happy mew year
I can always spend funding. We can always do a public awareness event with any underspend.
may depend on the terms of the grant - with some of these things, they are fairly prescriptive about what you can spend the grant on, and will expect to see physical results and maybe even to see proof you have spent that amount. (i've never really got involved from that end of a charity, but think it tends not just to be handing over a cheque and not take any more notice of it all.)
appreciate you don't want to get overloaded with sales pitches and so on, but wonder if talking to someone first, making it clear it's all only going to happen if you get this grant, might help you do a better grant application.
i guess it's a bit chicken and egg, not knowing what funding is available, not knowing what you're trying to specify, not knowing how much it's all going to cost.
grant funding tends to favour bigger charities or at least ones who've got someone who's good at applying for grants...