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Chris Kaba, 24, shot dead by police in Streatham, Mon 5th Sept 2022

I'm very suspicious of anyone who wants less public outrage about this killing. We need much more. The same goes for the death of Deji Omishore. A riot outside Brixton police station would have been justified. The 1981 riot/uprising did a lot of good. The Rec was built, laws and procedures were overhauled and police/community consultation was increased. The difficulty with riots is that they degenerate into looting of shops and damage to the homes and businesses of innocent people.
Sorry - the rec was actually moth-balled in course of a 10 year strike at the time of the riot.

Historic England give the Brixton Recreation Centre Grade II listed status

About the Rec​

The Brixton Recreation Centre was designed in 1970 by a team led by George Finch – the son of a milkman – and was constructed between 1974-1985.
(Brixton Buzz.)
God knows where you get the history of the industrial disputes and the temporary "capping out"
Years of reading old South London Presses in the Minet Library perhaps?
Your opposition to Stormzy makes absolutely zero sense. If anything we need more publicity for the issue, more public figures using their platform to pressure the Met to hurry up the investigation. We need headlines every week until we get answers. Let's have musicians, footballers, even Instagrammers speaking out. Anyone who can get press attention should pitch in.
You're right that the investigation should be done as quickly a possible (without jeopardising quality, of course). But it's not the MPS doing it; it's the IOPC (they estimated six to nine months).
Sorry - the rec was actually moth-balled in course of a 10 year strike at the time of the riot.

Historic England give the Brixton Recreation Centre Grade II listed status

About the Rec​

The Brixton Recreation Centre was designed in 1970 by a team led by George Finch – the son of a milkman – and was constructed between 1974-1985.
(Brixton Buzz.)
God knows where you get the history of the industrial disputes and the temporary "capping out"
Years of reading old South London Presses in the Minet Library perhaps?
Thanks. So the Rec being a 'reward' for the riot is just an urban myth. Blimey. I've heard it repeated by so many people over the years.
I'm very suspicious of anyone who wants less public outrage about this killing. We need much more. The same goes for the death of Deji Omishore. A riot outside Brixton police station would have been justified. The 1981 riot/uprising did a lot of good. The Rec was built, laws and procedures were overhauled and police/community consultation was increased. The difficulty with riots is that they degenerate into looting of shops and damage to the homes and businesses of innocent people.


On the history. 81 riot/uprising was sparked off by over zealous policing - Operation Swamp.

The more relevant one would be the 85 riot / uprising. Where a mother was shot in her own home when the police were searching for her son. Her son was no saint but the issue was the police shooting and almost killing someone. In her case she was disabled for life. Took police decades to publicly apologise.

I remember both.

Thanks. So the Rec being a 'reward' for the riot is just an urban myth. Blimey. I've heard it repeated by so many people over the years.
It would be more accurate to say it was a beneficiary of the abolition of the GLC. When the Rec opened it was for a couple of years referred to as the GLC Brixton Recreation Centre. It just so happened that Lambeth didn't have the money to finish off the building but the GLC had reserves to spend at that time as it was being abolished and wound up by Mrs Thatcher's government. I guess we are all thankful that Red Ken & co chose to fund the completion of the Rec.

This might possibly have been a reward for Lambeth nurturing the political careers of Red Ken and Tony Banks and their camaraderie with Ted Knight and his administration? Who can say?
The army coppers used to do similar in clubs in garrison towns, trying to weed out those they thought "unfit" to serve. Coppers are the same the world over - always going for the easy case, never the hard cases (in either meaning of the term).
BTW knowing you are I do and comparing your demeanour to my own "Gentle Jesus meak and mild" approach to life, I suspect you might have ended up with longer than the two hours I spent in Lavender Hill Police Station.

I was only questioned about a murder that had taken place the previous night. Truculence can lead to a charge of resisting arrest - more serious, as I'm sure you appreciate. But not as serious as flashing your tool in the pitch dark
Oh, I'm not truculent. Far from it. What I am is well-aware of my rights - generally more aware than members of the constabulary - & a charge of resisting arrest would just be a cherry on top of the cake, once I reached court. Bullying only works if the bully senses fear. I've walked out of a magistrate's court 7 times so far in 35 years, after showing the officer(s) involved to be liars/aspiring fiction authors.
Thanks - i am aware of how media interviews work.
Or out of respect for the Kaba's and the quest to find out the truth to what happened on 5/10, he could just keep quiet and have his Press/PR people veto the question. Especially when I presume he would be aware of the questions beforehand.
He's a local chap. He grew up with some of the same people that Kaba looked up to. This is well-known, which is probably why he was asked about it in the 1st place.
'Hurry up the investigation'

I want it done correctly and above board, not quickly because of celebrity pressure.
Correctly & above board - the IOPC, with its investigative staff mostly ex-police, aren't well-known for doing this sort of thing "correctly & above board". It's why so many of their "independent inquiries" end up going before the courts again.
Thanks. So the Rec being a 'reward' for the riot is just an urban myth. Blimey. I've heard it repeated by so many people over the years.
IIRC, the Rec was originally equipped with a shooting range, which wasn't brought into use when the centre opened in '83 or '84(?). I asked about it a few times and was told that it would open in due course, but it was quietly allowed to become storage.
IIRC, the Rec was originally equipped with a shooting range, which wasn't brought into use when the centre opened in '83 or '84(?). I asked about it a few times and was told that it would open in due course, but it was quietly allowed to become storage.
I had a look at it once. It's in the basement. It had been used a bit - there were holes in the curtain thingy which stops rounds hitting the wall. There was a big armoury with thick doors and bars etc. Apparently the public were consulted about which sports they wanted in the Rec, and shooting was high up their list.
Correctly & above board - the IOPC, with its investigative staff mostly ex-police, aren't well-known for doing this sort of thing "correctly & above board". It's why so many of their "independent inquiries" end up going before the courts again.

IOPC are fucking useless, they are moving away from ex cops to training their own ‘investigators’ They are taking months for simple investigations and years, literally , for anything complex. The only people who hate them more than ACAB types are the old bill.
Not sure where this bit from the above article comes from as not mentioned in the IOPC press release and not sure why they’d state it. Could mean either the police crashed into him to stop or he was driving at the police.

The IOPC said that at this point "the evidence suggests there was contact made between the Audi driven by Mr Kaba and the police vehicles".

IOPC statement here: IOPC makes referral to CPS over fatal shooting of Chris Kaba | Independent Office for Police Conduct
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Not sure where this but from the above article comes from as not mentioned in the IOPC press release and not sure why they’d state it. Could mean either the police crashed into him to stop or he was driving at the police.

IOPC statement here: IOPC makes referral to CPS over fatal shooting of Chris Kaba | Independent Office for Police Conduct

Worth noting that the police were pursuing him, in a car which was both unmarked and with no lights or sirens at night time (9.52pm to be precise) - I'll hazard a guess that if 'contact' was made between the two vehicles, then that would have all been down to the actions of the police.

I hope full criminal charges are brought. I shan't hold my breath.
Worth noting that the police were pursuing him, in a car which was both unmarked and with no lights or sirens at night time (9.52pm to be precise) - I'll hazard a guess that if 'contact' was made between the two vehicles, then that would have all been down to the actions of the police.

I hope full criminal charges are brought. I shan't hold my breath.
That’s how I initial read it but many would read it as him crashing in to the police. Just seems a very weird bit of information to release.
That’s how I initial read it but many would read it as him crashing in to the police. Just seems a very weird bit of information to release.

Even if true, he wouldn't have known they were police as they were completely unmarked with no sirens or lights. If I was being chased by some random fucko in a car I'm pretty sure coming into contact would be considered either a reasonable defensive maneuver or inevitable consequence. And that would all be on the pursuer.
Even if true, he wouldn't have known they were police as they were completely unmarked with no sirens or lights. If I was being chased by some random fucko in a car I'm pretty sure coming into contact would be considered either a reasonable defensive maneuver or inevitable consequence. And that would all be on the pursuer.
Yeah - that’s what I mean. By saying that it just confuses rather than enlightens.

It seems to be from an IOPC statement in October.
Not sure where this bit from the above article comes from as not mentioned in the IOPC press release and not sure why they’d state it. Could mean either the police crashed into him to stop or he was driving at the police.

IOPC statement here: IOPC makes referral to CPS over fatal shooting of Chris Kaba | Independent Office for Police Conduct
It is from the separate IOPC Statement read out at opening of inquest into the death of Chris Kaba

Summary of events

On Monday 5 September 2022, Mr Chris Kaba was driving an Audi motor vehicle in South London. The Audi Mr Kaba was driving was believed to be linked to a firearms incident which took place the previous day and an automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) marker had been placed upon it.

A briefing was provided to officers prior to their shift on 5 September in which the Audi was brought to their attention as being potentially associated with the firearms incident the previous day. Mr Kaba’s name was not included in this briefing.

According to police logs and accounts received to date by officers, the Audi was recognised by officers parked at the side of the A202 in Camberwell Green in an unmarked armed response vehicle (ARV). The officers then started to follow the vehicle and circulated this via police airwaves at around 9.52pm.

Officers continued to follow the Audi until 10.07pm. The officers did not activate their lights or sirens while following the vehicle. The intention was to use an ‘enforced stop extraction’ on the Audi.

At around 10.07pm, Mr Kaba made a left turn from New Park Road onto Kirkstall Gardens. Already present on Kirkstall Gardens was a marked police armed response vehicle. The marked ARV had parked on Kirkstall Gardens with the intention of joining the other police vehicles behind the Audi once it had passed the junction. One of the officers inside the marked ARV was NX121.

Once Mr Kaba made the left turn the decision was taken to perform an ‘inline extraction’. Armed officers exited their vehicles and approached the Audi. The evidence suggests that contact was made between the Audi driven by Mr Kaba and the police vehicles.

The evidence further suggests that officer NX121 was standing to the front of Mr Kaba’s vehicle. A single shot was fired by officer NX121 piercing the front windscreen of the vehicle Mr Kaba was driving and struck him.

Officers at the scene provided first aid to Mr Kaba before he was taken to King’s College Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 12.16am on Tuesday 6 September 2022.
I was just looking at the report of a fatal stabbing today in Stockwell Park Walk reported in the Standard, and this was underneath, from 21st April - though no-one on here seems to have picked up on it.
I was just looking at the report of a fatal stabbing today in Stockwell Park Walk reported in the Standard, and this was underneath, from 21st April - though no-one on here seems to have picked up on it.
The plea hearing was scheduled for today - not sure when we might see any news report on how the defendents are pleading.
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