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Chris Kaba, 24, shot dead by police in Streatham, Mon 5th Sept 2022

On 30 March 2023, the Independent Office for Police Conduct announced that it had concluded its homicide investigation and has passed the file to the Crown Prosecution Service to consider potential criminal charges, after the Late Chris Kaba was fatally shot by a firearms officer from the Metropolitan Police known only as NX121 on 5 September 2022 in Kirkstall Gardens, Streatham Hill. The reaction of Mr Kaba's family does not appear to have been set out in full here, nor does it appear that they participate in this forum.

Therefore, for the sake of completeness, here is their 30 March 2023 statement:

In a joint statement, the family of Chris Kaba said: “Our family, alongside the community who have supported us over the past seven months, have been consistent in our call for accountability.

This step forward is necessary and welcome. We urge the Crown Prosecution Service to do their bit and provide their advice to the IOPC urgently.

We very much hope that the CPS advise in favour of a prosecution and that the truth will emerge, without delay, through criminal proceedings. Our family and community cannot continue waiting for answers.

Chris was so loved by our family and all his friends. He had a bright future ahead of him before his life was cut short. We must see justice for Chris.”
Earlier today, the following statement was issued by the family of the Late Chris Kaba:

In a joint statement, the family of Chris Kaba said: “We demand a charging decision without further delay. Throughout the last year there has been a lack of urgency.

Our family, alongside the community who have supported us over the past year, have been consistent in our call for accountability.

We believe that it was possible within six months of Chris being killed both for the IOPC to complete a well-resourced and effective criminal investigation and for the CPS to provide us with a charging decision.

It is almost unbelievable that a year on we still wait for answers. It is agonising not knowing the CPS decision.

It is unacceptable that we have been failed by the CPS, which has not completed its task urgently or in a timely fashion.

We very much hope that the CPS decide in days (not weeks or months) from now in favour of a prosecution and that the truth will emerge, without further delay, through criminal proceedings.

Our family and community cannot continue waiting for answers.

Chris was so loved by our family and all his friends. He had a bright future ahead of him before his life was cut short. We must see justice for Chris.”
Even if true, he wouldn't have known they were police as they were completely unmarked with no sirens or lights. If I was being chased by some random fucko in a car I'm pretty sure coming into contact would be considered either a reasonable defensive maneuver or inevitable consequence. And that would all be on the pursuer.
If a seemingly ordinary everyday car suddenly blocked me ahead and another blocked me behind...

... I'd probably think I was being jacked and try to smash my way out.

It wasn't a planned stop I hear.
The firearms unit was waiting to join behind the existing tail. Then plan a stop.
Instead the car came down the road they were waiting in so they jumped to stop it there and then. All very sudden. Without warning.

Had they stuck to the original plan the stop might have been calmer, more controlled and less disastrous.
If a seemingly ordinary everyday car suddenly blocked me ahead and another blocked me behind...

... I'd probably think I was being jacked and try to smash my way out.

It wasn't a planned stop I hear.
The firearms unit was waiting to join behind the existing tail. Then plan a stop.
Instead the car came down the road they were waiting in so they jumped to stop it there and then. All very sudden. Without warning.

Had they stuck to the original plan the stop might have been calmer, more controlled and less disastrous.
Yeh it might have been, but history suggests it would have still ended in kaba's death
Remanded in custody and headed to the Old Bailey.

The Metropolitan Police officer accused of the murder of the Late Chris Kaba who is currently known only as NX121, appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court earlier today where a court order was put in place by District Judge Nina Tempia banning the publication of anything that would identify him, including any description. He was remanded in custody.

NX121 later appeared at the Old Bailey, where he was granted bail on the conditions that he lives at a named address, surrenders his passport and does not apply for international travel documents.

The Recorder of London, Mark Lucraft KC, told NX121 said that a plea and trial preparation hearing will be listed for 1 December 2023, with a possible trial date of 9 September 2024, just over two years after the Late Chris Kaba was shot dead.

A hearing will take place at the Old Bailey on 29 September 2023 to discuss the legal order that bans the identification of NX121.
The Metropolitan Police officer accused of the murder of the Late Chris Kaba who is currently known only as NX121, appeared at Westminster Magistrates’ Court earlier today where a court order was put in place by District Judge Nina Tempia banning the publication of anything that would identify him, including any description. He was remanded in custody.

NX121 later appeared at the Old Bailey, where he was granted bail on the conditions that he lives at a named address, surrenders his passport and does not apply for international travel documents.

The Recorder of London, Mark Lucraft KC, told NX121 said that a plea and trial preparation hearing will be listed for 1 December 2023, with a possible trial date of 9 September 2024, just over two years after the Late Chris Kaba was shot dead.

A hearing will take place at the Old Bailey on 29 September 2023 to discuss the legal order that bans the identification of NX121.
I didn’t realise he got remanded and then unremanded at the higher court. How long was he remanded for then? Twenty minutes?
If that was you or I, we would not even remotely get the same treatment.

You would if you were a police officer.

I didn’t realise he got remanded and then unremanded at the higher court. How long was he remanded for then? Twenty minutes?

The Recorder of London, Mark Lucraft KC, also told the serving Metropolitan Police officer currently known only as NX121 that he would allow him (NX121) to go on a pre-booked holiday in the jurisdiction of England and Wales.
Yes, really crap, surely they should face some sanctions. Also shit comments from the commissioner- as always their first priority is to look after their own rather than any self reflection & examination of what went wrong. How Cressida Dick ever became commissioner after the killing of Jean Charles de Menezes and the lies told I’ll never understand!

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Police officers horrified to learn they could be held accountable for killing an innocent.

If I hurt someone by negligence (in work or outside of work) the police get involved and I can do jail time.

Why do they think they should be exempt from the same when they literally carry the power of life and death?
I'm not sure how the officer can be charged with murder. The officer may have been willfully negligent but did he intend to kill? that's what the trial will discover.
It's a shocking case and the police need to be held account but isn't a manslaughter conviction more likely?
I'm not sure how the officer can be charged with murder. The officer may have been willfully negligent but did he intend to kill? that's what the trial will discover.
It's a shocking case and the police need to be held account but isn't a manslaughter conviction more likely?
He was shot in the head. That implies intent to kill, ergo murder.
I'm not sure how the officer can be charged with murder. The officer may have been willfully negligent but did he intend to kill? that's what the trial will discover.
It's a shocking case and the police need to be held account but isn't a manslaughter conviction more likely?
I would have thought manslaughter too. That was based on the story we were told.
Maybe that story was false and the true story is a murder. The court will hear the evidence and decide.
I'm not sure how the officer can be charged with murder. The officer may have been willfully negligent but did he intend to kill? that's what the trial will discover.

I doubt that will be the focus. I suspect the defence won't question the intent to kill (for example by claiming a negligent discharge of the firearm), rather the main question will probably be whether the killing was unlawful:

Subject to three exceptions ([diminished responsibility, loss of control and suicide pacts]) the crime of murder is committed, where a person:
  • Of sound mind and discretion (i.e. sane);
  • unlawfully kills (i.e. not self-defence or other justified killing);
  • any reasonable creature (human being);
  • in being (born alive and breathing through its own lungs - Rance v Mid-Downs Health Authority (1991) 1 All ER 801 and AG Ref No 3 of 1994 (1997) 3 All ER 936;
  • under the King's Peace (not in war-time);
  • with intent to kill or cause grievous bodily harm (GBH).
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