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    Lazy Llama


when I say I am spiritual I mean that I feel there is something sacred about life. I believe there is more to human existence than the conscious realm. If I meditate or if I write I access a part of myself that is deep and powerful.
Like magic, then?
I think Shevek has been scared away.

Another victory in the Class War. :cool:

but Ursula holds both sets of beliefs/ideas. Does she have but half a clue o wise one?:D

it would depend on what she means in calling herself an anarchist imo

if she means "anarchist" in the same sense that the urbanite "anarchists" mean it, then no

EDIT: if she means that anarchism and taoism are essentially the same, then yes
Yet you're an anarchist?:confused:
"I don't really have a problem with governments or capitalism, but we should abolish them anyway"?


To be fair I think (I'm not sure about this, because last time I checked the sun revolved around the earth) these days people often talk about the universe as being something a bit larger than the earth.

max_freakout said:
comparing taoists to anarchists is an insult to taoists

at least taoists have a clue

I always thought anarchism would appeal to you Max.
it would depend on what she means in calling herself an anarchist imo

if she means "anarchist" in the same sense that the urbanite "anarchists" mean it, then no

EDIT: if she means that anarchism and taoism are essentially the same, then yes

I presume she means anarchism as in the dissolution of centralised government, an emphasis on personal freedom and community... I suppose it depends which anarchist movement she's interested in, and they are all a bit utopian, but 'not having a clue' sounds a bit more applicable to you than her tbh.
To be fair I think (I'm not sure about this, because last time I checked the sun revolved around the earth) these days people often talk about the universe as being something a bit larger than the earth.

I suppose you could say the universe was generally fine the way it is, but that would just be a guess, because if Earth is fucked up, then surely what we know of the universe is pretty fucked up, not 'fine as it is', unless Taoists have access to light-speed space travel and chryogenics or something? :D
I always thought anarchism would appeal to you Max.

anarchy appeals greatly to me

but as far as i can tell, anarchy is absolutely not what "anarchists" (of the U75 variety) actually want, they seem to want some bastardised sort of communism
I just think that from reading Ursula K Le Guin's writings there is a great deal of synergy between anarchism and taoism I just wondered if anyone else held the same beliefs
Taoism contains elements of dialectial materialist thought within it, based on understanding and assessing paradoxes. Obviously not on the same level as Marx and Hegel but were talking a vast age between those guys.

As a political compass its not very helpful, but its clear that its a testament against things like centralism, violence, bureaucracy etc, you can try and take this further but thats down to interpretation. I'm not sure if you followed it as a guide you would be for the most part driven to inaction, because it talks incessantly about not meeting action with action, so it would be a very liberal anarchist philosphy IMO.
Although the meaning of non-action, specifically 'doing the not-doing' is a bit more complex than quietism or just sitting about on your arse. Taoists developed martial arts, and were not averse to the odd bit of assassination if political circumstances got too bad.

It gets a bad press these days as a result of its association with new-age hippy types.
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