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Sunak promises to introduce mandatory national service for 18 year olds

I dunno I've never wanted kids but if I had I can imagine wanting to get rid of them for a few years, possibly from ages 14 to 25 though.
They come back and bring hangers-on with them, Eldest is 35 and has her own kids and we seem to see far more of her than we ever did when she was 21 and supposedly lived in this house.
I have asked my own Gen Z'er what she thought.
I'm 5'1" and a girl Dad probably not SAS material but we're going paintballing in a couple of months so I might change my mind, I'll let you know
It’s a stupid, ridiculous, desperate idea which will/would never work imho

Ok, it's a desperate flag waved for purely electoral purposes by a bunch of spivs who have no interest in defence or social cohesion.

On the substance, why is it that socially liberal, politically and socially cohesive countries - with some of the highest 'happiness' scores in Europe - can have national service/conscription (Finland, Estonia, Denmark, Sweden, Norway etc...) but if it happened in the UK it would be the Greatest Afront to Humanity Evah/the last step into a totalitarian hellscape?

I'm genuinely interested in the political/societal difference that you think apply?
Disrespectful Wretch #1 WhatsApp'd me this morning to ask if I was in charge of this goat rodeo - upon learning that it's nothing to do with me, she became more upbeat, and suggested that in that case, it might work.

Honestly, my children are such cunts.
I always think the term goat rodeo sounds not only much more benign, but also a lot more fun and cute, than any application of the term for this sort of use.
Did Sunak find this policy, recommended in some Conservative association minutes from 1973, down the back of the piano at Chequers after having a meltdown with his spads on Saturday evening?

Like so much of politics right now, this will make a shit film one day.
I'm all for Tory vote being split between Reform and Cons. Hopefully it'll help destroy both parties.
I worry about Reform doing too well, getting a foothold, being taken (and promoted) more seriously in the media, becoming the defacto opposition while the tories eat themselves, and then recipients of disillusioned voters when Starmer goes tits up. I’d almost accept more Tory MPs if it meant Tice and his rancid bunch of bigots and climate change deniers shrivelled into nothing and never came back.
"National service would engage young people in society again when "too many live in their own bubble", Home Secretary James Cleverly has told the BBC. ...

... Too many young people are living in their own bubble, whether that's a digital bubble or a social bubble.

"We want to get back to a situation where young people are mixing with people - in different areas, different economic groups, different religions - to try and find a way of addressing the kind of fragmentation that we see too much of ..."

Rishi Sunak’s national service pledge is ‘bonkers’, says ex-military chief

The "policy" proposal will, however, undoubtedly be a success if it helps to divert attention away from issues like this:

Telling the teenagers who've had their entire adolescence and schooling completely disrupted by Covid lockdowns and restrictions (and have mostly borne it with good grace because they understood it was for the greater good to protect the vulnerable) that they live in a bubble and without joining the army for a year they'll never understand sacrifice is a fucking joke, btw.
This completely unworkable policy is only designed to appeal to a portion of one generation who have been convinced that a massive transfer of wealth to them via property prices is actually due to their personal genius and hard work, and that despite being too young for national service they were somehow morally responsible for the Allied victory in WW2.
Why is anyone even seriously debating this. It’s just another Tory brain fart. But it’s one they guff out every three years. So much so bring back national service is an actual Cliché.

Not to say there isn’t merit in doing some kind of national service. But this is not a plan.

only simalar thing i can think of is the "big society" crap of camerons but i don't think military service was mentioned unless my memory is faulty.

It maybe bollocks and never actually happen (even if they were elected by some miracle) but they said it so we'll debate it.

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