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Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle - BBC2 10pm from 16th March

It gave me a few laughs but it wasn't anything spectacular. He picks his targets well (Jeremy Clarkson, Chris Moyles etc) then ruins it by coming across as fairly irritating himself at times.

Worth seeing some more, though, I'd imagine. I bet there's good stuff to come.
I'm undecided as to whether the 'get out of my garden' line would be more or less funny coming from a man dressed as a goat.

Nothing wrong with a bit of goat(s)e(x).

I just don't find him that funny. I mean, he's ok (not annoying, to me). But 5 minutes (1/6 of the show) droning on about rappers and where you would see them (in places where you wouldn't see them) just so that he could make the joke "this books probably not aimed at me" or something - that was more than a bit self indulgent.

Other bits were better, though.

Yeah, I know what you mean. Personally I find him very funny and enjoyed the rappers thing although I don't think it's as good as similar things he's done - the Ang Lee thing being a case in point. I don't think he was being self-indulgent though, it seemed to me to be a less-good version of the delivery he's capable of.

Having said that, to viewers who haven't been following him for years I can see how it could have looked shite.
It gave me a few laughs but it wasn't anything spectacular. He picks his targets well (Jeremy Clarkson, Chris Moyles etc) then ruins it by coming across as fairly irritating himself at times.

Worth seeing some more, though, I'd imagine. I bet there's good stuff to come.

Pretty much exactly this. Though I thought of it first, I just couldn't get to a computer in time to post it.
Just watched it, tis funny stuff indeed and good to have him back on the tellybox with his own show.

'The rappers, you've seen them on the handrails...' :D
Vey smug, too many obvious targets (Harry Potter and adults who read them, Chris Moyles, Jeremy Clarkson, etc) and not really that funny. If you're going to rip the piss out of another comedian (i.e. Andy Parsons and others) it becomes a bit cringeworthy if you're not actually being that funny (though to be fair Andy Parsons voice annoys me too).

Verdict: rubbish

And Lionel Nimrod, Lee & Herring, TMWRNJ are 3 of my favourite comedy shows. He lacked that self depreciating side he used to have and he was always at his best with Herring who is his perfect foil
I did enjoy this, loving Stew's ever growing cynicism to everything, and The Actor Kevin Eldon always improves things. I'd still like to see him back with Richard Herring though. The juxtaposition of their characters worked superbly.
from what i've seen of him he seems a little bit in front of things. His humour takes a bit to get used to because its very new. One day it'll be ban on target and then he'll be huge.

:( and then two years after that he wont be funny anymore.
I did enjoy this, loving Stew's ever growing cynicism to everything, and The Actor Kevin Eldon always improves things. I'd still like to see him back with Richard Herring though. The juxtaposition of their characters worked superbly.

mate said the same thing. 'I jut wanted Curious Orange to appear'
from what i've seen of him he seems a little bit in front of things. His humour takes a bit to get used to because its very new. One day it'll be ban on target and then he'll be huge.

:( and then two years after that he wont be funny anymore.

He's been a pretty famous comedian for almost 20 years now! He was one of the writers for On the Hour which launched Chris Morris's, Steve Coogan's and Armando Ianucci's careers among others.
from what i've seen of him he seems a little bit in front of things. His humour takes a bit to get used to because its very new. One day it'll be ban on target and then he'll be huge.

:( and then two years after that he wont be funny anymore.

I don't think he'll be as big as he was in the past. Reactions on this thread suggest some people who like his old stuff are a bit let down and there's a significant number who don't get it.

Was talking to my son about the rap singers bit tonight and he said the same as others, that it was dead funny but wasn't sure why. I reckon loads of people would have watched and just not got it.

Add to it that you can't go in work and repeat it means hopefully he'll stay relatively unknown and tickets will still be easy to get for his shows.
You could easily deconstruct why the 'rap singers' gag was so funny but that kind of analysis is rather dull.

I think it requires a greater deal of mental engagement than a lot of stand up, which is generally more Pavlovian (when done right, at least).
I thought the rap singers gag was naff. Sounded like a half-assed attempt at Eddie Izzard-like chain of conciousness surreal humour to me.

He's got a big reputation nowdays with all the stuff he's done, people wanted him to be funny,so they made the effort to find him funny when in IMO he wasn't that good. He was certainly trying to be cutting edge, but IMO failed to stick to the ulitmate rule of being funny.

I'd say to people who've heard about Stewart Lee and want to check him out: Lionel Nimrod's Inexplicable World is currently on BBC Radio 7 and so there's an episode on BBC iplayer, listen to that.
I thought the rap singers gag was naff. Sounded like a half-assed attempt at Eddie Izzard-like chain of conciousness surreal humour to me.

I know Stewart Lee's a fan of Harry Hill - I thought I detected a bit of his influence on the rap singers bit.

Always good to see Simon Munnery on telly, too :cool:
That wasn't what it was at all. It wasn't particularly surreal.

It was trying to be surreal, there's no logical connect between rap singers and sliding along banisters at shopping centres.

There was wit in parts, I liked the skit about someone being burnt at the stake for copying the Gospel according to Chris Moyles into English.

The bit about R4 comedians had the potential to be funny, but I couldn't laugh because in the same show Lee was being lazy and not very funny just like the comedians he derrided. It seems especially hypocrtical when to me he was obviously doing Andy Parsons's voice (not that a particualry like Andy Parsons, but if your going to attack another comedian in your show you better make damn sure that your own house is in order first). Lee & Herring used to do a bit called Lazy Comedy Slags (on Fist of Fun I think) that was genuinely very funny, the R4 skit was nowhere near as incisive as that either.
It was trying to be surreal, there's no logical connect between rap singers and sliding along banisters at shopping centres.

I thought he was taking the piss out of himself during the rap singers bit - wittering on repetitiously like the old and out of touch often do when confronted with something they don't understand. I assume the connection between "rap singers" like So Solid and kids hanging about shopping centres is that they dress the same and have the same arsey attitude.

I didn't think it was hilarious but it did make some kind of sense.
I thought he was taking the piss out of himself during the rap singers bit - wittering on repetitiously like the old and out of touch often do when confronted with something they don't understand. I assume the connection between "rap singers" like So Solid and kids hanging about shopping centres is that they dress the same and have the same arsey attitude.

I didn't think it was hilarious but it did make some kind of sense.

Mixing up rappers with skateboarders. Yep, he was definitely poking fun at himself for getting older and being out of touch wit da yoot. Mildly amusing.
It was trying to be surreal, there's no logical connect between rap singers and sliding along banisters at shopping centres.

There was wit in parts, I liked the skit about someone being burnt at the stake for copying the Gospel according to Chris Moyles into English.

The bit about R4 comedians had the potential to be funny, but I couldn't laugh because in the same show Lee was being lazy and not very funny just like the comedians he derrided. It seems especially hypocrtical when to me he was obviously doing Andy Parsons's voice (not that a particualry like Andy Parsons, but if your going to attack another comedian in your show you better make damn sure that your own house is in order first). Lee & Herring used to do a bit called Lazy Comedy Slags (on Fist of Fun I think) that was genuinely very funny, the R4 skit was nowhere near as incisive as that either.

I think some of the surreal bit were quotes from Asher D's no doubt superb book and he was pretending he didn't get it and being an old git.

I thought he was brilliant, really refreshing to have him on the tv. Witty, intellectual, funny and thought provoking. He's like Bill Hicks in that he's not always going for the obvious laughs. Anyone who takes the piss out of that absolute cock that is Asher D and that unfunny BBC employee Andy Parson's is alright by me.

(btw: Asher D being a cock and getting owned at a rap battle:
It was trying to be surreal, there's no logical connect between rap singers and sliding along banisters at shopping centres.

I thought it was leading up to the point about how in the "old days" it was all NWA, PE etc and was much more political, whereas now it's gone all town centrey and posturey, without a deeper content. Dunno... who knows...
I thought the rap singers gag was naff. Sounded like a half-assed attempt at Eddie Izzard-like chain of conciousness surreal humour to me.

Yeah this bit was uncomfortable - it just didnt make any sense - rappers on railings in shopping centres? He then went on to say he was dissing Asher d, but the nly bit hepicked out from the book was that Asher said he went to prison and hoped that as a result other people wouldn't - fair enough. Asher got the shit kicked out of him in prison an had to be kept on his own - an important lesson for his fans (though not sure if he put it in his biog )

i enjoyed it on the whole, but there were some really soft targets, and he does have a snotty and snobby attitude (ive read the entire works of william blake so everyone else can fuck off was his point at one stage) - i bet he went to Oxbridge.

EDIT: he went to St Edmund Hall, Oxford and wrote for the Oxford REvue
i enjoyed it on the whole, but there were some really soft targets, and he does have a snotty and snobby attitude (ive read the entire works of william blake so everyone else can fuck off was his point at one stage) - i bet he went to Oxbridge.
I don't think you got the level of irony he was operating at. (It was Level 3a btw, they usually print it in the Radio Times.)
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