money? I am confused about the point being made here...

I hear she pays her crew very generously - she's basically giving a lot of people very good jobs, rather than exploitative ones (i.e. see Amazon warehouse workers)

I do get the point of donating to charity though & throwing a few coins out. There's a bit of good PR involved as well as lightening the conscience of said billionaires. But hey, if somehow life gave me that sort of fortune and the responsibility that comes with it, I'd like to think I'd be generous too and would try to give something back.

I made same point about Taylor donating to charities earlier in the thread (i.e. I pointed out she makes donations to food banks) but that was largely ignored. Interesting that when a man makes the same point it gets picked up... :D:D:hmm: Interesting, indeed...
I saw your comment the first time, I don't know your gender, only bothered to post because it was being repeated again
Well you’re conveniently ignoring all the ways she has become a billionaire, such as huge ticket prices and multiple copies of the same album, to name a couple.
Don't quite get why she does that, but it's simple, just buy the album with the most songs in it... :D I've never bought any hardcopies of her albums to be fair - I just stream. I'm guessing the different releases are collectors items for her hardcore fans. No one is forced to buy them. It's not like people getting rich out of the water/petrol or electricity supply. There's a choice here.
Billie Eilish had a snipe about artists releasing multiple album versions and then went and did exactly that. They’re all at it.

I’m one of the ones that buys them. I have four versions of TTPD. A different bonus track on each one. Two or three of 1989.

I also bought every version of her Time cover.

I like collecting stuff, it’s fine. I don’t need to, I can and do stream the music off Spotify.
I tend to agree but I wouldn't be surprised if i pay more tax than her as a percentage... every billionaire gives to charity not least because the team of accountants make sure of it for tax reasons. My only point is let's not get excited when a billionaire throws a few coins out
She certainly pays her road crew more than any other act I can think of.

According to unnamed sources cited by People magazine, the bonuses Swift doled out totaled about $55 million, and they included dancers, riggers, sound technicians, catering, video, audio and lighting—everyone who played a part in taking the show across the country.

Michael Scherkenbach, founder and CEO of Shomotion, one of the two trucking companies used by the tour told CNN that truck drivers got $100,000 each. Between the two companies, 50 workers got the hefty payout.

According to Scherkenbach, Taylor’s father Scott made a speech at a meeting and then handed out personalised handwritten letters of appreciation by Swift herself, tucked in envelopes with wax seals with her monogram.

Football fans have the same blind spot. Billionaires are bad until they takeover their club - see most Newcastle fans
What the fuck are you babbling on about with this 'classic double standard' making-it-personal bullshit?

The team I support hasn't got a billionaire owner. In fact, everyone at the club is a volunteer doing it for the love of the club, just like I volunteer my photography and promotion skills for them every season for free.
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