Angus Young uses oxygen to get through a set and has done for years. You could see him gasping for air even years ago.
The Bon Scott era was something else.
Plenty of bands have been known to take drug breaks during the set. That’s not only /always about self indulgence or addiction, it’s also, sometimes, about using the drugs to get through the set.
The whole thing is performance. Whatever gets them through the set is fine by me. It takes a huge team of people many months, tonnes of energy, organising skills etc and so forth to make it look as if the performer is just doing what they do easily and naturally with little effort, as if they’re superhuman : vastly talented, super cool, completely in charge of their skills and art.
Meanwhile there may be stage fright, medical problems, technical stuff that has taken moneys and time to plan so it looks effortless.
Even down here in the small gigs, there’s an element of acting.
I want my performers to take their performance seriously. I don’t want them to be normal up there. Do what it takes to be golden gods please. I can look behind the curtain if I want to, but I don’t want to.
Unless it’s fraud. That’s different. Milli Vanilli.