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SWP says vote Muslim Brotherhood!

you're really on the fucking ball tonight. first you ask if i've denied something i didn't mention and now you've noticed i didn't address it when i asked if you were thick.
:facepalm: Someone else raised it, and you conspicuously failed to respond with a denial/admission, and then when I pulled you up on it rather than respond you started taking pops at me.

Would explain your politics a bit if you'd been to a prep school :p - anyway, sorry for the derail. As you were with the Muslim Brotherhood...
:facepalm: Someone else raised it, and you conspicuously failed to respond with a denial/admission, and then when I pulled you up on it rather than respond you started taking pops at me.

Would explain your politics a bit if you'd been to a prep school :p - anyway, sorry for the derail. As you were with the Muslim Brotherhood...
This has been discussed a number of times before. I am no longer interested in what you believe about my education, I simply note you seem sufficiently curious to attempt a derail of this thread.
Maybe this is worthy of it's own thread but seeing as how Turkey got mentioned on this one in relation to an Islamic government and what it might mean for Egypt:

In Turkey the right to free speech is being lost

Which country in the world currently imprisons more journalists than any other? The People's Republic of China? Nope. Iran? Wrong again. The rather depressing answer is the Republic of Turkey, where nearly 100 journalists are behind bars, according to the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe. Yes, that's right: modern, secular, western-oriented Turkey, with its democratically elected government, has locked away more members of the press than China and Iran combined.

But this isn't just about the press – students, academics, artists and opposition MPs have all recently been targeted for daring to speak out against the government of prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his mildly Islamist Justice and Development Party, or AKP....
Rather than calling for a vote for either counter-revolutionary, shouldn't leftists and "bolsheviks" be concentrating on organising among the working class, in order to meet the certain state repression that will come whoever wins the presidency?
why can't they do that organising, but also vote to avoid what appears to be the worst of two bad outcomes?
Very funny chaps - there's a big difference between socialists joining a party that claims to be a democratic socialist party and was set up by the trade unions to promote workers' representation, and joining a party which seeks to build an islamist state.

To be honest, without knowing what the muslim brotherhood were like "on the ground" as it were I'm not saying that the left should recommend even the most critical and qualified support for them. But I don't see that you can rule it out on some a priori basis.
Both you and phil seem to be under the impression that it's got better...

Your both wrong...

Turkey has got better in the sense that a military coup is now impossible and parliamentary democracy established, in addition to which standards of living are at an all-time high, the economy is booming and the government is just about the only one taking the Israelis to task...
Very funny chaps - there's a big difference between socialists joining a party that claims to be a democratic socialist party and was set up by the trade unions to promote workers' representation, and joining a party which seeks to build an islamist state.
I'm not saying that Labour and MB are exactly the same, I'm making fun of you, and your horrible lesser of two evils stance.
Horrible it may be, but it's a choice that faces people on a very concrete basis. Of course you can come over all Pontius Pilate but that won't do anyone any favours either
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