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Take down your 'castle', twat told

More details on Trowbridge Castle Twat here:
From that article
...with up to seven rooms spread over three floor..

Looking at the size of the place each of those rooms must be pretty fucking cozy.

I guess all the kids who grew up reading Harry Potter are going live the dream of the room in the cupboard under the stairs.
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Take down your tower blocks:

I foresee a corporate bankruptcy.
I’m not sure the long list of problems is fixable, only some of them might be.

Developers can’t be allowed to build crap that is blatantly not compliant with their planning consent and then get away with it by applying some sticking plaster and a bit of cash.
This is fair and the list in that article did have more detail than the one I'd seen (things like turning the gym back into commercial space and planting the garden seemed achievable in a way that turning back into a glass clad building or fixing thr footprint isn't) but returning it to it's pre developed state seems odd. A knock rebuild to the original planning conditions feels like a more useful punishment.
I'm pretty sure I looked at a flat either in that building or very close by back in February. It was tiny for the price, and totally not what I was after. I didn't get a great vibe from any of it.
It's so blatant that it should be subject to forfeiture under 'proceeds of crime.'
Except that it's essentially worthless, given that it's pretty obvious the council aren't going to keep it as-is.

It makes you think that perhaps developers should have to lodge some kind of bond so that, if something happens, it's on them.

My guess on this is that it was just nodded through on the basis that the council wouldn't dare refuse permission, that the builders/buildings were "too big to fail". I hope the LA sticks to its guns.
Bloke up the road spent years putting in planning permission for house, getting refused, putting in planning permission, ... Eventually got it passed and built his house. I quite respected the determination but the site is a shit hole, abandoned cars all over and he used to take in rubbish on industrial levels with no permit, burned mattresses - all right next to well used bridle path in the middle of lovely countryside.

Couple of years ago after complaints the council sent a letter telling him to clear up the site or they'd do it for him and charge him for it. I knew at the time they weren't serious though because the letter even had not date by which he had to do it. Nothing happened.
Was chatting to my neighbour the other day to let him know his boiler was dripping. He was telling me he'd pointed out a load of problems to his landlord who said there was nothing wrong and he'd get the council in to prove it. Council turned up and agreed with the tenant that the faults needed seeing to, so they've given the landlord 8 weeks to sort them out. :D
I don’t understand why wealthy landowners, with half a mil to spend and presumably plenty of land, don’t just apply for the appropriate permission and build an approved structure somewhere sensible that they don’t have to take down.

Because they wouldn’t get it because we can’t build shit in this country
I don’t understand why wealthy landowners, with half a mil to spend and presumably plenty of land, don’t just apply for the appropriate permission and build an approved structure somewhere sensible that they don’t have to take down.

He did apply:

When the planning application was refused the planning officer wrote a very strong summary about it being completely inappropriate.

But took a punt:

He probably spent £60,000 building it and it is probably worth £500,000 now.
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