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SWP says vote Muslim Brotherhood!

I'm suggesting that there will be discontent under an mb govt as there was under the ancien regime

Well, both this ^ post and what it contains is pretty obvious. Why you have to write posts (the previous one) in an enigmatic style is beyond me? A result of a public school education perhaps?
But if the question of civilian rule is of secondary importance to the fact that the military are in power, why play along?

Turkey offers an example of a country of comparable size and temperament, in which an elected Islamist government with wide popular support has dramatically succeeded in clipping the wings of a military that seemed untouchable just 10 years ago.
Turkey offers an example of a country of comparable size and temperament, in which an elected Islamist government with wide popular support has dramatically succeeded in clipping the wings of a military that seemed untouchable just 10 years ago.
Well that's the million dollar question. To what extent you believe a MB civilian parliament and presidency has either the desire or the capacity to limit the Egyptian military. If you think it can then it follows that a vote for the MB is the best of a bad bunch. If however, you conclude, as I guess I have, that the military will continue to hold executive power then civilian government is as garfield so elequently put it merely "puppets in front of the tanks" then why vote for the hand that wields the hammer?

I don't know Turkey well enough to comment but I do know Egypt and I can't but help remember that modern Egypt has always been a military state, the military is the ruling class. The fall of Mubarak was only so "easy" because it coincided with the military's wishes to rid themselves of a potential hereditory regime. The Egyptian military owns Egypt and nothing that has happened over the past year has so much as dented that power. Regardless of who takes the presidency, the Egyptian revolution has to challenge that power if it is ever to move forward and really change anything.
Well, both this ^ post and what it contains is pretty obvious. Why you have to write posts (the previous one) in an enigmatic style is beyond me? A result of a public school education perhaps?
You say it's obvious. But it bloody wasn't to the septics who chucked fuck loads of money towards the overthrow of mubarak. An mb govt will for obvious reasons go way beyond its manifesto in power, as the coalition govt has here. This will undoubtedly lead to further unhappiness for many egyptians, and it's perfectly possible that an interesting attitude to israel may emerge. As for being enigmatic, you can't say in one breath i'm being enigmatic and the next i'm being obvious without showing yourself to be an arse.
Well that's the million dollar question. To what extent you believe a MB civilian parliament and presidency has either the desire or the capacity to limit the Egyptian military. If you think it can then it follows that a vote for the MB is the best of a bad bunch. If however, you conclude, as I guess I have, that the military will continue to hold executive power then civilian government is as garfield so elequently put it merely "puppets in front of the tanks" then why vote for the hand that wields the hammer?

Interesting terminology, since it's "Operation Sledgehammer" that seems to have done for the Turkish military. No-one believed it possible when he was first elected, but Erdogan really does seem to have broken their power. And this was a force that had staged three coups in twenty years. If it can be done in Turkey, it can certainly be done in Egypt.
Turkey offers an example of a country of comparable size and temperament, in which an elected Islamist government with wide popular support has dramatically succeeded in clipping the wings of a military that seemed untouchable just 10 years ago.

Too right. That was a period of unimaginable mass slaughter.
Turkey offers an example of a country of comparable size and temperament, in which an elected Islamist government with wide popular support has dramatically succeeded in clipping the wings of a military that seemed untouchable just 10 years ago.
Not without significant bloodshed/disappeared and this hasn't changed much for the Kurds in turkey since then...
You say it's obvious. But it bloody wasn't to the septics who chucked fuck loads of money towards the overthrow of mubarak. An mb govt will for obvious reasons go way beyond its manifesto in power, as the coalition govt has here. This will undoubtedly lead to further unhappiness for many egyptians, and it's perfectly possible that an interesting attitude to israel may emerge. As for being enigmatic, you can't say in one breath i'm being enigmatic and the next i'm being obvious without showing yourself to be an arse.

I can, did and by resorting to personnel abuse you're the "arse".
The mass slaughter, be-headings included, have been reduced.
Reduced isn't resolved is it. Out of headlines isn't ceasation of actions is it.

The fact it's not as widely reported makes no odds the disappeared are still being disappeared at the same rate as they ever were there's just less focus on Kurds these days because turkey are active in the TWAT/ Iraq and could be useful if Iran kicks off..
You say it's obvious. But it bloody wasn't to the septics who chucked fuck loads of money towards the overthrow of mubarak. An mb govt will for obvious reasons go way beyond its manifesto in power, as the coalition govt has here. This will undoubtedly lead to further unhappiness for many egyptians, and it's perfectly possible that an interesting attitude to israel may emerge. As for being enigmatic, you can't say in one breath i'm being enigmatic and the next i'm being obvious without showing yourself to be an arse.
You didn't deny the public school bit though?
I'm at a loss to understand what pickys schooling has to do with Egypt. Care to link the two (in)articl8 or stfu. Thanks awfully
Audiotech raised it. Just saying he's not denied it. Were u public school too garf?
What business is that of yours? And again how does it relate to Egypt? Post on topic or not at all, cretin.

Did you? Along with many of the other anarkids? Seems you're pretty hung up on the childhood of people almost like its a way to pigeon hole people for choices they had no part in making...

Do you do the same for people who are born into certain ethnicities or social groups...

Hey you born into a poor family that's your fault. Hey you born into a black family that's your fault... Hey you born gay that's your fault...

You and your politics have the mark of a cunt son...

Now then want to carry on playing the man not the ball or could you grow up and post on topic and stop thrashing the thread. Are you even capable? Betcha can't and will need to respond to this post rather than something on topic... Thus proving what an insignifcant little boy you are...
Both you and phil seem to be under the impression that it's got better...

Your both wrong..
I have read here before on other threads people putting Turkey up as a good example, as you say they are wrong and a little research will show them how they are wrong.
Reduced isn't resolved is it. Out of headlines isn't ceasation of actions is it.

The fact it's not as widely reported makes no odds the disappeared are still being disappeared at the same rate as they ever were there's just less focus on Kurds these days because turkey are active in the TWAT/ Iraq and could be useful if Iran kicks off..

I never said it was resolved, nor ceased. I'm not that naive to think that Turkey has turned into some paradise, as presented in holiday brochures. The slaughter is not as it was ten years ago is the sum total of my response.
You say it's obvious. But it bloody wasn't to the septics who chucked fuck loads of money towards the overthrow of mubarak. An mb govt will for obvious reasons go way beyond its manifesto in power, as the coalition govt has here. This will undoubtedly lead to further unhappiness for many egyptians, and it's perfectly possible that an interesting attitude to israel may emerge.

The relationship with Israel is one of the things that has been changed by the uprising already. Its too early to tell whether there has been a genuine shift, or whether stuff has just been changed to try to harness public feeling rather than fly in the face of it, or whether these changes have just been done temporarily for practical reasons as much as anything seeing as the pipeline kept getting blown up anyway. Or they may have done it for economic reasons using recent events as nothing more than a pretext.


23rd April 2012

Egypt's state-owned gas company says it has scrapped a controversial deal which supplies Israel with 40% of its natural gas at lower than market prices.
Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS) complained it had not been paid by the Israeli-Egyptian firm that buys gas from Egypt and sells it to Israel.
Israel denied the claim and warned Egypt that it was violating an economic annex of their 1979 peace treaty.
Egypt's military rulers have not yet commented on the deal's cancellation.
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