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Tax return blues - would a bit of solidarity help?

Question: I think I notified HMRC that I ceased all self employment a couple of years ago. However they have emailed me several times to say that I haven't done my tax return. Do they know something I don't or are they just making a mistake? I don't know what to do. I am 100% PAYE.
Question: I think I notified HMRC that I ceased all self employment a couple of years ago. However they have emailed me several times to say that I haven't done my tax return. Do they know something I don't or are they just making a mistake? I don't know what to do. I am 100% PAYE.
I would double-check with them. Or do a tax return based on your single income source.
Finished mine on Friday, and the system says I'm due a rebate as my expenses have gone up (I don't claim through work).

Which is nice.
Done - but not yet submitted.
Gonna stew on it next week to see if there are any beneficial amendments of which I haven't yet thought.

It is at this time of year I remember the brutality that is payments on account (1st world problem I know)
Question: I think I notified HMRC that I ceased all self employment a couple of years ago. However they have emailed me several times to say that I haven't done my tax return. Do they know something I don't or are they just making a mistake? I don't know what to do. I am 100% PAYE.
as equation girl said. You could spend a couple of hours on the phone trying to get through to them, or you could just copy your P60 details onto the tax return on line and submit it. Do you get a P11D though? (non-cash earnings like health insurance)
Not sure you even need to copy the P60 details. With RTI they have those details already. First thing when you start the return, the site gives you the details and asks you if they are correct.

Which is lucky as I don't have my P60 to hand
Not sure you even need to copy the P60 details. With RTI they have those details already. First thing when you start the return, the site gives you the details and asks you if they are correct.

Which is lucky as I don't have my P60 to hand
Yeah I don't know where mine is. Could be in my emails as payslips are electronic now.
You might need your P60 8115 that said I think it said the information was optional this time when I did it. So you could just stick the name of your employer in and leave it at that.
Hands up anyone who thinks that showing a p60 for employee earnings proves to the revenue that you don't have any other income? No, that doesn't work. If you no longer meet the criteria to complete tax returns it's your job to notify them. If you haven't notified them by 31-1 then you will most likely have to go through (and most likely lose) the late filing appeal process.

Also - you can amend a tax return for up to a year after it's filed. File first, refine later.
Annual bump for this annual fuckstorm now they're sending me increasingly urgent reminders.

Couldn't they cut us some slack just this one year?
This year I plan to complete this in a personal best time. I think my record stands at all morning or all afternoon. Hoping to get down to less than that. Naturally having fuck all turnover will go some way to help.
Spent two days doing my taxes..............realised I’ve done next fucking years:mad::mad::mad::mad:

on the upside I don’t need to do next years...down side, still got this years to untangle

upside I paid a shit load of random wrong category tax last year so it should theoretically go against this years

if it helps I got two years ahead of myself last year to sort out a mortgage

next return 2022
I was prepped this year and submitted ages ago, but had to pay it this week, ouch. Still, I like having hospitals and schools, so it's all good.
I was prepped this year and submitted ages ago, but had to pay it this week, ouch. Still, I like having hospitals and schools, so it's all good.

It's certainly not the paying it I object to - it's the damned form, and remembering where all the information I need is. Can't they just trust me to send them an amount we'll agree is reasonable?
Yeah, i can feel that. I might have to do my own return next year, which I'm not looking forward to, had an accountant the last few years but likely can't justify it in the future.
Mine is done and filed.. it’s wonderful that HMRC still haven’t paid me the corporation tax rebate that I’m owed, we are now on the 3rd promised payment date and 3 months later than promised but I have to pay my tax and tax on account or get fined- fuckers!
luckily I can afford to pay but imagine there are many who can’t
Feeble fistbump. Why the duck do I leave it until January every single time, the most depressing time of year even without lockdowns & everything else.
Tell me about it.

It's only light outside between 11.07am and 1.33pm, the Celebrations are all gone, my family no longer smile indulgently if I begin drinking before noon, bob_jr's already cried in frustration twice at basically having to educate himself now and we're only on day 4.

What can I do to cheer myself up?

I know - I'll spend a day hunting for information about bank account interest and water rates that, for the seventh year in a row, I have still failed to keep in a sensible, easily accessible place. Then fill in a big form about it.

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Q about gift aid, please? In the "tailor your return" section, I ticked the "have you given to charity?" box as yes.
But of course I don't remember the bits and pieces I gave, other than a couple of standing orders I have, where I imagine I would have ticked the gift aid box.
I didn't have any self-employed income, or certainly not above the £1000 threshold to declare. My tax paid through PAYE would be enough to cover any gift aid, and I don't expect anything back either.
Does that mean that the question about charitable giving is irrelevant to me, and I should therefore tick no? Or do I put the figure of the standing orders I have? (And is this a new thing? I can't recall this from previous years?)
Q about gift aid, please? In the "tailor your return" section, I ticked the "have you given to charity?" box as yes.
But of course I don't remember the bits and pieces I gave, other than a couple of standing orders I have, where I imagine I would have ticked the gift aid box.
I didn't have any self-employed income, or certainly not above the £1000 threshold to declare. My tax paid through PAYE would be enough to cover any gift aid, and I don't expect anything back either.
Does that mean that the question about charitable giving is irrelevant to me, and I should therefore tick no? Or do I put the figure of the standing orders I have? (And is this a new thing? I can't recall this from previous years?)
I always find this bit of the Tax Return a bit "messy" when I'm preparing them for clients. Just like you, they often give money to charities but a) they don't always keep detailed records of it, and b) don't always know if they agreed for the donations to be gift-aided.

The two main reasons this section is on the Tax Return is to ensure that the giver has paid sufficient income tax to cover the amount recoverable by the charity and to give higher rate tax payers tax-relief at the higher rates.

My approach has always been to identify the donations that have definitely been given with gift-aid and then only to include the total of those on the Return. So my advice to you is to only include the standing orders if you're sure you've agreed they are gift-aided and to ignore anything else.

This section has been on the Return for many years but it's possible the way you are guided through the Return if you do it online has changed and it's now more visible.
this is the last fucking thing I want to have to do, even though all I need to do is just enter my PAYE details from when I was on PAYE, add in the 5 grand I earned the whole rest of the year, click send and they should actually give me a load of money (since the PAYE was far too high)

even given that, I've put it off until this time
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Q about gift aid, please? In the "tailor your return" section, I ticked the "have you given to charity?" box as yes.
But of course I don't remember the bits and pieces I gave, other than a couple of standing orders I have, where I imagine I would have ticked the gift aid box.
I didn't have any self-employed income, or certainly not above the £1000 threshold to declare. My tax paid through PAYE would be enough to cover any gift aid, and I don't expect anything back either.
Does that mean that the question about charitable giving is irrelevant to me, and I should therefore tick no? Or do I put the figure of the standing orders I have? (And is this a new thing? I can't recall this from previous years?)

If you don't have records of your gift aid giving you should leave the sections blank, ie say no to the did you give to charity section. You already attested that you paid/will pay enough tax to cover the extra 25% when you made the donations.

If you do, and you earn enough to hit the higher rate then you can get tax relief on your gift aid donations. If you don't reach the higher tax rate it is moot and it's easier to just say 'no' to the whole section.
That bit always throws me. I started a new section on my financial spreadsheet a couple of returns back and I now add details of anything as I go, except for odd fivers that go into collection buckets here and there which I always forget about..
Q about gift aid, please? In the "tailor your return" section, I ticked the "have you given to charity?" box as yes.
But of course I don't remember the bits and pieces I gave, other than a couple of standing orders I have, where I imagine I would have ticked the gift aid box.
I didn't have any self-employed income, or certainly not above the £1000 threshold to declare. My tax paid through PAYE would be enough to cover any gift aid, and I don't expect anything back either.
Does that mean that the question about charitable giving is irrelevant to me, and I should therefore tick no? Or do I put the figure of the standing orders I have? (And is this a new thing? I can't recall this from previous years?)
This bit always bugs me and it's made me just start saying no I don't want to do gift aid, whenever I'm asked...so that I can just tick 'no' on the form and not fret about it any further.
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