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    Lazy Llama


But doesn't Kung Fu-tzu mean 'King something or other' as well, him being the founder of a fairly significant socio-philosophical system?
i think anarchy and the tao are one and the same thing - the state of there being nobody in control

"anarchists" are, for the most part, just a bunch of clueless communists who love getting beaten up by police
anarchy appeals greatly to me

but as far as i can tell, anarchy is absolutely not what "anarchists" (of the U75 variety) actually want, they seem to want some bastardised sort of communism

ugh... Anarchism of the variety I think you are talking about would be anarcho-communism, which is a sort of response to the centralisation of communism saying that, instead, there should a level field of workers councils, volunteers etc. It is one of many forms of anarchism and the only things that really tie them together are the dissolution of centralised power and the rights of the individual.
i think anarchy and the tao are one and the same thing - the state of there being nobody in control

"anarchists" are, for the most part, just a bunch of clueless communists who love getting beaten up by police

Where do you place yourself in the political spectrum...

Fuck, I know that was a bad idea; the answer is just going to be 'nowhere' (can we have a <wince> smiley please ed?).

It is one of many forms of anarchism and the only things that really tie them together are the dissolution of centralised power and the rights of the individual.

how does anarcho-communism give rights to the individual?

what if individuals dont want anarcho-communism? Would they be imprisoned if the anarchists took charge?

"anarcho-communism" is an absurd oxymoron

anarchists do not want anarchy, what they want is control
how does anarcho-communism give rights to the individual?

what if individuals dont want anarcho-communism? Would they be imprisoned if the anarchists took charge?

"anarcho-communism" is an absurd oxymoron

anarchists do not want anarchy, what they want is control

No anarchists want control of their own lives, anarcho communists want that, and for society to be a commune of consenting participatory adults.

In my opinion some sort of authority structure would still arise after awhile, a year, a decade tops, we can't help it.
how does anarcho-communism give rights to the individual?

what if individuals dont want anarcho-communism? Would they be imprisoned if the anarchists took charge?

"anarcho-communism" is an absurd oxymoron

anarchists do not want anarchy, what they want is control

You love your semantics so think about it like this... The origins of anarchy are in anarchia; without a ruler. The term does not imply disorder, although one of its definitions does. When anarchy as a political philosophy is talked about that implication of disorder is simply not there. It's unfortunate that the word anarchy has come to have that association because it distracts from the political systems themselves.

To answer your questions;

First one, pretty much what foreigner said.

No, someone not believing in anarcho-communism would not be imprisoned and (theoretically at least) they would have as much right as anyone else to do things like attend committees.

I'm not an anarcho-communist incidentally.
this ^ is why "anarchists" are so clueless, they don't want anarchy, they want control/authority/coercion etc

No, that's what socialists want in order to make men 'better', just the same way tories want authority in order to rein in man's innate evil. Socialism is Pelegian, Toryism Augustinian, but both believe that the State should be the mechanism through which their coercion will work.
Yeah it does. I recommend The Wanting Seed if you're a Burgess fan though. In fact I think I just generally recommend all of it 'cos he's great.
how does anarcho-communism give rights to the individual?

what if individuals dont want anarcho-communism? Would they be imprisoned if the anarchists took charge?

"anarcho-communism" is an absurd oxymoron

anarchists do not want anarchy, what they want is control

No, that's what socialists want in order to make men 'better', just the same way tories want authority in order to rein in man's innate evil. Socialism is Pelegian, Toryism Augustinian, but both believe that the State should be the mechanism through which their coercion will work.

No, that's what authoratarian (or state) socialists want.
No, that's what authoratarian (or state) socialists want.

Are there any other kind? The only ones I've ever met want greater state intervention, are obsessed with 'Party' and generally I see them as the classic Pied Pipers promising a better way, when in fact the only real change would be in HOW and WHY the coercion and opression is carried out - both socialists and tories share the idea that people need to be changed for 'their own good' and that application of their political philosophies to everyone is the way to achieve that.
Max_freakoutatistas, communique #1:
Anarchists want authority, antifascists want racial segregation, tories want nationalisation and feminists want beating and stew recipes.

Long live the tory anarchy revolution.
Taoism is not a spiritualist ideology, Taoism is The Way man... it's almost... Jedi, Yoda described it best.

Taoism, where patterns emerge from the infinite... Taoism is so cool, way cooler than Buddhism or anything like that. Taoism is also really just a word though, so... make of it what you wish.

Indeed. The first verse of the Tao Te Ching states that:
Even the finest teaching is not the Tao itself.
Even the finest name is insufficient to define it.
Without words, the Tao can be experienced,
and without a name, it can be known.

So the first point it makes is that words are useless when talking about these sorts of issue, metaphysical issues.
Indeed. The first verse of the Tao Te Ching states that:

So the first point it makes is that words are useless when talking about these sorts of issue, metaphysical issues.

That's a shit translation.

I prefer:

The way that can be followed is not the true way.
The name that can be called is not the true name.

( the word for 'way' and 'follow' are the same in Chinese, as are the words for 'name' and 'call' so it has a great rhythm dao ke dao fei chang dao, ming ke ming fei chang ming)

edit to add: 'not the common way' would be a more exact translation.
When I read parts of the Tao te Ching I thought it was a horrible facist book, all about being a wise ruler and keeping the people ignorant.
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