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Supreme Court Ruling time again

Mitch McConnell must be ecstatic. He blocked Obama's nomination for a bullshit reason then allowed a Trump nomination ignoring the reason for the previous objection. He's one of the most responsible for the 6-3 majority in the SCOTUS. I saw him say in a Q&A session once in response to a question about how he'd evaluate Democratic candidates for the court and he just said 'oppose them'. No discussion of the merits or suitability of the judge in question. Just 'oppose them'. That cynical discipline is why Republicans win so much. They don't seem to have any better angels. Bit like the Tories.
The mental thing is that the dissent says 'you have just made the president immune from prosecution for assassinating his rivals'

The majority response is not "no we haven't" it's "that's not very likely to happen so quit worrying!":

Remember, Trump could assassinate his political rivals with immunity but that's an "extreme hypothetical" so let's not worry about it okay?

When has Trump ever shied away from being extreme? He's proven that there's no low to which he won't go.
Highest court in the USA is dominated by Trump installed cronies....Banana Republicans.
The USA is run by lunatics and crooks
Useful diagram here, although the use of 'possibly' is important, as SCOTUS has made itself the arbiter of what constitutes an "official vs unofficial act" - they will gerrymander the meaning of that distinction depending on whether it is a Reublican vs Democratic President in office:

And hobbes?
It was the petty politicking under Cromwell that lead him to come down in favour the devine right of Kings...They reached their own conclusions but Leviathan was defo on the founding fathers reading list...and they were pretty certain the war of independence wasn't about exchanging one King for a home grown one.
It was the petty politicking under Cromwell that lead him to come down in favour the devine right of Kings...They reached their own conclusions but Leviathan was defo on the founding fathers reading list...and they were pretty certain the war of independence wasn't about exchanging one King for a home grown one.
You've never seen the cartoon 'Calvin and hobbes' then
Biden is still currently President yes?

They've just given him the power to dissolve the supreme court. Replace it with one of his own making and then get them to make a ruling that only presidents named Joe Biden can break the law.
I was going to suggest he could repeal the law but your idea sounds better. :)

Not sure they've actually 'moved' to do anything - some calling for it
Democrats are calling for the Supreme Court to be expanded after its conservative majority ruled that former presidents have broad immunity from prosecution.

they're going to have to be bloody quick though - can't see them changing anything in time for Trump to reverse it when he gets in :(

eta; and it's a bit fucking late it's been obvious since Biden got in they needed to do it.
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I find it so infuriating that the fanatical edicts issued by this court are treated with such reverence. Sure, Biden and others criticise these rulings, but act as if there’s nothing to do to challenge them because they’re law. Whilst a constitutional democracy should be premised on a strong presumption of judicial independence, there comes a point where judges are acting so blatantly in a partisan manner and threatening the very foundations of democracy that intervention becomes necessary. The separation of powers is a safeguard against the concentration of power in one branch of government, it isn’t a suicide pact.

After SCOTUS upheld slavery in Dred Scott, Lincoln went to war with the South. When SCOTUS attempted to hobble FDR’s new deal in a series of extreme laissez faire rulings, FDR threatened to pack the court and they backed down quick.

Now SCOTUS has laid the constitutional blueprint for American fascism. It’s time to act against them fast before it’s too late.
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It's excruciating to watch Sideshow Bob walk through a field of rakes

They are turkeys voting for Christmas.

People might think the stuff about the court empowering Trump to use the military to murder his opponents or stage a military coup are hyperbole. They’re not. The court did not deny that’s what they did, Trump’s lawyers did not deny that’s what they were arguing for that.. And law professors agree that is an effect of the ruling:

The ruling is as terrifying as it sounds.

As a Brit observing this I’m baffled. Not so much by the ruling itself given how fanatical the court is (though in all honesty I’m still shocked by how extreme this decision is) but more the non-response of politicians to it. Biden’s was basically like: “the Supreme Court just made the president king, so vote for me to be the good king instead of trump the bad king”.

How is that an adequate response to such a maniacal deterioration of democratic norms?
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