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Tax return blues - would a bit of solidarity help?

Here is a fun one - Firstly - Select No to Select Yes. Secondly, if it knows what it needs me to select then why ask me?
I ticked yes because I thought it read like 'no' I didn't want to pay.

ERROR: There is 1 error on this page.
Your profits are the same or above the small profit threshold, select 'No' to 'Select Yes if you want to pay Class 2 NICs voluntarily'
Seriously? :D

I've not seen that, as my accountants files my return. But, yeah, the whole HMRC site is a bit of a mess TBH.

You should have seen it from our side. Software that didn't work then, and is still not stable, Fifteen years later.

The PAYE system doesn't reckon for five week months. I have had grown men, crying like babies in absolute frustration, and that was just my colleagues. :D No a friendly system, and not an intuitive system, because items changed names.
Paid it:

View attachment 125995

Is there a thank you on there? Is there fuck.

The 'Thank you' is that we don't send the boys round. :D (Sorry, still in HMRC mode.:eek:)
I'm not even going to check it. FUck it.
Due to some large payments on account last year I only have to make a payment of a grand or so (though not done that yet).
Hopefully I will be paid for my last job to cover me for my July payment on account later in the year.
I filled mine out Sunday and got a £2000 bill, the wanky system makes you fill out your bank details so they can send you a rebate then trolls the fuck out of you by giving you a bill. Also, do you notice that account doesn't update the amount you owe straight away meaning you have to go back and check the return to find the amount?
I filled mine out Sunday and got a £2000 bill, the wanky system makes you fill out your bank details so they can send you a rebate then trolls the fuck out of you by giving you a bill. Also, do you notice that account doesn't update the amount you owe straight away meaning you have to go back and check the return to find the amount?
Yeah it's really annoying. Surely it's not so super hard to keep your payments on account on the system.
It's just an electronic version of a piece of paper.
Yeah it's really annoying. Surely it's not so super hard to keep your payments on account on the system.
It's just an electronic version of a piece of paper.

I don't mind paying the tax, it's just the system is so shit that you have to wait for it wait for the account to update before you know if you're payment has gone through. I've got a receipt from WorldPay for the cash but the system still doesn't show I've made the payment. It's pants.
Some advice for anyone thinking of becoming self-employed in the future and wanting to make this time of year easier
  • never, ever, ever do a combination of self-employed working and PAYE working :eek:
I done this! I found it easy enough if time consuming. I did mine at the start of the year though for tax credits, I can imagine it would become a nightmare if you only started now.

Get it done in April. Saves a lot of pain!
having said that went through a period of tax credits saying YOU OWE THIS, ended up getting first a refund from doing the return then another from tax credits as I hadn't earned enough to even pay tax that year! :cool::cool::cool:
having said that went through a period of tax credits saying YOU OWE THIS, ended up getting first a refund from doing the return then another from tax credits as I hadn't earned enough to even pay tax that year! :cool::cool::cool:

The very first time I did self-cert I got a £800 refund. This is cool I thought. However, like drug dealers that's just a trick to get suck you in - ever since then I've always owed them.
I don't mind paying the tax, it's just the system is so shit that you have to wait for it wait for the account to update before you know if you're payment has gone through. I've got a receipt from WorldPay for the cash but the system still doesn't show I've made the payment. It's pants.

Oh I totally agree. It's a fucking mess.
I got this message for instance
"ERROR! Your profits are the same or above the small profit threshold, select 'No' to 'Select Yes"
What? Select no to select yes??? On top of that, if it knows what I MUST select, and thats all I can select, why do I have to select it? And having to fill out all the same shit all over again is frickin' annoying. I only really need to put money earned, and things bought for work. The end.
Oh I totally agree. It's a fucking mess.
I got this message for instance
"ERROR! Your profits are the same or above the small profit threshold, select 'No' to 'Select Yes"
What? Select no to select yes??? On top of that, if it knows what I MUST select, and thats all I can select, why do I have to select it? And having to fill out all the same shit all over again is frickin' annoying. I only really need to put money earned, and things bought for work. The end.
I only learned after a year that you didn't have to keep receipts for small purchases. I was childminding, used to always out and about swimming, museums etc. I could have set all those receipts on fire when I found out.
Oh I totally agree. It's a fucking mess.
I got this message for instance
"ERROR! Your profits are the same or above the small profit threshold, select 'No' to 'Select Yes"
What? Select no to select yes??? On top of that, if it knows what I MUST select, and thats all I can select, why do I have to select it? And having to fill out all the same shit all over again is frickin' annoying. I only really need to put money earned, and things bought for work. The end.

What really pisses me off is they have a real-time feed into my business for this very fucking purpose. And, they still fuck it up.
Done last night and for the first time.
There are a lot of sections one doesn’t really understand and just clicks an answer in the hope it is the correct one - mixture of PAYE and self-employed.
Unfortunately, I am owed money from an unpaid invoice... and a bit of unfortunate events and idiocy... and I will have to come to an agreement with them and pay it off in rates. But I am pleased that I got it in on time, at least.
What I find annoying is that the paper return boxes don't exactly match the online boxes, so when I worked using the paper one as a template, I was extremely confused. Eventually used a system of trial and error to figure it out.

Just done mine and paid tax bill.

Also, they have stopped taking personal credit cards but still accept corporate ones for tax bill payments.
I'm going to do mine tomorrow. It shouldn't take long as I earn fuck all. I know it was relatively painless last year (my first year), and I know I put my details in a 'safe place' so I'm hopeful there won't be any tears.
I'm going to do mine tomorrow. It shouldn't take long as I earn fuck all. I know it was relatively painless last year (my first year), and I know I put my details in a 'safe place' so I'm hopeful there won't be any tears.

I have a very specific system for carefully cataloguing all the various bits of information I might need in any given situation, which involves a series of small notebooks that I scrawl in when needed. I knew the information was in one of them. But which one? The last one. Always the last one.
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