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Sunak promises to introduce mandatory national service for 18 year olds

according to james fuckwitly

“This is about dealing with what we know to be the case, which is social fragmentation. Too many young people live in a bubble within their own communities. They don’t mix with people of different religions, they don’t mix with different viewpoints.”

(from guardian article here)

sounds very much like the conservative party and the tufton street twunt farm
There must be a few urbs that are parents of teenage kids. What do your kids think of this idea? Are they keen to fight?
If not they can join all the others on weekend community service. After all it's a choice so who would want to do a full year doing military service when they could just do 25 days at weekends. :hmm:
Telling the teenagers who've had their entire adolescence and schooling completely disrupted by Covid lockdowns and restrictions (and have mostly borne it with good grace because they understood it was for the greater good to protect the vulnerable) that they live in a bubble and without joining the army for a year they'll never understand sacrifice is a fucking joke, btw.
If not they can join all the others on weekend community service. After all it's a choice so who would want to do a full year doing military service when they could just do 25 days at weekends. :hmm:
I'm too old to be affected now but I wouldn't have wanted to do either option when i was that age and i wouldn't vote to force someone else to do something that i wouldn't have wanted to do. (Not that i was going to vote tory anyway).
Telling the teenagers who've had their entire adolescence and schooling completely disrupted by Covid lockdowns and restrictions (and have mostly borne it with good grace because they understood it was for the greater good to protect the vulnerable) that they live in a bubble and without joining the army for a year they'll never understand sacrifice is a fucking joke, btw.


But of course they don’t have the first clue about that and do not actually give a flying fuck for the generation that is gonna take over, cunts that they are.
I know people who've done military service in countries on the continent, and they all said it was a waste of everyone's time. Is there anything good to be said about it?

It depends how it's done - when Germany had conscription in the 1989-2011 period, it was an absolute waste of time. The conscripts did tickbox training, then spent most of the rest of the time sitting around being bored. Some were used in office and transport roles, but mostly it was lacklustre training, then going to units with no training budget and no exercises. Literally sweeping the tank park 5 days a week.

Norway doesn't do mass military conscription, it takes a small number - the highest academic and 'potential' achievers, and uses them in serious roles. Because of that the military service period is recognised by employers as being both an indication of a high quality applicant, and that the training/work itself has added to that - so it's a huge advantage in the job market, and so it's competitive to get picked for the military service element.

In Finland it's a very serious military training regimen - their conscripts are very rarely bored and are trained to a very high standard. Finland has societal cohesion stats that are enviable...

In Estonia they follow something similar to the Finnish line, but they are also particularly keen on getting conscripts who have technical/cyber skills into their cyber/intelligence/technical units where they are both trained and productive, and they maintain a connection to those units and return regularly after they leave conscript service and become reservists.

If it's a re-run of the 1950's then it's not worth doing - for anyone's sake - but that's not the only model.
Whatever the one weekend in four thing is, it would be just another fucking thing for kids to fit shifts, college or university around. They haven't got a clue about working class lives.

Though, as mentioned above, this isn't an actual policy so much as a time machine back to the 50s.
There's an underlying assumption in nonsense like this that most 18 year old are living the life of Riley with housing benefit and the dole or the choice of well paid jobs. Or, that plenty of older voters think that nonsense.
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