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Junior doctors taking the piss...26.2% might just be a bargaining point but its not going to take the public with them.
I fear it will reduce sympathy for the more realistic hopes of the Nurses who's pay requests are far more justified.
No surprise to me that the greedy middle class millenials making up the bulk of this cadre obviously aren't that caring about much else but themselves.
Junior doctors taking the piss...26.2% might just be a bargaining point but its not going to take the public with them.
I fear it will reduce sympathy for the more realistic hopes of the Nurses who's pay requests are far more justified.
No surprise to me that the greedy middle class millenials making up the bulk of this cadre obviously aren't that caring about much else but themselves.
Anyone who's been in A & E in Englsnd in the last couple of years will have some sympathy with them
UCU have announced breakthroughs in negotiations. Strike will continue tomorrow and Friday while they consult with member. But rather send an executive summary of the main points there's a long podcast and 19 page transcript. From a quick skim there does seem some genuine movement on pensions, but most of it reliant on future talks, vague assurances on pay gaps and zero hour contracts (most temporary staff are on other forms of precarious contract), but absolutely no change in pay offer. In the words of the General Secretary, who two weeks ago assured us there was progress on all fronts:

"Yep, pay as a headline figure, hasn’t budged. There is no talking around that. And
if that is your primary concern in this dispute, then you’re probably not happy. But I
do also think the majority of UCU members will see this as a rounded agreement with
gains in several areas. Bank and build."

Real terms pay cuts for all, slightly less severe for those on the lowest spines. At least Jo Grady got one thing right (at last), I am not happy....
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Meanwhile, UNISON just announced we'll be balloting for strike action over the 23/24 pay offer that UCU might be accepting...?

Lot of confusion and concern in both UNISON and UCU chats this evening!

Also a lot of speculation/insinuation that there's cracks between UCU and UNISON nationally, along with very clear cracks internally within UCU. All of which, of course, just helps the employers.
UCU have announced breakthroughs in negotiations. Strike will continue tomorrow and Friday while they consult with member. But rather send an executive summary of the main points there's a long podcast and 19 page transcript. From a quick skim there does seem some genuine movement on pensions, but most of it reliant on future talks, vague assurances on pay gaps and zero hour contracts (most temporary staff are on other forms of precarious contract), but absolutely no change in pay offer. In the words of the General Secretary, who two weeks ago assured us there was progress on all fronts:

"Yep, pay as a headline figure, hasn’t budged. There is no talking around that. And
if that is your primary concern in this dispute, then you’re probably not happy. But I
do also think the majority of UCU members will see this as a rounded agreement with
gains in several areas. Bank and build."

Real terms pay cuts for all, slightly less severe for those on the lowest spines. At least Jo Grady got one thing right (at last), I am not happy....
same and trying to pause strike again - although at least this time having an eballot - 19 pages of unclear offers - post 1992 HEI's have no stake in the pension dispute and it's unclear what real protection there is against zero hours contracts -no real progress to be talking of pausing strike
same and trying to pause strike again - although at least this time having an eballot - 19 pages of unclear offers - post 1992 HEI's have no stake in the pension dispute and it's unclear what real protection there is against zero hours contracts -no real progress to be talking of pausing strike
just in the UCU solidarity meeting to try to decipher it with others
Visit from Middle Q tonight, she tells us she has been strolling past the Junior Doctors picket on her way into work these past three days. They've picked lousy weather for it with a choice of cold and wet, cold and windy or cold, windy and wet.
She reckons that while there has been a good turnout from the Drs themselves there doesn't seem to be the same degree of public support for the Drs that there was for the Nurses. When she was on the picket lines there were loads more people there. Obviously there are a lot more nurses than doctors anyway but a lot of the general public turned up to show solidarity with the nurses (including her own sister who was admittedly drafted in by their mother). She's recognised all the faces on the junior doctors picket line even if she doesnt' know names.
Apparently the official picket were designated from the general stander arounders by wearing orange dayglow vests and orange woolly hats with BMA on them, the hats are now the most sought after fashion accessory in the hospital.
Junior doctors taking the piss...26.2% might just be a bargaining point but its not going to take the public with them.
I fear it will reduce sympathy for the more realistic hopes of the Nurses who's pay requests are far more justified.
No surprise to me that the greedy middle class millenials making up the bulk of this cadre obviously aren't that caring about much else but themselves.

A starting salary of £14 an hour for a tough job, years of study and debt, shift work and usually after having to relocate to another city is clearly not on. All they’re asking for is pay restoration.
UCU have announced breakthroughs in negotiations. Strike will continue tomorrow and Friday while they consult with member. But rather send an executive summary of the main points there's a long podcast and 19 page transcript. From a quick skim there does seem some genuine movement on pensions, but most of it reliant on future talks, vague assurances on pay gaps and zero hour contracts (most temporary staff are on other forms of precarious contract), but absolutely no change in pay offer. In the words of the General Secretary, who two weeks ago assured us there was progress on all fronts:

"Yep, pay as a headline figure, hasn’t budged. There is no talking around that. And
if that is your primary concern in this dispute, then you’re probably not happy. But I
do also think the majority of UCU members will see this as a rounded agreement with
gains in several areas. Bank and build."

Real terms pay cuts for all, slightly less severe for those on the lowest spines. At least Jo Grady got one thing right (at last), I am not happy....

What a shambles. Hard to know if the union are dismal communicators on purpose or by accident. The composite consultation question is weird (or intentionally designed to secure a ‘yes’ vote). What about those of us who support a vote on the proposal but not a pause on industrial action?
A starting salary of £14 an hour for a tough job, years of study and debt, shift work and usually after having to relocate to another city is clearly not on. All they’re asking for is pay restoration.
Really, so how is the 5% the nurses to be seen? Nurse starting pay £9.49 and nothing even approaching the increases in that rate a Doctor will see despite in my experience of the NHS working harder.
Trainee Doctors know well that they are onto a good rate a pay if they stick how about a grand for a single night out of hours work and fuck knows what for private consultancy.
My heart bleeds
Really, so how is the 5% the nurses to be seen? Nurse starting pay £9.49 and nothing even approaching the increases in that rate a Doctor will see despite in my experience of the NHS working harder.
Trainee Doctors know well that they are onto a good rate a pay if they stick how about a grand for a single night out of hours work and fuck knows what for private consultancy.
My heart bleeds

Dude, you couldn't pay me enough to deal with all the blood, gore, tragedy, nightshifts, recollections and endless fucking exams that doctors go through.
Really, so how is the 5% the nurses to be seen? Nurse starting pay £9.49 and nothing even approaching the increases in that rate a Doctor will see despite in my experience of the NHS working harder.
Trainee Doctors know well that they are onto a good rate a pay if they stick how about a grand for a single night out of hours work and fuck knows what for private consultancy.
My heart bleeds
Google junior doctors pay and debt or do a search on twitter. The evidence is overwhelming that they are being treated like shit. You know absolutely nothing of which you speak.

A sample from twitter:

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Next year is the last year before the election I can see workers perceived as 'popular' being offered bigger rises than those not seen as such. I would personally hand out 50% rises to librarians and nurses alike but alas am not the person making such decisions.
So RCN are trying to get us excited about a 5% offer. FFS! We have been here so many times in the past few years. Now more then ever we need a serious offer!
What would you prepared to settle for? Middle Q told us last night she wants the full 19% and won't vote for anything else though she reckons they will end up settling for less.
Next year is the last year before the election I can see workers perceived as 'popular' being offered bigger rises than those not seen as such. I would personally hand out 50% rises to librarians and nurses alike but alas am not the person making such decisions.

What would you prepared to settle for? Middle Q told us last night she wants the full 19% and won't vote for anything else though she reckons they will end up settling for less.
Well they can only get involved in the pay disputes of public sector workers. Other than that they can cut limitations on bankers’ bonuses and cut taxes.
What would you prepared to settle for? Middle Q told us last night she wants the full 19% and won't vote for anything else though she reckons they will end up settling for less.
Others'll know far more than me, and would obviously be very happy to be proven wrong, but I'd probably agree that I expect most will settle for less.

I'm just not sure the UK trade union movement or the UK culture at large is currently where we'd need it to be to achieve increases like that across significantly large workforces.

I mean, see UCU eating itself from within right now! UNISON (in HE) have galvanised a bit, but we're still far from where we need to be.

There have been double-digit increases locally, but I suspect that may be in part because those particular wages were so godawful low to begin with.

Locally, we're still trying to sew the basics of solidarity, class consciousness, what it takes to win, what is a win, etc*.

We may have to stomach less than we're worth for a little while longer yet, I Fear.

As I say, though, would be very happy to be proven wrong.

*and again, I include myself in that, too. I'm nowhere near the 'finished article'.
Bwa-ha! Timing, fuck's sake..!

A 5% pay rise from April has been offered to NHS staff in England, including nurses and ambulance workers.

In addition, staff have been offered a one-off payment of at least £1,655 to top up the past year's pay award.

Unions are recommending members back the deal after nearly two weeks of talks with ministers, raising hopes the bitter dispute may be coming to an end.

The offer covers all NHS staff except doctors, who are on a different contract.
Do you/anyone know the value of the one off additional payment that's been put on the table for this year?

Yeah, getting emails about it all and Whatsapp groups lit up with rage now. Maths is not my strong point but will try to post a summary asap.

Looks like RCN and GMB are recommending accepting it, Unite not but will put to members.
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