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Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle - BBC2 10pm from 16th March

I've just found some of his back catalogue, i found the "vomitting into jesus's arsehole" bit quite entertaining.

I saw him doing that routine live. Could barely breathe for laughing :D

I think it was a nice big "fuck you" to Christian Voice, who made it economically unviable to put Jerry Springer the Opera on stage.
Sorry, not everyone has been to Oxford, not everyone is as intelligent as him - HP has got a lot of people reading who wouldnt otherwise, and his joke just smacked of snobbishness to me.

I haven't been to Oxford but I also look down on adults reading Harry Potter :D
Lee & Herring used to do a bit called Lazy Comedy Slags (on Fist of Fun I think) that was genuinely very funny, the R4 skit was nowhere near as incisive as that either.

It was TMWRNJ actually; "And then I got off the bus ah...."

This is exactly what I mean about the Rich and Stew interaction; Rich's naive enthusiasm coupled with Stew's arch cynicism.
I wasted 30 minutes of my life watching this on iPlayer last night. Now I know why he hasn't been on the telly for 10 years.
I thought he was taking the piss out of himself during the rap singers bit - wittering on repetitiously like the old and out of touch often do when confronted with something they don't understand. I assume the connection between "rap singers" like So Solid and kids hanging about shopping centres is that they dress the same and have the same arsey attitude.

I didn't think it was hilarious but it did make some kind of sense.

+ people blaming that kind of behaviour on the bad influance of rap music...

Saw a bunch hanging arround outside, leaving Tescos to/yesterday, started mentally quoting that sketch :oops::D
Sorry, not everyone has been to Oxford, not everyone is as intelligent as him - HP has got a lot of people reading who wouldnt otherwise, and his joke just smacked of snobbishness to me. Myabe more people should read childrens/fantasy books - if it gets them reading, so be it.

Certain critics have always looked down on adults who read books for pleasure, it's hardly a new thing. Stephen King had it much worse when his success was at its height.
Apparently his one appearance on a TV panel show was described as 'never to be repeated' and another word like disastrous or something similar.

Anyone see that? It was 8 out of 10 cats, which I think I've only seen once or twice anyway.
They should drop the sketches. Although the last one with the little kid in the SUV at the lights was pretty good.

The skateboarder joke works purely because of the delivery. I saw him do that material live and nearly laughed up a lung - it creates this really tense atmosphere. It's weirdly hysterical and you end up not caring what he's saying because it doesn't make sense anymore. The relentlessness makes it ridiculous.

He's interested in these "tipping points" where something becomes inherently funny. That's what he was doing with the giraffe at Offline and I think that's what he's doing with these repetition gags.

It was a good programme but his material works much better live...
We need a few elitists having a kick at the bland cultural relitivism that is the norm currently. The only bit that I found slightly dull was the rapper bit - not because it wasnt funny more because it was almost a carbon copy of my Dads analysis of the world of rap and it sounded familiar. My Dad also does a hilarious routine (unbeknown to him, he thinks it is just wise words) on homosexuals on Hampstead Heath stopping him from going out in the evening to hear the birds singing at dusk. As my Mum always points out a) he has never been to Hampstead heath in his life b) He lives about 900 miles away from Hamstead Heath c) he has no interest in birds singing at dusk and d) they would not be interested in a grumpy old sod in a dodgy duffle coat.
We need a few elitists having a kick at the bland cultural relitivism that is the norm currently. The only bit that I found slightly dull was the rapper bit - not because it wasnt funny more because it was almost a carbon copy of my Dads analysis of the world of rap and it sounded familiar. My Dad also does a hilarious routine (unbeknown to him, he thinks it is just wise words) on homosexuals on Hampstead Heath stopping him from going out in the evening to hear the birds singing at dusk. As my Mum always points out a) he has never been to Hampstead heath in his life b) He lives about 900 miles away from Hamstead Heath c) he has no interest in birds singing at dusk and d) they would not be interested in a grumpy old sod in a dodgy duffle coat.

Your Dad's Hampstead Heath routine sounds a thousand times funnier than Stewart Lee's rappers thing.
My Dad also does a hilarious routine (unbeknown to him, he thinks it is just wise words) on homosexuals on Hampstead Heath stopping him from going out in the evening to hear the birds singing at dusk. As my Mum always points out a) he has never been to Hampstead heath in his life b) He lives about 900 miles away from Hamstead Heath c) he has no interest in birds singing at dusk and d) they would not be interested in a grumpy old sod in a dodgy duffle coat.

Lol at that, get him on stage, though the DM lot may take him to their heart

do post this on general, its a cracker!:D
Apparently his one appearance on a TV panel show was described as 'never to be repeated' and another word like disastrous or something similar.

Anyone see that? It was 8 out of 10 cats, which I think I've only seen once or twice anyway.

Yes I saw it. It was excruciating.
Apparently his one appearance on a TV panel show was described as 'never to be repeated' and another word like disastrous or something similar.

Anyone see that? It was 8 out of 10 cats, which I think I've only seen once or twice anyway.

Firstly, he's been on a whole bunch of panel shows (HIGNFY, NMtB etc).

Secondly, I've just looked it up on the tube and I wouldn't call it "disastrous", just a funny gadgie making the occasional remark on a pretty shitty show with other contributers who ranged from mediocre to unfunny. Basically exactly what you'd expect Stewart Lee appearing on 8 out 10 cats to be like. It's really not worth watching but if you feel so inclined here's the link:

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