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Streatham MP Bell Ribeiro-Addy - news and discussion

She says the right things but also she needs credit for the amount of work she puts in compared to her predecessor. During lockdown we had problems at the Windmill and a member of her team got straight in touch with us and were well versed on the issues as Bell had already signed an EDM on cultural sector funding.
She was on the Owen Jones YouTube channel today with another Socialist Campaign Group MP discussing Starmer and his proposed rule changes to elect leader.

Good to see her still persevering. I'm wondering how she will cope now the Right are back in charge.

After seeing how they have operated in Lambeth for years nothing that is now happening on national party level surprises me.

She is in the first thirty minutes.
I think she'll be good as a constituency MP, if just because she used to be a MP's chief of staff/support worker. So she came to the role knowing what was expected and seems to have hit the ground running. I've had to deal with her once or twice and it has always been straight forward.

Whether she can climb the greasy pole is less clear - but she's still super new so she's got time.
I think she'll be good as a constituency MP, if just because she used to be a MP's chief of staff/support worker. So she came to the role knowing what was expected and seems to have hit the ground running. I've had to deal with her once or twice and it has always been straight forward.

Whether she can climb the greasy pole is less clear - but she's still super new so she's got time.

She was appointed Shadow minister for immigration. Was replaced when Starmer became leader. Not that she did anything wrong.

Now the party is back under control of the hard right Blairites again I doubt a member of the Socialist Campaign Group is going to be allowed anyway near the greasy pole.
She says the right things but also she needs credit for the amount of work she puts in compared to her predecessor. During lockdown we had problems at the Windmill and a member of her team got straight in touch with us and were well versed on the issues as Bell had already signed an EDM on cultural sector funding.
A month after she became MP for Streatham, she contacted Save Cressingham Gardens, said Lambeth Cllrs had told her their side, "and now I'd like to hear the truth" :D We went to see her at Portcullis House, where she gave us 2 hours of her time while we explained stuff to her, & gave her copies of relevant paperwork. She then took us to a reception Diane Abbott was hosting for new London CLP officers. I got offered a glass of Guinness Punch, but turned it down as I'm diabetic. This led to a convo with Diane about what a pain in the arse diabetes is! :)
I think she'll be good as a constituency MP, if just because she used to be a MP's chief of staff/support worker. So she came to the role knowing what was expected and seems to have hit the ground running. I've had to deal with her once or twice and it has always been straight forward.

Whether she can climb the greasy pole is less clear - but she's still super new so she's got time.
She was Diane Abbott's office manager, & a very good one, apparently.
She appears to work about 100 times more than any other local MP

And therefore 1000 times more than Chuka.

To be fair to Umunna, he hasn't been anyone's MP for the last three years. Went straight into some banking job IIRC, in possibly the least surprising move since the pope shat in the woods.
To be fair to Umunna, he hasn't been anyone's MP for the last three years. Went straight into some banking job IIRC, in possibly the least surprising move since the pope shat in the woods.
I was obviously talking about his appalling job as a constituency MP not a banker.
As she is in the Socialist Campaign Group there is nil chance of her getting any promotion. She is capable but will remain as back bench MP.

I doubt in the present climate she would have got to be an MP in Lambeth. I've heard the local party membership has seen loads of people leaving. Posts in local party have reverted to the right again.

She owes her place as MP to the short period when Corbyn was in charge and membership increased dramatically.

She definitely is not the MP the Lambeth Labour group wanted.

So far she has tread lightly and hasn't criticised Lambeth council publicly. Unlike Kate Hoey. Who despite her later Brexit opinions was a well deserved thorn in Nu Labour Lambeth's side

As she isn't ever going to get promotion with Starmer in charge Id like her to be more vocal on how Lambeth goes on.

See she is doing her bit for refugees. Notice its Green MP and the left of Labour party that are supporting her.
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