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SWP says vote Muslim Brotherhood!

Yes I saw this on Twitter but didn't read (as you have) the details. I believe though that there's been some kind of back-pedalling over it as the ad got pulled because it was 'sending a misleading message'* in effect I think a lot of people complained. *my paraphrase as I can't remember precisely what was said.
More unsurprising uh oh today. Not seen a press report yet but here are some tweets:

Emergency law announced today in a new form.. disgusting and not even disguised

Why aren't people freaking out about the new and "improved" emergency law that SCAF sneakily passed today?

The ministerial decree gives military officials right to arrest citizens until constitution is drafted. But could they choose to prolong it?

So ministry of justice issues law allowing military police/intelligence right to arrest civilians with no warrant days before elections! Wow

The Justice Ministry new decree allows Military Police & Military Intelligence personnel to arrest strikers & anyone who reports on strikes.
It's ok, the MB will change all that sharpish -- the peoples' rot-killer for the completely rotten house. :facepalm:

I don't see how being sceptical in this situation is loony or "far-left posturing". Workers, activists, revolutionaries and so many others have plenty to worry about from the status quo, requires quite a leap of faith to say a new government will change that overnight.
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